Summary: We need to let the light of Christ shine forth from our cracked pots of clay

Jars of Clay

2 Corinthians 4


All believers in Jesus need to praise the Lord

We know the joy and the light

We know that we are saved

We know that our sins are forgiven

We know we must share the good news

Straight not diluted, not twisted, just as it is

No Jesus, No heaven

No Jesus, No God

That straight, keeping the whole truth on display for all to see


Don’t you ever wonder why the whole world does not believe in Jesus Christ?

After all its all there in the bible clearly stated, its been 2,000+ years to spread the good news, are the evangelists slacking?

His name is used often enough on a daily basis by the majority of the western world – unfortunately as a profanity usually in vain

Yet the world knows his name, but how many believe, how many want to believe, how many feel that they need to believe?

After all why should they, most have what they want and do what they want to do, when they want to do it so why do they need this Jesus, why?

He’s dead after all isn’t he, so why is he important?

Were do we start in this modern world?

Were is the church is it lost in religion is it to inward looking, is it relevant at all in today’s secular world?

Why do we need this Jesus?

What do you mean I’m a sinner?

What do you mean repentance

What do you mean holiness?

Look its not nice to say I’m going to Hell, why don’t you, just leave me alone and get back to your Holy club!

Sound familiar?

As it states in the text “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers”

We live in terrible times, times when the rulers of this earth have blinded the people to the truth of God and his Son Jesus

To See the Light!

How then do those so blinded by the one referred to as the God of this age, who is Satan, how do they ever get to see the light?

How do we take it to them, how do we take forth the light that the true God of all ages, who is the almighty the great I am has brought forth in the hearts of those how believe

How do the yet to be Christians get to see the glorious light of the gospel of Christ

How will the darkness be pierced and the spiritual blindness healed

Do they want to see the light?

Do those who are so spiritually blinded want to see the light

I believe they most definitely do

There is a hunger for more than this world and age has to offer

This is manifest in the new age religions, the gyms, the diets, the cults of looking good and I’m better than you, the desire for material things all speak of a need for more and unhappiness with ones lot

Consider the undercurrent of pain in the modern society, the hurt of broken relationships, failure of marriages, sexual permissiveness, abuse, murders, wars, hates and on it goes, this can’t be the meaning of life can it, billions want to know – what is the point of it all – what is the meaning of life or more importantly – what is the meaning of death?

After all it’s a fair question, it’s the one thing we are all certain to experience isn’t it, so whats wrong with asking what happens when you die?

The end, ceasing to be that death, ask and you most likely will not be in conversation long!

It’s one of those areas we just don’t like to go isn’t, people want there cake and eat it, want to do as they want, not as God wants, don’t want to hear

Maybe to be fair lets ask the believers, what happens when you die? do you think all would stick there hands up and say “I’m off the Heaven!”

Do you feel at all guilty if your one of those who did stick your hand up, did any pictures of loved ones, friends or others your know are not saved flash into your mind?

I don’t want to start a guilt trip here, at this point we trust in God we lift them in prayer, that’s the start

We must tell them of Jesus of God’s Love

Tell them of a loving Father not a tyrant out to catch them in there sin and cast them out, no willing to die for them to bring them in

“Secret and Shameful Ways”

None of us are sin free creatures, we all need Gods grace, we come if you like as damaged goods

I am

If that offends you then look into your heart, we all need grace

Nothing we do, think or act is hidden from God, he sees all and knows all

I’ve said it already but I’ll say it again: God loves us, loves us is spite of us, he can see the good, he wants to save, he sent his son Jesus Christ to do that

Look at who Jesus chose to spend time with during his time here on earth, who would you find sitting around his dinner table?

Most likely sinners, the outcasts, the unclean and the sick in body in both spirit and deed

Remember the foundation of Gods creation is love, as he created the universe and all in it it was done for love, love of the things he created, love of you and me

God loves you as you are, not as you think you should be, as you ARE, ask him and see

We are jars of clay and we are his treasure!

We need to seek time with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), set apart for divine exchange, set apart to be Holy as he is Holy

God wants relationship, not distant servants, wants to polish that treasure inside you not let it rust and tarnish in a Luke warm faith

Let the fire of his Love do that in you as he refines our Holiness

Take Heart!

Its not just up to you, God and the Holy Spirit are working, that is the power that saves and brings the light of Jesus into the darkness

That’s Ok then we just sit back and let God be God then

No that’s not what its about, all believers are call to be a “Royal Priesthood”, this means we are all called to preach and share the gospel, yep its not just the fools up front who get all the fun!

