This is God’s world
1 Sam:5
I. Adam and Eve had a first hand relationship with God
A. God gave them every thing.
B. God Walked with them every day
C, God allowed them freedom from him
1. We see children held to much become very attached
2. We as parents try to watch our children at a distance
II. God requires us to keep His commandments
A. Be Holy for I am Holy
B. Jesus says go and sin no more
C. Just like our parents require us to live by thier rules.
III. Even when we reject Him this world still belongs to Him.
A. When Eli’s sons sinned God removed His Blessings
B. Israel lost the battle and the Ark
C. The Philistines lost their god (bowed down to God)
IV. This is still Gods world
A. This world seems to be in chaos
B. We are really living in a time of prophecy
C. God is 2000 years closer to ending this chaos
V. This is not our home.
A. We are God’s people
B. We are pilgrims heading for Heaven
C. We are ambassadors.
VI. God Fulfils His Kingdom in us