Series: Mother’s Day
Genesis 21:14-20
[Video Clip: “Bill Cosby Himself”]
Before I had children this was funny, after I had children this was funny because it is true.
There is nothing easy about being a parent and on this Mother’s Day I am going to look at an area that we typically try to ignore.
The Bible teaches that marriage is to be a permanent relationship of one man and one woman freely and totally committed to each other as companions for life. Our Lord declared that man shall leave his father and mother and unite with his wife in the building of a home, and the two shall become one flesh.
If we followed God’s design for marriage and family everything would be o.k.; but we are a sinful people and sometimes we make sinful decisions that affect many people negatively.
We live in a time where divorce, affairs, “living together”, teenage pregnancy, single mothers, etc… are the norm not a rarity. We have changed the names of our crisis pregnancy centers to pregnancy centers because it is no longer a crisis for a child to be pregnant. For all of these women that fall into these categories, for all of these women’s families that are dealing with these things; I tell you that what they need is not our condoning of sin, not our judging them; but our love and encouragement. As Jesus said, “He who is without sin cast the first stone”.
This morning I want us to look at “Someone’s Trash, But God’s Treasure”.
Genesis 21:14-21
I. Second Hand Victims
Several years ago I remember the doctor telling my mom that her mother had lung damage from smoking. We were very surprised by this news because my grandmother had never smoked a day in her life; but then we were reminded that my grandfather smoked for many years. My grandmother’s problem was from second hand smoke. It was not her fault, but it still affected her.
You may be here today dealing with tragedies and problems in your life that were created by someone else. You may be a single mother because your husband left you for someone else. Not your fault. You may be a grandmother raising your grandchildren because your kids won’t act right. Not your fault.
But I am here to tell you that there is life after divorce. There is life after pre-marital pregnancy. There is life after bankruptcy. There is life after being abandoned by those that supposedly loved you.
II. Secure Hand Victors
That life comes by being in the hands of God. When all the resources, all the people, and all the hope was gone; Hagar went to cry. God heard Ishmael crying and sent a message to Hagar.
Genesis 21:17-18
God knew they were hurting and He doesn’t enjoy watching us hurt. What did God tell her to do?
1.Don’t be afraid.
2.Pick the boy up off of the ground.
3.Hold his hand and move forward.
All of a sudden, instead of Hagar being blinded by her tears and loss of all hope; look at what happened.
Genesis 21:19-20
How quickly things change. Don’t drown in your tears. God cares about what is happening to you.
James 4:7-8a
Whether the problems you face today are self-induced or second had, remember that if you are a Christian you are a victor in the hand of God. Let Him open your eyes to the places He has prepared for you to and then go.