Known To Them – LK 24: 13 - 35
Intro: Laureen had corresponded with Gauthier since they became high school pen pals. A continent and an ocean had separated them. They had exchanged pictures years ago. Laureen was planning a trip to France and wanted to meet her long-distance friend. But now, some twenty years later, how would they recognize each other. Carnation in lapel? – clown nose?
I. This story in Luke is one of the most beautiful and well-developed of the appearance stories of Jesus.
A. A story has been told about a woman who received a letter from Jesus telling of his pending visit. Since she was of modest means, she cleaned her small apartment and took what money she had and went to the store to buy something to serve to Jesus when he arrived. On the way home from the store, she encountered a young woman who had no food for her children and the woman gave her the food she had purchased. Going further, she saw a street person shivering in the cold and she took off her coat and gave it to her. She had given away everything, what would she do when Jesus came? When she arrived home she found a note in her mailbox thanking her for the warm coat and the food and it was signed, your friend, Jesus.
B. Would you know Jesus if you saw him? – central theme – HOW CAN THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN THE RISEN LORD COME TO KNOW HIM?
C. Verse 18 – “Are you the only one living in Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things that have happened there in these days?” – they go on to recount the events.
II. Verse 21 – “but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel.”
A. We’ve all had disappointments that have come into our lives. Things don’t turn out the way we plan.
B. Three men walking toward the sunset – Jesus speaks, “How foolish you are and how slow of heart to believe.” – Verse 25
C. Verse 30 – 4 verbs associated with Jesus: TOOK, BLESSED, BROKE and GAVE.
III. The Emmaus Road story reveals to us the presence of God in our lives.
A. Christ Jesus comes to places to which we retreat when life is too much.
B. Many refer to this event as the first celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion after the resurrection.
C. I prefer to think of it as an ordinary meal, in an ordinary home, with an ordinary loaf of bread divided among ordinary people.
Conclu: Many look for God and Christ is beautiful churches behind stained glass windows. --- God isn’t always there. – But God is always in the ordinary places and times of our lives. --- Verse 34 – 35 – “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared . . .” --- Jesus was known to them when he broke the bread. --- How will he be known to you?