Woe to Those at Ease in Zion
Amos 6:1
Our text this morning is a very familiar text to some here. You may have heard many sermons from this text, although I have never used it before. I suppose there are not many preachers who have not.
Turn with me to Amos 6:1 – “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion and to those who feel secure on the hill of Samaria - you notable people in this first of nations, those the house of Israel come to.”(HCSB)
Today, I know of no more needed warning then this one spoken to God’s people many years ago by a simple country preacher. A man who was called to deliver God’s message to a people that were cold, calloused and indifferent to spiritual matters.
I want us to look at this warning this morning and let it bless our souls as it speaks to us who might be as guilty as those to whom it was originally spoken.
There are three thoughts I want us to look at this morning (1) Where is Zion, (2) Who is at Ease there, and (3) the WOE itself. First, let’s look at…
The People in Zion.
I. Where is Zion?
A. Originally applied to one of the fortified hills in pre-Israel Jerusalem.
1. Latter it was applied to the whole city of Jerusalem – The City of David.
2. During the prophet’s day it was used to designate the Kingdom of Israel.
a) Therefore those who lived in Zion were all of the Israelites.
(1) God fearers.
(a) Those who were devout.
(b) Those who worshiped God.
(2) Those that were NOT God fearers.
(a) Those that didn’t worship God.
(b) Those who were cold.
(c) Those given over to idolatry.
3. The Warning given here was TO ALL who lived in
a) Certainly this warning is given too those who were cold, indifferent and unconcerned with spiritual matters.
b) However it was also given too those who were religious.
(1) Those who attended “church”.
(2) Those who sang the hymns.
(3) Those who paid their tithes.
(4) Those who did everything required yet their brand of religion did not make for better morals or better living.
4. I think we can say, without doing any injustice to the context of the text, that Zion today is anywhere the gospel is preached and there are those who believe and then those who are unconcerned.
a) Zion is our nation.
b) Zion is our community.
c) Zion is our church.
II. Who is at ease in Zion?
A. The unconverted – The Lost.
1. They are surrounded by every opportunity.
a) Offered every invitation.
b) Yet they remain unconcerned.
2. They know they ought to be concerned.
a) They will tell you themselves.
(1) I know I ought to be in church.
(2) I was raised to go to church.
(3) My mother is always urging me to go.
b) Yet they turn a deaf ear to Christ’s
3. They are living at ease in Zion.
a) Unconcerned about the things of Christ;
because they are more concerned about other things.
(1) They are preoccupied with a love for worldly things.
(a) Satisfied with sensual pleasures.
(b) Storing up treasures in this world.
(c) Living at ease with no concern for the future.
(2) They are:
(a) Cold
(b) Hard.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Unconcerned
(3) They continue to reject the Gospel’s invitation.
(a) Spurning God’s love.
b) Woe to those who are at ease in Zion.
B. Christian parents who are unconcerned about
the spiritual welfare of the children.
1. Most parents become concerned when their
children do not show progress mentally, physically or
socially – as they should.
a) But most parents show NO concern whatsoever over the spiritual welfare of their children.
(1) I can count on one hand how many parents have even asked me anything concerning what their child is being taught in S.S., D.T., Missions, etc.
(2) Why? – Because we really don’t care!
2. You know what breaks my heart:
a) When children tell me that they didn’t come to church on Sunday morning because Mama and Daddy didn’t get them up in time.
(1) Because mom and dad were out too late the night before and are sleeping off the effects of the worldly pleasures.
b) When children tell me that they didn’t come to church on Sunday night because Mama and Daddy were busy with something else.
(1) When children tell me that they didn’t Bible Drill because they are too busy with school to have extra curricular activities.
(a) Yet they are not too busy for baseball, soccer, football, cheering, beta club, band, etc.
(b) These things may get your child a scholarship to a major university.
(c) But it will not lead them to grow spiritually.
3. Truth is that parents are not concerned with the spiritual welfare of their children.
a) Parents, you can save yourself many, many heartaches if you would show a little concern over the spiritual welfare of your children.
4. Woe to those who are at ease in Zion.
C. Church members who never go.
1. Most of these are under the delusion that they have a perfectly legitimate reason.
a) Bad Health.
(1) Yet they can do anything else.
b) Cannot get in crowds.
(1) Yet they are at every Wayne County ballgame.
c) Don’t like the preacher.
(1) Come talk to me about it (I am a big boy), I
probably already know you don’t like me.
(3) Besides, I am not here for you too like, but to lead in the way God leads me.
2. Truth of the matter is there are two reasons they don’t come:
a) Preoccupation.
(1) They are preoccupied with:
(a) Making a living.
(b) Worldly pleasures.
(c) Carnal things of this world.
(2) This leads to the other reason.
b) Drifting.
(1) Slowly drifting away from the church and her
work in this world.
(a) They were once active, useful, and happy.
(b) But have become cold indifferent, unconcerned.
(i) They get to where they never attend anything
the church does.
(ii) They never make a contribution to the church – financially, physically or spiritually.
(2) They use to be a big supporter of the church and now they are critical of EVERTHING the church does.
c) Woe to those who are at ease in Zion.
D. Active Church members.
1. You know they will be here every time the doors are opened.
a) Yet they are not concerned with the program of the church.
(1) They are unwilling to accept any responsibilities.
(2) They accept responsibilities and then fail to fulfill them.
(a) They want the position, but they don’t want to be here to fill that position.
(3) They don’t show any concern when attendance is low.
(a) They always want too know where so-and-so is, but never call themselves.
(4) They are not concerned enough too agonize themselves in prayer when Satan rears his head down at
the church and causes problems.
(a) Instead, they are making phone calls to decide whose side they will be on in the fight.
(b) I am fully convinced if we did more talking to God in pray and less talking too our amen corner on the phone our church could be an awesome Giant in this world for Christ.
b) Woe to those who are at ease in Zion.
III. We better heed this warning.
A. Those with an “at ease” attitude ought to stop, sit-up and take notice.
1. The wrath of God is a terrible thing when
stirred up.
2. God is by nature gentle, kind, longsuffering patient.
a) But when His people continue to “be at ease” He can become offended.
(1) There is recorded in this Bible some terrible things that God permits when His people are hardheaded in their disobedience.
b) Paul puts it like this.
(1) “Be not deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, he will also reap” (Gal. 6:7 HCSB).
B. I am bothered that many of us are suffering for our unconcern.
1. We have been living at ease in Zion.
a) As a result, we are reaping what we have sown.
2. However, I believe and am myself living proof that God does forgive.
3. But first we must repent.