Summary: God provides a way for us to get up after we stumble!



• I hope over the last couple of weeks as we have been looking at the book of 1 John that you are starting to feel the passion John has for Jesus and the passion he has to see that we live the best life possible for Him.

• The message John has been sharing with us is one of God being light. In God there is no darkness whatsoever in Him.

• Last week we learned that if we are going to have fellowship with Jesus, then we need to walk in the light and practice the truth.

• Since God is light, since He is holy, pure and true, the only way we can be in fellowship with Him is through the blood of Jesus. We need the initial cleansing from Jesus so that God will see us as pure, holy and cleansed from sin.

• Now let me ask you this, “Since you became a Christian, have you ever sinned again?”

• What do you do about that? Do you get immersed again? Do you get immersed EVERY time you commit a sin?

• Maybe we just ignore it knowing that the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all sin? Maybe we are not capable of sin after we become a Christian? Maybe the sin doesn’t really matter?

• These were some prevailing views of the time that are still with us today.

• What do we do when we walk down a dark path or fall prey to the trap of sin during our pursuit of God?

• We need to realize that 1 John is written to Christians. John tells the Christian what they must do concerning sin after conversion.

• Today I want to share from God’s word what we need to do when we stumble and fall because of sin. Let’s read 1 John 1:8-2:2 together this morning.

• Do we just lay on the ground hurt by our sin or do we try to get up and go on?


If we are going to be able to get up we need to: SLIDE #3


• It has been said that before you can fix a problem, you must recognize there is a problem. I person who struggles with substance abuse or other addictions must first recognize there is a problem before they can get on the road to recovery.

• The same principle applies to being able to get up after falling down from sin.

• The word sin means to miss the mark. WE have all missed the mark, none of us are perfect.

• We can lie and deny all we want, but that will not change the fact that we have become entangled in the web of sin. SLIDE #4

1. Denial equals deception.

• Fighting the view that one can live above sin, John reminds us that if we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves. LAY ON THE FLOOR ILLUSTRATION.

• Refusing to recognize that is evident does not change what is evident.

• We can tell ourselves we do not sin, or that it is not sin all we want, that will not change reality.

• Adam Clarke Commentary says, “By supposing that we have no guilt, no sinfulness, and consequently have no need of the blood of Christ as an atoning sacrifice: this is the most dreadful of all deceptions, as it leaves the soul under all the guilt and pollution of sin, exposed to hell, and utterly unfit for heaven.

• To deceive means to ‘lead astray”. We are leading ourselves astray when we develop the attitude that we not long sin or that sin has no affect on us.

• The worst thing we can do is to deny and rationalize the struggles we have.

• Sin has no power over us, except the power we give to it.

• Romans six tells us that when we are buried with Christ in baptism, that we are dead to sin.

• Paul gives us truth in this, but we still have an adversary who prowls about looking for someone to devour.

• We need to recognize that we struggle, and then we can do something about it. CLICK# 4

2. Denial shows that God’s truth is not in us.

• When we deny our problem, when we say we are without sin, John tells us this is an indication that the truth is not in us.

• Part of the deception is the fact that we truly do not possess the truth within us. The truth that is missing is the truth about sin and the truth about what God can do to fix it for us, the truth about our need for the cleansing blood of Jesus!

• We show a lack of understanding concerning the Holiness of our God when we deny that we have struggles with sin.

• SLIDE #5 We must abide in God’s Word if we are disciple of Jesus. John 8:31 SLIDE #6

3. When we deny our sin exists, we make God out to be a liar.

• When we deny our sins exists, we are telling God He is not truthful.

• God has said all have sinned and fallen short. Romans 3:23

• If we could be without sin, then Jesus would not have had to go to the cross to die for the sins we commit.

If we are going to be able to get up we need to: SLIDE #7



1. What does it mean to confess?

• For you parents, now many times have you caught your child doing something that they would not admit to doing?

• Finally after threatening them, they would reluctantly “confess” to their crime to you.

• Is that all there is to confession, admitting you got caught? Half-heartedly saying you are sorry?

• CLICK 8 # The word confess means to “speak the same.” It is not just admitting to the error, but humbly making a full acknowledgement to the act in question. You are not only admitting guilt, but you are also agreeing with God as to the severity of the transgression. You are also humbly making an appeal to God for mercies concerning the act.

