A little girl sat with her parents during a baptismal service one Sunday night, which was a new experience for her. She exclaimed in surprise, ‘Why did he push that guy in the water? Why, Dad, why?’ Her mom tried to explain briefly and quietly, but she just wouldn’t be satisfied.
Later that night the parents tried to provide an answer that a child’s mind could comprehend. They talked about sin and told the little one that when people decide to live for Jesus and ‘do good’ they want everyone to know. They then explained that water symbolizes Jesus’ washing people from sin; when they come out ‘clean,’ they are going to try to be ‘good.’ The little girl immediately responded, ‘So then why didn’t the Pastor just spank the man?’”
A home carries memories. EG Bianca at other home.
This home will now carry a very special memory – Greg’s Baptism.
Greg we met you just a few months ago, and yet it seems like we have known you for years. You have become so special to us.
Greg I count it an honour to have you as a friend, to have you as a special brother in Christ and today I have to honour of baptising you. You have blessed us and we say well-done brother. Today you have made God smile.
God, who gets invited to dinner at your place? How do we get onto your guest list? Walk straight act right, tell the truth. Don’t hurt your friend, don’t blame your neighbour, despise the despicable. Keep you word even when it costs you, make an honest living, never take a bribe. You will never get blacklisted if you live like this. If you do these things, you will never be shaken.
HEAVENLY FATHER, we come together in a spirit of joy to link still more closely to Your holy love one of Your children. Take into Your keeping the life of this your servant, Greg, that he, being dedicated to Your service, may in all sincerity follow the way laid down by Jesus the Christ, and turn to those things that will release still more the Divine within him. Guide him and sustain him, and grant that this Baptism may indeed signify a rebirth of the spirit within, so that he may work for the coming of Your Kingdom. Amen.
READ JOHN 1:29-34
Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, three very important events took place:
1. Jesus prepared Himself by self-denial and prayer;
2. He received the full power of the Holy Spirit;
3. He was welcomed by God the Father to Sonship and partnership.
These are things that every child of God can receive if, with understanding, he/she comes with a true desire to be baptised by the power of the Holy Spirit.
During life many tests, but if you believe in Christ, the protection and guidance can be yours; and should you fail at times, you can take comfort from the thought that by striving to rise above the faults of the past, the time will come when you shall fail no more.
This experience of constantly striving to turn away from sin will buy you a ticket to guidance by Holy Spirit. And once the Holy Spirit is acting in your life you fill find that the desire to safeguard others on the steep road of life; so that they too may resist those influences which are hurtful to the soul and the body will grow ever stronger.
In service to others you will show in your life that power which comes upon you today, and which can give you peace, both now during our earthly moment and into our heavenly everlasting.
O LOVING CHRIST, receive Greg Your son into fellowship with You, and grant that by the dedication of his life to the cause of truth, purity and love, he may be used to bring love, peace and understanding into the lives of many. Blessed by Your power, and strengthened with Your truth, may Greg always be ready to receive Your direction, and go forth to work wonders in Your kingdom.
Greg, are you willing to affirm your promises to God and to strive to fulfil His Will, as laid down by the Master Jesus Christ?
Do you accept that to live in Christ you need to acknowledge your sins and repent from your past ways, always relying on the blood of Jesus for salvation?
MAY the Holy Spirit sanctify this water and use it to bind Greg to the service of Christ; that he may ever follow in His footsteps, in love, obedience and service.
O HOLY SPIRIT, come now with all Your gifts and fill Greg with renewed spirit.; so that he may be strong in faith, courageous in spirit, and valiant for right; that at the last Greg may hear the loving words: "Well done, My good and faithful servant."
Greg. I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Greg today you have left the country where sin reigns. You no longer have a house in the land of sin. You have packed up and left there for good. This is because today you have been baptised. When you went under the water you left that old country behind; when you went under the water you entered a new country of grace – a new life in a new land! That what baptism into the life of Jesus means.
When you were lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Christ; when you were raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus.
You have been raised into the light filled world by your father so that you can seen where you are going in your new graced filled country.
Your old way of life has been nailed to the cross with Christ. It is a decisive end to your old sin miserable life. From today you are no longer at sins beck and call. You are free, you are clean, but above all you are loved.
O ETERNAL FATHER, Who has brought us together into this place that we may be witnesses of a Dedication Service of one of Your children, we thank You with full hearts and happy minds. Pour down upon God the radiance of Your Love and the upliftment of Your Spirit. Be very near to him, and so inspire him with the presence of The Holy Spirit that he, in Jesus’ name may defeat all fear and steadfastly carry the torch of Your Truth wherever he may go. Amen.