Buts its not my gifting I hear your cry, some might say its not mine either but we’ll discuss that another time

Don’t Panic

So we will not give up, how could we

Even when it looks like things are falling apart on the surface, God is making new life

We don’t earn God’s favour, we live to bring him glory in spite of us

Not a day goes by for any of us were we don’t need his grace and mercy, what sweet grace that is to a sinner like me

As I said before we don’t earn God’s favour, we live to bring him glory in spite of us, he will always Loves us, still would die for us still runs to us as the lost sheep turns for home, that’s grace, that’s LOVE!

We have the gospel of Christ to share to all nations

This does not mean that you’ll find yourself standing in front of millions, it might, but its more likely your neighbour, work colleague, a stranger whom the holy spirit prompts you to speak to

This is not about flashy presentations, great DVD’s and an on song message

This is about obedience to God, taking the lid off the pot of clay and showing another the treasure that shines inside

We do not seal the lid and hide away afraid to share

What No Gospel?

I don’t care what anyone says anyone who has lived on this earth has a story

I don’t care what any believer in Jesus Christ says we all have a testimony, we can all speak of the moment we went from no Jesus to living in and with Jesus, when as the text states “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” don’t we, DON’T WE

That’s your gospel, that’s your story, you can tell of the wondrous moment that the light came on in your heart, the time that you knew it was all true and that Jesus Christ is the Lord, the son of God, that he died for you, shed his blood for you and was raised from the dead for you

Not just for you, but for all that would be saved

For all of the yet to be Christians, those whom God is working to bring the gospel to, he wants to use all of the body of believers there is no out clause we are all in the mix so to speak

We are not given treasure to bury and hide from the world, but treasure in cracked pots of clay, how secure is that! It has to be of God

Were meant if you like to flaunt it, tempt them in so see what we’ve got, hopefully they would want it to, great they can have it that’s why we’ve got it (if your still following me), to give it away

No need to polish, embellish or spin, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will do

We speak of Gods one and only son, We speak of a loving and forgiving God, which for the majority of people comes as at least a two fold shock, what you believe that there is a God! I was happy in the “knowledge” that this is all some chaotic accident, now your telling me its by design! What he’s a loving God as well, if it was up to me I’ll wipe the slate clean and start again – how could he love me? Are you sure he loves me…

Then the killer blow

What God died for me! You’ve got to be joking, that can’t be right people don’t even look at me and your telling me that God died for me, your must be off your head a real crack pot, mate

Indeed we are! Let that treasure of heavenly love shine out

Fear not rejection we do this not for mans honour

We just are called to faithfully share the gospel of Christ and leave the rest to God

Hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted?

Consider the words Hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted, struck down and the phrase “we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus”, what did Paul mean?

Paul was talking of the cost of the gospel, the cost Jesus knew well during his ministry

The hate, the hardship “were does the son of God have to call his home”, the disappointments with his disciples, harassment by opponents, the never ending demanding crowds, the incredulity of his family, the mocking and jeers of his foes, the betrayal, the flight of his friends, the torture, the hours on the cross, the thirst, the ultimate loneness and the end

Paul is acknowledging the wearing effect that the gospel ministry had on Jesus mentally, emotionally and physically

Nor is his a unique experience. Jesus taught his followers that if anyone would come after him, "he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Lk 9:23)

Are we ready in this day and age of comfort, this land of material wealth and things to take up such a cross

Are we ready to take the rejection, the scorn, the loneness and hate as we take up the cross

Its not easy and you are never truly alone, God is with you in Sprit and truth

But we must follow, we must take up his cross and follow him, we must for those yet to be saved, we must because we are commanded

We must because we owe Jesus our all for what he has done for us

So finally……

Do not lose heart

None are perfect we are ALL sinful people in need of grace

Live in the light, live in the Grace that Jesus paid for and have joy in the knowledge that God loves you as you are!


“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

We how believe in Jesus live for him, for God, for eternity, lets bring this treasure to those around us in our cracked pots of clay

Remember cracked pots of clay not fancy vessels of gold, clay and cracked at that!

Give God the praise and live in his love and grace

If you have yet to ask him in to your heart do so today he loves you, wants you and always has and will!

Finally remember the things we see here and now are gone tomorrow, but the things we can’t see last forever and ever
