Summary: My wife and I put together this ceremony for a couple in our church. If you’d like to know more about the music, email me. I’ll give you more information as to where to purchase it.

Wedding Ceremony

12:30 — Entire wedding party dressed and in sanctuary for pictures

2:00 — Wedding party ready for ceremony (time to relax and take care of little details)

2:00-2:30 — Prelude, you can have solos or music played while guests begin to arrive and ushers take them to their seats

2:30 — Seating of Honored Guests

Processions (Play a separate piece for each procession.) Play Prelude in C

1. Seat groom’s grandmothers

2. Seat bride’s grandmothers

3. Seat groom’s parents

4. Seat bride’s mother (at this time the bride’s mother and the groom’s mother light the two candles from the unity candle set)

Wedding Party Processional Play Arabesque

1. Pastor and Groom enter from side

2. Groomsmen and Bridesmaids

3. Maid/Matron of Honor and Best Man

4. Flower Girl and Ring Bearer

Bridal March

1. Bride with Father enters (Bride’s mother stands as signal for all to stand)

Prayer (Invocation)

Our Father in heaven, Creator, Savior, and Designer of marriage, we turn to you this afternoon, asking that you be glorified by what takes place. That this ceremony would honor you, and reflect the seriousness of the vows to be spoken. Might this service be a reminder to us who have spoken similar vows to our spouses in the past. Might it be instructive to those yet considering such a commitment in their future. Might this ceremony be a fitting beginning for Bride and Groom as they commit themselves before this company to pursue a Christ-centered life together. We ask it in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you. You may be seated.

Reading of Scripture Psalm 127 (Couple facing each other on opposite ends of arch, leaving space for the minister to make his remarks.)

Minister’s Initial Remarks We have come together at the invitation of Bride and Groom to celebrate the uniting in Christian love—their lives and hearts. This is possible because of the love God has created in them, through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." This abundant life, for many people, is an impossible dream, yet God wants us all to have this abundant life and proved His love for us by giving His Son that we might have this life.

Another way that God provides for this "full" life is creating those who will love us. Bride and Groom, their hearts and spirit were drawn together before today by the Lord of all creation. Two lives are not united by ceremony, but only in the power, love and grace of God.

Bride and Groom are here to publicly declare that because of Jesus Christ’s love, they too can truly love one another. As God demonstrated His love in Jesus, our Lord Bride and Groom will demonstrate this God given love by giving themselves to one another and one for the other.

They have not reached this place alone, each has been given life by their parents. These who gave to them life, love, provision, are and will be, a vital part in their continued lives. Their love has borne fruit in Bride and Groom. Love and respect for these will continue as they grow in their love made possible by their parents.

Rose Ceremony

The love that you feel for one another is the flowering of a seed your mothers planted in your hearts many years ago. When you were first born, you were a bundle of diapers and tears, and your mothers lost sleep caring for you. Their love for you has brought them great happiness and great challenges, and their love did not diminish as they met these challenges. That is the great lesson you can bring into your marriage. As you embrace one another in your love, so too do you embrace the families which have been brought together on this happy occasion. As a token of your gratitude for your families, I would like to ask you to offer these symbols of eternal love, these roses, to your mothers. (Have the maid of honor hand you the rose bouquets and you hand them to the couple. Both bride and groom can hand the roses to their mother, offering her a hug and kiss if they wish.)

At this time, the parent’s may present a family Bible to the couple… The Grooms Mother may wish to sing A Song for My Son after the Bible is given. Another great song is The Man That You’ve Become or the father can sing A Dad’s Blessing.

Challenge to Bride and Groom (You may wish to have the couple sit during this time. Have background music—instrumental—playing softly during the ceremony, this will give it a more elegant and personal atmosphere.)

Our God of love has established marriage as the symbol of Christ’s perfect relationship to His Body, the Church. We have come to bring you as one before Him. (Play an instrumental—Count Your Blessings)

Pastor to Groom — Groom, God has ordained the man as the spiritual head, as the responsible provider, and as the initiator of love in this human relationship. By His enablement, your strength must be your wife’s protection, your character her boast and pride, and you must so live that she will find in you the haven for which the heart of a woman truly longs.

Pastor to Bride — Bride, it is God’s purpose that you be a loving wife, that you respond to your husband’s love in tenderness with a deep sense of understanding, through a great faith in Christ who brought you together. It is His desire that you have that inner beauty of soul that never fades; that eternal youth that is found in holding fast the things that never age.

