Summary: Discussion about future direction of the church.


Proverbs 29:18

S: Vision

C: Purpose and Direction

Type: Discussion following the purpose statement of the church.

Version: ESV

RMBC 12 June 05 AM


ILL Purpose: Victory Deprives Red Sox Fans of Purpose

After their team won the 2004 World Series of baseball, fans of Boston’s Red Sox struggled to adjust. A New York Times article chronicled their confusion:

Having waited 86 years for a World Series championship, Bostonians found themselves… swirling with elation, but also scratching their heads.

What are Red Sox fans to do when the angst of being one of the world’s greatest underdogs is gone?

"I’m having trouble dealing with it," said Mike Andrews, who played second base for the Red Sox in 1967, when they lost to the Cardinals during one of their many close-but-no-cigar face-offs.

"You’re just kind of caught saying, ’What’s next?’ I don’t want to say it’s a letdown. But it’s certainly something you let become part of your life and it’s gone now, and we need to come up with something new."

Citation: Pam Belluck, "With Nothing Left to Win, Fans of Red Sox Suddenly Feel a Loss," (10-29-04)

Being a New Your Yankee fan, which I know is unpopular with many a person, I want the Red Sox fans to know that we can be gracious.

We will let them win again in 86 years.

So Dan, when you are 100 years old, the Red Sox will win the World Series.

Bryan, you will be 96 or so.

So, see you 2090!

What are you aiming at?

There is an old saying, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time!”

I think it is an appropriate question for us as a church.

What are we aiming for?

Where is it that God wants to set our hearts and minds?


There is a verse that we are familiar with…

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish:

but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.


I have used two more versions along with the KJV.

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,

but blessed is he who keeps the law.


Without a Vision is a people made naked,

And whoso is keeping the law, O his happiness!


I have come to the conclusion that this is a verse that gets abused quite a bit.

It is frequently used by those that have certain directions they desire to take an organization they are leading in.

I do believe caution is in order.

It is not to be used in a manipulative way for one’s own end or to rationalize one’s own thinking.

So, then, we ought to pause and understand what the proverb is saying.

The word “vision” is an appropriate translation of the Hebrew word.

It is, literally, “a seeing.”

It is used of dreams.

It is also used of revelation, that is, God revealing His person and His Word.

It is a perceiving, a seeing, of what is true.

I believe that the church needs this “seeing.”

It needs spiritual seeing, a seeing that comes with being connected to God.

“The people perish” is not as good of a translation, in my opinion.

It is why I included Young’s Literal Translation because the people are, more literally, exposed or made naked.

They are loosened so as to be exposed and made more vulnerable.

This means, without God providing a “seeing” of what is to come, we are vulnerable.

We need it.

Now, let us consider…

I Chronicles 12:32

Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command.

The context of this verse is set during the time of David.

The verse is saying that the children of Issachar recognized what the Lord was doing through the person of David, and they followed him.

More specifically, they had perfect wisdom and insight.

They were examining history and they were examining the present, and were wise to what was going on.

They knew what action to take, because they were in tuned to what God was doing in the world.

Today, I want to take time to share with you what I believe God is doing and what He wants to do in our midst.

My “seeing,” I profess is partial and incomplete.

I do not want to be caught being arrogant.

I do not want to cause any confusion of what I think with what God is doing.

But, as you know from last week, I am concerned about where God is taking us as a church.

What I am not going to do today is present you with some secret formula and method that will guarantee our church will grow…except this…being obedient to God’s Word.

I do believe that God has given us everything we need to grow.

There is no need for manipulation.

There is only a need to follow the principles of His Word and the leading of His Spirit and we will be doing what God has for us.

Let me share some of my “seeing”, my dreams, of what we are to be as a church.

I extend my apologies to Martin Luther King, Jr…

I am using our purpose statement to guide us through…


Randall Memorial Baptist Church is a fellowship of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ…

From this…

I dream of a church that is unified in spirit and mind that is a true community in every way.

I believe that we can choose relationships over form.

I dream of a church that ministry is the joy of every believer.

