Summary: This is the 5th sermon in the series "When Jesus Comes To Your Town". This series is based on the "Passion Week".

Series: When Jesus Comes To Your Town [#5]


Mark 14:32-52


This year I did something that I have never done before, I went deer hunting. (Don’t worry the deer were not in any danger.) My dad decided this year he was going to hunt close to home instead of driving to Silver City and hunting with my uncle. So dad asked if I wanted to go and I agreed. Although my uncle had got his deer in the Silver City area the week before he decided to come down and drive us around and be my guide.

The first morning while we were hunting, my uncle and I kept walking from sand dune to sand dune; and after a while we were not really sure where we were. After a little while we found a dirt road that we walked down and were doing great until we came to a cross-road. We then had to decide which road would take us to the truck. Fortunately we chose correctly.

Life is the same way sometimes. We will be traveling a particular road that is going so well and then all of a sudden we run into a cross-road and we have to decide which road to take.

In our text, the disciples came upon a cross-road. Jesus had been trying to prepare them for this time; but just like I do so often, they weren’t ready to choose. Folks, we must understand that there are times that you can’t just continue to stall; you must decide one road or the other.

There are 3 choices you can make when you come to a cross-road.

When you come to a cross-road you can…

Choose To Stay Down

Sometimes, like I was during our deer hunt, you are so tired that you don’t want to go on any road; so you sit down and stay down.

Mark 14:32-42

The disciples had been busy that week and when they sat down, they fell asleep. They were supposed to be keeping watch and when Jesus came back He found them sleeping.

After waking them up, Jesus told them that they needed to watch and pray so that they would not fall into temptation. When Jesus returned He found them sleeping again. Notice that this time the disciples were for a loss of words. Even Peter, who was never at a loss for words, had nothing to say.

A third time Jesus went to pray and when He returned once again He found them sleeping. Jesus told them, “Enough, get up and let’s move ahead”.

Choosing the wrong direction is bad because it cost you time and pain; but to lay down and do nothing is more damaging.

There is 3 things I want you to notice:

1. When you become so worn out that you cannot function, you cannot watch for the enemy and pray for God’s help. We become very susceptible to falling to temptation because we are not connected to the Power Source.

2. Christians, take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you are sick all of the time because you don’t eat correctly, get enough sleep, etc… you cannot be effective for the Kingdom. If you are stressed out all the time worrying about all sorts of things and your nerves are so frazzled that you would just like to punch someone in the face; you cannot be effective for the Kingdom. If you are too tired to spend time in prayer, Bible study, corporate worship, etc… you cannot be effective for the Kingdom.

3. Because the disciples were not prepared; some ran and Peter fought. All bad decisions.

When you come to a cross-road you can…

Choose The Wrong Road

We find that once the disciples were waken up that all of a sudden they had to choose. There was no time to decide. That is why preparation is so important.

Mark 14:43-52

Here we find 3 wrong roads that were taken. Beware of these wrong roads because they still exist and will only bring you shame and frustration.

1. The road of selfishness: Judas Iscariot was a thief. He was so enamored by money that as my son Tharon said one day, “That money is going to burn a hole in your heart”. The love of money had burned a hole in Judas’ heart and his motto had become, “Every man for himself”.

2. The road of overconfidence: Early in Mark 14 Jesus was predicting Peter’s denial and what did Peter do? He was offended because as Peter said, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” Peter thought he was beyond reproach. Those other people may crumble and fall but not him. Peter’s overconfidence in himself blocked the reality that on his own he would go nowhere but down.

3. The road of fear: In verse 51-52 an unknown young man was so scared that as he was grabbed he ran off naked. This young man’s fear caused him to run off without any direction or plan. I wonder at what point in his life did he realize that he was naked? Fear will leave us exposed to the attack of Satan and leave us bare and naked before the world.

When you come to a cross-road you can…

Choose The Correct Road

It is obvious in our text that Jesus is the only one who chose the correct road. We must notice what led to Jesus choosing the correct road.

1. Jesus was deeply distressed and troubled about what was getting ready to happen to Him, so what did He do? He prayed. In fact, He prayed with so much intensity that He sweat drops of blood. Any of you prayed that intensely lately? It doesn’t say here what Jesus prayed the 3rd time; but we are told what He prayed the 1st 2 times. Look in verse 36 and 39.

2. Not only did Jesus pray intensely, but He prayed that the Father’s will be done, not His. If Jesus, The Son of God, prayed that the Father’s will be done and not His; what should that tell us? The Bible tells us that any thing we ask for that is in God’s will He will give to us. The key is: In God’s will. You can scream and yell, cry and plead, jump up and down; but if you are not praying in God’s will it isn’t going to happen.

3. Jesus had prepared for this moment and when it came, He took the correct road. Peter cut Malchus’ ear off and instead of joining in on the fight or calling down Michael the archangel and other angels, Jesus healed Malchus. Instead of running like everyone else did, Jesus allowed them to arrest Him and take Him to His dreaded destiny.


This morning, are you sitting down, are you on the wrong road, or are you walking with Jesus on the correct road?

The beauty of it is- it’s not too late to get up and get on the correct road. If you are wore out, beat up, and exhausted by the worries and problems of this world; just surrender that junk to Jesus and let Him pick you up today.

If you are on the wrong road- the road of selfishness, the road of overconfidence in self, or the road of fear- stop going the wrong way! Turn from that and start moving back to Jesus, because Jesus is on the right road.

If you are on the correct road, walking with Jesus- Hallelujah! Don’t lose your focus on Jesus! Stay focused on Jesus and He will keep you strong and moving forward for His glory and honor.