Pastor to Couple — Christian marriage is not living merely for each other; it is two persons, uniting and joining hands to serve God. Seek His kingdom first, and His righteousness and He will add all other things to you. Do not expect perfection from each other, that belongs solely to God. You need not minimize each other’s weaknesses, but always be swift to praise and magnify each other’s points of comeliness and strength, and see each other through kind and patient eyes.

God will lead you into such situations as will bless you and those which will develop your character as you walk together. That’s another way of saying there will be difficult times you share as well. As you look to Him, He will give you enough tears to keep you tender, enough hurts to keep you compassionate, enough of failure to keep your hands clenched tightly in His, and enough of success to make you certain that you do walk with Him.

May He remain the central figure in your relationship together. May you never take each other’s love for granted, but always experience that wonder that exclaims "Out of all in this world, you have chosen me!" When life is done, may you be found, then as now, hand in hand, still thanking God for each other. May you ever serve Him happily, faithfully, together, until Christ returns in Glory, or until at last one shall lay the other to rest in the arms of the Savior. And all this, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Standing now, facing the minister)

Pastor to Groom — Groom, have you in the quiet hours of your companionship considered what is your Christian duty as a husband?

Groom — I have.

Pastor to Bride — Bride, have you in the quiet hours of your companionship considered what is your Christian duty as a wife?

Bride — I have.

You both stand before us as children of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ through your trust in Him, and His substitutionary death for your sin. Is it your purpose to establish a home that is truly Christ-centered, where the Word of God is read and obeyed; a home that is welded together by prayer, in which the Holy Spirit is your constant Guide?

Bride and Groom — It is.

(Have the couple stand facing each other and play The Lord’s Prayer insturmental)

Will you please, as an expression that your hearts are joined together in love, now please join your left hands.

Pastor to Groom — Groom, this woman whom you hold by the hand is to be your wife. She has given you one of the most sacred things under heaven: a woman’s life, and a woman’s love. You may bring her great joy or cause her deep sorrow. It is not what you bring her in a material way that will make true happiness; riches without love are nothing. The gift without the giver is bare. The practice of those virtues as husband that you have shown as lover, will keep her heart won to your heart.

Do you vow here, as you have promised Bride, that you will be true and loyal, patient in sickness, comforting in sorrow, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live?

Groom — I do.

Pastor to Bride — Bride, this man whom you hold by the hand is to be your husband. Upon your life, your love, and your devotion he will lean for strength and inspiration. He is going to look to you for encouragement, for cheerfulness, and for confidence. No matter what the world may say or think, people may forget him, lose confidence in him, or turn their backs upon him, but you must not. May your life and love be the inspiration that will constantly lead him to greater dependence upon our Lord. Do you vow here, as you have promised Groom, that you will be loyal in adversity, ministering to him in affliction, comforting him in sorrow, and forsaking all others, keeping yourself only unto him so long as you both shall live?

Bride — I do.

Handfasting Play an apropiate instrumental; such as The Prayer or Our Wedding Prayer

Tying the knot did not start out being an abstract term. The lovers’ knot that binds two hands together represents an indissoluble union and the tying of a knot is still practiced in various ways by different peoples as a symbol of love, affection, faith, friendship, and duty.

(Left hands still joined – minister binds hands)

With this cord, I bind you to the vows that you have made to each other & your children. With this knot, you are joined in sacred union. This cord binds your hearts and hands together. This cord may stretch, but it is never broken.

(Groom) & (Bride) recite together:

Heart to thee,

Body to thee,

Forever and always,

So mote it be

Vows (The couple may want to have their own personal vows)

Pastor—Repeat after me.


Today I marry my friend,

The one I will live with, dream with and love

I take you to be my wife.

From this day forward,

I give to you my unending love and devotion.

I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrows

Knowing we will walk it together

Side by side,

Hand in hand

And heart to heart.

To have and to hold forever.


Today I marry my friend,

The one I will live with, dream with and love

I take you to be my husband.

From this day forward,

I give to you my unending love and devotion.

I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrows

Knowing we will walk it together

Side by side,

Hand in hand

And heart to heart

To have and to hold forever.

