The greatest desire of a Born Again Child of God is and should be to know God and what you have in him, His provisions/gifts and what you have at your excess. How to maximize the utilization of these provision and to activate them.
First and foremost you have been given Eternal Life and shall never perish, no one can take you out of the blood, God has given you to Jesus Christ and he is greater than all. (Jn 10:28,29)
No one can deliver you out of his hands. (Isa 43:13). Gods love shall never leave you nor will his covenant of peace be shaken for he has had mercy on us. (Isa 54:10).
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall nerve perish but have eternal life.(Jn3:16) for it is by grace through Faith that we are saved ,not of our self but a gift from God not works. (Eph2:8,9), you see God gave us Jesus in the Incarnation his birth and he also gave us Jesus in the crucifixion-our birth and these gifts and call of God are irrevocable (Rom 12:29). So he handed him over to us all and he’ll give us everything else along with him. (Rom 8:32.
For we are acquitted through the Death, Burial and Resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ
And he is sitting at the right hand of the father interceding on our behalf as I speak with you today, So nothing in the world can separate us from the love of the father in Christ Jesus Jesus Jesus. (Rom 8:33-39).
Those of you who believe in Jesus Christ shall do the things that he did and even greater things because he goes to the father. (Jn 14:12), Why greater its greater because hes’ gone you believe and his works cont’s on through your belief and that what make it greater For greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. (1 Jn4:4).
It’s like a submarine capsule that sinks to the depths of the ocean the deeper it sinks the greater the oceanic pressure, or a jet plane, space ship columbia the faster it flys the higher it climbs the greater the atmosperic pressure, but you me we us sheep being lead to the slaughter the deeper we sink in the world the higher we try to climb the faster we move about the greater the worldly pressure is trying to infiltrate us, ohhhhh but because of the great one indwelled within we are unpenitratable. Thats some of the gifts from the great provider that we have.
Be ye not deceived!!!!
God shall not be mock, what sow is what you reap, if you sow to the flesh you shall reap corruption from the flesh but if you sow to the Spirit you shall reap Eternal Life from the Spirit of God. (Gal6:7,8). What you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and what you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 18:18)
The Lord is going to separate the sheep from the goat, hes’ going to put the sheep on the right and the goat on the left and he is going to say to the sheep on the right come and be blessed by my father and receive the inheritance that has been prepared for you before the foundations of the world ,and to the goat on the left hesw’ going to say depart from me your worker of iniquity for I know you not.
God shall not aquite the guilty!!!!!! (Ex 34:7)
He’s going to probe your mind and test your heart to reward you inaccordace to merits of your deeds. (Jer 18:10). Jesus will come with his Holy Angels and repay everyone according to there deeds (Matt 25:31).
God will judge peoples hidden works and we must all appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ to receive recompense for deeds done in the body weather good or evil. (2 Cor 5:10) everyone will give an account of himself to the Lord.
The day will disclose our hidden works and it shall be revealed with fire and if the quality of the individuals work withstands the test of fire then that individual will receive a wage and if the quality of the individuals work does not withstand the test of fire then that individual will suffer lost yet he will still be saved but only as through fire, you see fire distroyes and fire purifies (1Cor 3:13-15.
So whatever you do it wholeheartly unto the Lord and you shal receive your inheritance for service that honors God., for wrongdoers will be
Repaid for the wrong that they have done and there is no partiality no not none.
In conclusion the Judgement Seat of chirst is not for the punishment of sin its for the reward of good deeds don in the body quality deeds with a pure motive.
Unbelievers will be judged and condemned for rejecting Chirst, but we are completely Loved forgiven and accepted apart from our performance, but how we live is of the utmost importance utmost.
As Born Again Christians our hearts should be filled with Joy and Gratitude however unless we come to the realization of our sinful nature and Gods’ Loving forgiveness we can never sing Hialeah with real joy.