I believe we can continue to grow in our understanding of our spiritual gifts, using the Network

I dream of a church where creativity is honored and blessed.

I believe we can leave forms, methods, structures that no longer perform well.

We can lay them aside when renewal is our goal, and it is on our heart to be better.

I dream of a church where leaders are empowered to do what they have been called to do – that is lead.

I believe we can do this, but it will mean learning to trust each other – to trust in the gifts that God has given to each other.

I dream of a church that finds its unity in Jesus, that rejoices in Him as Savior, and submits to Him as Lord.

…who are determined to love God…

I dream of a church who has it on their mind to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I believe that we can truly have God as our priority.

Let us admit that we will fight with the idol of money.

We cannot serve God and money.

But I do dream of a church where money is never an issue, because we tithe because we love God, and we go over and above with our offerings because we are a thankful and appreciative people.

…and make committed followers of Jesus by…

I dream of a church who purposely loves people, that it is on our heart to make disciples.

I believe we can recognize that the most loving thing we can do for people is bring them to Christ.

Let us further each person’s relationship with God, no matter where they are.

I believe we can continue to grow in leaving a legacy of truth to the next generation, where the older is not only interested in impacting the younger, but is actively doing so.

I believe in the older being involved with younger.

I believe in the younger respecting the older.

I believe in listening to each other.

…celebrating the person of God…

I dream of a church that has on its mind worship that is inspiring and powerful.

I believe we can be a church that wants to draw closer to God and uses our time of worship to do that very thing.

I believe we can be a church that enjoys worship, not because of styles and preferences, but because we enjoy God.

It is my dream that we can truly be an intergenerational church where each generation is considerate of each other.

Preferences are recognized for what they are – secondary, and not priority.

We will use music to glorify God, and not be fearful of using any style (except for country).

I believe we are to use the talents God has given this place.

It is my dream that prayer will be a priority for us.

We will recognize we are in spiritual warfare.

Satan will do what he can to divide us.

It is my dream that we will be passionate about our walk with the Lord, that will be reflected by commitment, fire, and enthusiasm.

…cultivating spiritual growth in Christ…

I dream of a church that does not settle for what it already has in terms of knowledge.

It wants to go further.

I believe we can be better and go farther with our education.

It wants to be a place of faith.

ILL Benides – place a shovel in the ground

It wants to be a place of stewardship.

…our building.

…our property.

…caring for one another in Christ…

I dream of a church that truly loves one another, that is characterized by encouragement.

We would look beyond our past hurts.

We would forgive one another.

We would be a place of grace, that learns to forgive even before confession.

I dream of a church of authentic faith.

We would welcome people that are truly different, and stop inviting people to come in and be like us.

Rather, we would challenge people to be who they are in Christ, even if it ends up changing us.

I dream of a church where small groups function in a wholistic way.

I believe in groups where needs are met and community happens.

There is practical help and biblical insights.

…and, communicating the gospel to the world.

I dream of a church that believes in sending and being sent.

I dream of a church that is truly international.

We would be catholic.

And though we are represented by Indian, Nigerian, Chinese, Korean, Haitian, Pakastani, Russian, Philipino, (and even Canadian), we would yearn for more.

I dream of a place where parents would consider it an honor that a child would use their gifts for full time service.

I dream of a church that is influential in the community, that is known for an open building because of our open hearts.

We would be striving to meet the needs of our community, always seeking attraction points, to draw people to Christ.


Will we become what God is calling us to be or will we settle for what we want?

We pioneer and then settle in.

I believe we should not settle for settling.

It is dangerous.

It is not safe.

It is not what we have been called to do.

BENEDICTION: [Counselors are ]

Let it be on our hearts this day to love God…to demonstrate it by loving what He loves.

Let it be on our hearts this day to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ…followers who are committed to Him.

Let it be on our hearts this day to be the community God wants us to be…that worship, grow, care and communicate His message…together.

Now may the God of peace equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol 5, Ross

Commentary on the Old Testament, Keil & Delitzsch

Tyndale Old Testament Commentary: I Chronicles, Selman

The ABC’s of Natural Church Development, Schwarz