(A song may be sung here such Look What Love Has Done, or Only God Could Love You More)

Exchanging of Rings

Pastor to Bride — A ring is more than a symbol of your marriage. It is a seal of the vow you have given to one another! The circle of the ring is, as far as human eye can see, a perfect circle, with no beginning or end, so God too has perfect love for you and wants you to love one another in His grace, never, never ending. This ring is made of precious metal. You also are precious in God’s sight and now in the love of Groom. When you are absent one from another, the presence of the ring reminds you to be faithful to and to fulfill your vow to Groom.

Rings have historically been the sign of authority; used to seal documents and proclamations, you now accept this authority in your life.

Pastor to Groom — This ring is a seal of Bride’s vow to you. She presents this to you as a token of her submission to you in Jesus Christ. This is a symbol of leadership and privilege. God has placed you as the head of the family. You must lead in worship, works and fellowship. As the weaker vessel she depends upon you for strength.

Pastor to Groom — Groom, as you place this ring on Bride’s finger, please repeat after me. WITH THIS RING I THEE WED; AND WITH ALL MY WORLDLY GOODS, I THEE ENDOW . . .

Pastor to Bride — Bride, as you place this ring on Groom’s finger, please repeat after me, WITH THIS RING I THEE WED: AND WITH ALL MY WORLDLY GOODS, I THEE ENDOW . . .

Prayer sealing the Rings (Have couple kneel.)

Perhaps the pastor may ask the best man to pray for the Groom and Maid of Honor to pray for the Bride while the minister prays audibly.

Candle Lighting Ceremony (Play We Three Are One in the background for this episode.)

(Groom helps Bride up and goes to top of alter.)

Pastor — the two outside candles have been lighted by the parents to represent Groom’s and Bride’s lives to this moment. They are two distinct lights, each capable of going their separate ways. To bring bliss and happiness to Groom’s and Bride’s home, there must be a merging of these two lights into one light. This is what the Lord meant when He said, "On this account, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh." From now on their thoughts shall be for each other rather than for their individual selves. Their plans shall be mutual, their joys and sorrows shall be shared alike. As they take a candle and together light the center one, they will extinguish their own candles, thus letting the center candle represent the union of their lives into one flesh. As this one light cannot be divided, neither shall their lies be divided but a united testimony in a Christian home. May; the radiance of this one light be a testimony of their unity in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Declaration (Couple standing facing each other.)

Groom and Bride, for in as much as you have pledged yourself to one another in this affirmation of love and commitment you are now husband and wife.

Groom and Bride, now that you are married, keep this covenant that you have made. Be a blessing and a comfort to each other, share each other’s joys and be consolers in each other’s sorrows. Encourage each other in whatever you set out to achieve. May you not only accept and give affection between yourselves, but also together, have affection and consideration for others. From this moment on, go your separate ways together, remembering always to be each other’s best friend.


In consideration of these solemn and sacred pledges, I am authorized by the laws of the state of California in your marriage license and by the laws of God in His Holy Word, to pronounce you husband and wife. As I do this, let me remind you that henceforth you are one; one in interest, one in reputation and above all else, one in affection. What God HATH JOINED TOGETHER, LET NO MAN BRING ASUNDER.

(Have the couple face the minister.)

The Blessing Play Prayer for the Home

Lord God, our heavenly Father, we give thanks for the moment that brings Groom and Bride together in marriage. We recognize with thanksgiving the journeys that have brought them to this time, and we celebrate with them the hopes they hold for their life together. We ask your blessing upon them to sustain them through the difficult and uncertain times that come to every relationship. We pray that they may continue to find in each other the resources that will nurture their marriage. May they continue to grow together and may their love for each other deepen with the passing years.

We give thanks for the nurture and support of family and friends. Let us, who share the circle of celebration today, be renewed in our commitments to one another that we may participate in a kinder and ever improving society.

All this we ask in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. And may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May God give you His peace in your going out and in your coming in, in your lying down and in your rising up, in your labor and in your leisure, in your laughter and in your tears, until that day when you come to stand before Jesus in that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning. Amen.

Embrace (Kiss)

(Couple now face the congregation.)

Presentation — May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. _______

Recessional (For the wedding party to exit play The Wedding March and then play songs like Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring as everyone else exits the sanctuary.)

Bride and Groom

Matron of Honor and Best Man

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Flower Girl and Ring Bearer

Groomsmen/ushers return for honored guests who are escorted out in reversed order of their entrance.

Ushers may dismiss rest of guests or usher them out row by row.