Come, Follow Me – Matthew 4: 12 - 23
Intro: At the time of Jesus as now, there were three methods of fishing: with a line, casting a net, dragging a net. The most difficult , I believe is with a line.
I. Look at the “big picture.” What we have here is the message of Jesus followed by an example of that message. Verses 15 - 16
A. Verse 17 – the message – “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
B. Command – “Turn from your old ways and turn to God. Lift your eyes from earth to heaven. Reverse your direction. Don’t walk away from God but run towards.”
C. Repent – Greek is metanoeo – literally means to change one’s mind. – not sorrow or remorse, but a change in the direction of one’s life.
II. Verses 19 – “Come, follow me.” (Greek is opisso) is a command not a statement. Imperative not declarative.
A. “And Immediately” (euthus) (Verse 20) What do we think of people who jump at the first opportunity? What about the careful calculation of what it’s going to cost? – Is it foolhardy to jump up “immediately and follow.”
B. Would you be so willing to leave so quickly the certainty of a “job” to follow un unknown future. – Perhaps, if you’re not happy where you are and with what you are.
C. Maybe their fishing nets could no longer satisfy them. Fishing was what they did as their livelihood; but were they living?
III. Are you just living or are you making a life? Christ Jesus called two sets of brothers who were READY! He called them with a command and then made them a promise. (Verse 19) Fishers of men.
A. What Jesus saw in these men long ago, Jesus sees in us today. They were ordinary folk who would give Him themselves.
B. Do you have what it takes to catch fish?
1) patience, 2) perseverance, 3) courage, 4) an eye for the moment, 5) Ability to fit the bait to the fish, 6) keep out of sight.
C. What kind of fisher would you be? One at a time (line), a group you can see (casting nets), pulling anyone who will listen (dragging net)
Conclu: Christ Jesus speaks across the centuries to us saying, “Will you Come and Follow me? “