Look at how Jesus treats people. Here we have a miracle inside of a miracle!
Again we see two apparently hopeless situations.
• Again Mark highlights to us Jesus as the Hope of the Hopeless; the Help of the Helpless.
• The problem is not the ‘problem’ (sickness, difficulty…). Jesus can tackle the most desperate situation and bring restoration and life.
• What is needed is faith in Him!
We learn THREE significant things about Jesus – it helps us put our faith in Him!
Whether publicly or in secret; Jesus treats all the same - with compassion
Matt 7:7-8 7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
We have here two people at opposite ends of the spectrum
• One is religious, the other as unclean
• One a synagogue leader in Capernaum (very prominent position); the other a despised woman, who is sick for 12 years!
(Despised because generally people would shun her, anyone having contact with her will be ceremonially unclean, Lev 15:25-33)
• Yet they both have the same response when they meet Jesus.
The way Jesus sees people and the way we see is very different.
Jesus did not give greater respect for Jairus because of his social status.
• Or give priority to this man (because his request was urgent), and overlooks others.
• He could have simply walked on, yet He stopped.
• The woman’s need is equally important.
We tend to give priority to VIPs – those more learned, with status, fame, wealth.
We are all equal in Jesus’ eyes – equally important.
• This woman’s need was just as great as Jairus’ need.
• Every cry is a cry worthy of His attention.
• Every grieving heart is one grieving heart too many!
Every soul counts. Every one is precious. We have to see people the way Jesus sees them.
• We are VIPs to God. Isn’t that really comforting?
When President Wee Kim Wee passed away, we see in the News on TV a Malay, despatch rider, overcome with emotions. He was touched by his concern for him. He said, “He is like a father to me.” We understand that. When a VVIP treats us with such honour, we’re touched.
How much more with our God!
• He looks after you the same way He looks after the prophets in the OT.
• He listens to your prayer the same way He listens to Elijah’s prayer.
• He cares for you the same way He cares for Paul.
• No one is more special than the others.
We may be different in many ways – different gifts, talents, education background… but we are equal in His eyes! Isn’t that wonderful? We have His full attention when we come to Him.
LET US SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY AND COME TO HIM! Just like Jairus and this widow.
Two very different people who came to Jesus – watch them – amazing similarity:
• Jairus, a synagogue ruler – 5:22 he ‘fell at His feet’
The sick woman – came to Jesus and 5:33 ‘fell at His feet’
Both acknowledged Jesus as someone very different, they recognised Jesus for who He is.
Else they would not have come and asked for something miraculous!
Listen to what they say:
• Jairus asked, “Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” 5:23
• The woman: “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 5:28
Both had great faith in Jesus – they believed and expected the miraculous from Jesus!
They differ from the crowd.
• The crowd followed Jesus – many to see a show – a healing show.
• Some for the great fanfare – a parade, a carnival-like atmosphere - man performing miracles.
• We read often that among the crowd were religious pp who were out to find fault with Jesus
Learn from them – don’t follow the crowd. Come and ask from Him!
• One is an open request – publicly, the other a quiet one in her heart.
• Both weren’t simple requests – they ask for miracles.
• Only with FAITH can one make such bold requests. Both were rewarded – in miraculous ways!!!
HOW DO YOU SEE JESUS TODAY! Do we see Him the same way these two persons see Him? Are we more like them or are we the crowd.
So come to Jesus and you’ll find that He treats everyone a VVIP.
Someone once asked, “Will I not be an anonymous believer among the millions in heaven?”
• Jesus assured His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them – a place, not a space.
• Each one of us will have an identity and significance.
From man’s point of view, Jesus is on a very urgent errand
• A little girl, 12 years old, is at the point of dying.
• In fact, the short delay was critical, because the girl actually died in that short time.
• He was rushing to a girl about to die, and was delayed by a woman who has been sick for 12 years; which means hers wasn’t really critical or urgent.
• Jesus need not have to stop. Anyway this woman just touched his clothes, and did not really obstruct Him.
Yet Jesus chose to stop and meet this woman. She needed Him. Every life matters!!!
While He was still speaking to her, men came from Jairus’ house telling him his daughter is dead.
• “Why bother the Teacher any more?” (v.35) – from man’s point of view – it’s a conclusion
• Verse 36: Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Time is not an issue to God. The word ‘late’ does not exist in His vocabulary.
• It does not bother Jesus a bit if He is too late to save the girl.
• He need not have to hurry to do something.
In fact, Jesus delays on purpose for Lazarus’ case – John 11
• After receiving the news, Jesus “stayed where he was two more days.” (John 11:6)
• John 11:14-15 So then he told them plainly, "Lazarus is dead, 15and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him."
There is no such thing as late to God. Everything is done ON time, and FOR His glory.
A young man once asked God how long a million years was to him.
God replied, "A million years to me is just like a single minute in your time."
Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to him.
God replied, "A million dollars to me is just like a single cent to you."
Then the young man took up his courage and asked: "God, can you just give me one cent?"
God replied, "Sure, just a minute."
Rest assured. God is always on time! Wait. Trust Him and wait!
Which also mean, He will stop for anyone who has a need. God is never in a hurry.
No one is too insignificant. Jesus is not going to be so caught up by the agenda of the day that He neglects or ignores you. We will – we neglect our wife, children, loved ones, but not God.
One of the night service seeker asked, “How can God be listening to all our prayers, with millions of people praying to Him!”
• In our finite mind, this is incomprehensible. God is in a different realm – boundless and timeless.
• He hears the prayers of millions, not just at one time, but over ALL times - over all generations!
• No one is missed out. You have His full attention today. Would you not pray?
Power flows in response to FAITH – no wonder, without faith it is impossible to please God.
Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
And the blessings were instantaneous:
• The woman - 5:29 “Immediately her bleeding stopped…”
• The girl – 5:42 “Immediately the girl stood up and walked around…”
If we compare this story to the one before (last month: Jesus calming the sea) –we have a contrast of faith. Mark paints it that way.
The disciples showed no faith. Jairus and this woman showed incredible faith.
And the impact was immediate.
Faith is what lies at the heart of both these stories.
• It lies at the heart of our whole Christian walk with God.
What can we learn from these accounts? Come to Jesus and ask.
• Fall at His feet and acknowledge Him! He is all you need.
• No situation is too late for Him. It is always on time, and at the right time.
• What He wants is FAITH. Come with faith. Ask Him to strengthen our faith.
God has called us to live by faith. We are to live a life of faith. That’s how He operates.