• We have an easier time forgiving someone who admits they were wrong and are apologetic and will to throw themselves at the mercy of the court than one who defiantly stands before the judge unrepentant.

• SLIDE #9

2. Confession is good for the soul.

• Have you ever done something wrong and not tell anyone. You think your crime is something no one else knows about, but the whole time you keep wondering if someone will expose you or find out.

• Then you finally confess it, and then you feel so good to get it off your chest.

• God does not want us to take our sins with us, He wants us to dump them at His throne as soon as possible!

• Confession to God will help strengthen our fellowship with Him. Why do we not tell God or even our parents when we do or did something wrong? I believe it is fear of the consequences, shame, and a lack of trust in God.

• It feels great to be in a right relationship with God.

• The word for confess means to “keep on confessing.”

• We need to be in the habit of regularly confessing our sins to God. DO not carry them with you, you not become a beast of burden. Confess and feel better, show God you love and trust Him!

• CLICK #9

3. Confession leads to forgiveness.

• One of the things confession leads to is forgiveness.

• Forgiveness means to “send away”, to “dismiss”, to “pardon”.

• When we confess our sins, 1 John 1:9 tells us that God is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

• The passage tells us as we continually confess, God continually cleanses us. WE do not need to be immersed after every sin we commit. We need to confess and God will cleanse.

• This is a promise from Him!

• Our faithful, righteous God sends away from us our failures and removes all the stains from the sin that once entangled us as we come to Him confessing our sins!

• SLIDE #10

If we are going to be able to get up we need to:



1. What is an advocate?

• An advocate is one who comes along side to help. This can be from the standpoint of a friend or a lawyer who would plead our case before the judge.

• If you have ever broken the law, it is a calm reassurance to have a lawyer next to you who knows the ins and outs of the law. A person who knows how the system works.

• CLICK #11 Jesus is the one who is in heaven to plead our case before the Father. This “advocate” ministry is also shared by the Holy Spirit. In John 14:16 Jesus told His disciples He would send a helper the Holy Spirit when He left them. The word “helper” is the same word translated “advocate” in this passage.

• This passage tells us that we continually have an advocate with the Father! SLIDE #12

2. Jesus is a faithful and righteous advocate.

• The great thing about Jesus is the fact we do not have to wonder what kind of advocate He will be. He is the best, He always has your best interests in mind, He will always give you the best defense!

• God will always be faithful even when we are not. God cannot lie. Hebrews 6:18

• CLICK #12

3. Jesus shields us from the wrath we deserve.

• We need to trust the advocate Jesus because He shields us from the wrath of sin. His blood covers us so that when God looks at us, He looks at us through the blood of His Son Jesus.

• This is the simple meaning for “propitiation.” God’s righteous character demands payment for sin, Jesus is the perfect payment for the sins we have committed. CLICK #12

4. Jesus wants to be an advocate for the whole world!

• SLIDE #13 God desires all to be saved. Titus 2:11;

• 1 Tim 2:4

• When people ask why God would let people die and God to hell, they need to ask why people will not take God up on His offer of salvation and eternal life?

• If we end up in hell for eternity, it will not be God’s fault, He has gone to extreme lengths to save us!

• Jesus wants to be in everyone court, He wants to represent EVERYONE!


• Once you give you life to Jesus, we are supposed to be dead to sin, but as long as we live here, we are going to struggle with wanting to sin, or getting trapped by sin.

• We need to be quick to confess and slow to rationalize.

• We need to get rid of the excess baggage of sin as soon as possible!

• If we are going to walk in the light, we need to be continually cleansed by the blood of Jesus!

• We need to make sure are always on the lookout for the traps the devil lays out for.

• Do not carry a load with you that you need not carry!

• God loves you so much that her provided a way to take care you and you sin burden.

• A little child was one day playing with a very valuable vase, when he put his hand into it and could not withdraw it. His father, also, tried his best to get it out, but all in vain. They were talking of breaking the vase when the father said, “Now, my son, make one more try; open your hand and hold your fingers out straight, as you see me doing, and then pull.” To their astonishment the little fellow said, “Oh, no, pa; I couldn’t put out my fingers like that, for if I did I would drop my penny.”

• He had been holding on to a penny all the time! No wonder he could not withdraw his hand. How many of us are like him? Drop the copper; surrender, let go, and God will give you gold.