Summary: Every problem you encounter there is someone in the "great cloud of witnesses: encouraging you to look to Jesus. This message will show how we are to Look unto Jesus.

INTRO. It seems that in this day and time we are living in a world that is changing each and every day. Just think about how just in the past few years how things have totally changed in how people think and how they do things and what is expected of the child of God.

ILLUSTRATION: “Yesterday and Today”

In 1900, fathers prayed their children would learn English. Today, fathers pray their children will speak English.

In 1900, if a father put a roof over his family’s head, he was a success. Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage. And that’s just the vacation home.

In 1900, a father waited for the doctor to tell him when the baby arrived. Today, a father must wear a smock, know how to breathe, and make sure film is in the video camera.

In 1900, fathers passed on clothing to their sons. Today, kids wouldn’t touch Dad’s clothes.

In 1900, fathers could count on children to join the family business. Today, fathers pray their kids will soon come home from college long enough to teach them how to work the computer and set the VCR

In 1900, a father came home from work to find his wife and children at the supper table. Today, a father comes home to a note: "Jimmy’s at baseball, Cindy’s at gymnastics, I’m at gym, Pizza in fridge."

In 1900, fathers and sons would have heart-to-heart conversations while fishing in a stream. Today, fathers pluck the headphones off their sons’ ears and shout, "WHEN YOU HAVE A MINUTE.."


Because of the many changes we have in our lives we must make sure we are prepared for what is before us. It is very difficult for us to really comprehend what many go through on a daily basis. Because of the many changes and uncertainties in our lives it is hard to know who you can really depend on and who we can really look to for help, guidance, encouragement and comfort.

The passage that we read early really encompasses much of the Old Testament and the main thrust of the Gospels as well as the entire New Testament.

This morning whether you and I realize it or not our life is just like a race. For us who are God’s Children it is a Christian race. The problem that 99.9 percent of us have in our lives is that we are not prepared for the race that we are in. As we go on in the race of life we find ourselves having to climb some gigantic hurtles that seem to be impossible to go over. The writer of Hebrews gives us some great advice on how we can prepare ourselves for life’s race. Refer back to v.1b

Runner takes off everything before entering the race. What is hindering you and me from running the race that is before us? What is hindering Fork Baptist Church from running the race that God has for us to run.

This morning God is calling us to, what ever it is to take off, lay it aside so we can have nothing that will hold us back. Not only do we lay aside every hindrance and every sin but we must run life’s race fixing our eyes on Jesus. Let’s look at how the writer has us to look at Jesus.


A. The writer tells us that He is the "author and finisher of our faith."

B. Jesus was the originator of the Christian faith.

1. He began our faith in a little town called Bethlehem in a small stable.

2. Consider how he began our faith, as a baby.

a. He began it in a very humble and simple way.

b. Most important things in life are not complicated but very simple and basic

c. Children spell love TIME!

C. We see that what Jesus started He finished.

1. You and I are always starting projects but many times never finish them.

2. Jesus always finished what he started.

3. Jesus’ dealing with the Blind man, Lame Man, Lazarus, feeding he 5000, etc.

D. Jesus finished our faith when he said on that old rugged cross "It is Finished" “Telestie”


A. The writer tells us He endured the cross despising the shame.

1. He died for you and me.

2. Look at how He died.

B. He endured the cross and bore the shame so we would not have to.

C. What he went through you and I can only imagine, we will never know he pain, torment and embarrassment he suffered.


A. Again in verse two we see why Jesus did it. "Who for the joy that was set before him."

B. People will endure a lot of pain and trouble today, why? Because we know the results that will come if we will simply endure.

1. My running, mother giving birth, going to dentist, etc.

2. We endure because we have the hope that things will be better when we endure the storms and difficulties in our lives.

C. The joy for Jesus was in knowing that beyond the cross many (Robert, Bud, Vickie, etc) would be saved and given a new birth by trusting Him.

D. Jesus did with our lives and eternity that we never could do on our own.


A basketball in my hands is worth about $19 a basketball in Michael Jordan’s hands is worth about $33 million. It depends whose hands it’s in a baseball in my hands is worth about $6. A baseball in Mark Mcquire’s hands is worth $19 million. It depends whose hands it’s in. A tennis racket is useless in my hands. A tennis racket in Pete Sampras’ hands is a Wimbledon Championship. It depends whose hands it’s in. A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses’ hands will part the mighty sea. It depends whose hands it’s in. A sling shot in my hands is a kid’s toy. A sling shot in David’s hand is a mighty weapon. It depends whose hands it’s in. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of

Fish sandwiches. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God’s hands will feed thousands. It depends whose hands it’s in. Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus Christ’s hands will produce salvation for the entire world. It depends whose hands it’s in. As you see now it depends whose hands it’s in. So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your families and your relationships in God’s hands because, you see, it depends whose hands it’s in...

2. Yours and my life and eternal souls in our hands is worth very little but in the nail scarred hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we presently have life abundantly and we are assure eternal life for our very souls.

3. If you haven’t placed your life and soul in Jesus’ hands you need to do it today.

4. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth and you will be saved.

5. Do it now before it’s too late.


A. He is "set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

B. Jesus is now enjoying all the eternal glories of Heaven.

C. Jesus is in Heaven now but you and I are given the blessed promise that He will return.

1. Read Acts 1:11

2. He is coming back for His church.

3. He’s coming back as the Scriptures state as a thief in the night.

4. We best be ready for we don’t know When Jesus might return or when our lives on this earth might be over.

D. We will be with the Lord and our loved ones forever.


Earlier I said that this passage encompasses the message of the Old and New Testaments. You say we see how it covers the message of the New Testament but how about the old. Verse one brings the Old Testament to life for us. Do you see it? Let’s try this morning and see if we can bring this passage alive for us. You see the sun setting in the west as you enter a coliseum that seats millions and millions and you go to the center of the stadium and you look up at empty seats. Then suddenly you notice a stooped figure entering the coliseum. You notice it is Abraham, a man who God told to take his only son and sacrifice him to God. As we know he by faith journeyed at the command of God. He takes his seat in this vast coliseum. Then you see:

Joshua-had to take over for Moses and lead the people after his death.

David- Who committed adultery, had his lover’s husband murdered but ended up being a great man of God.

Job- Who God allowed everything to be taken away from him- 3 sons, and wives, material possessions, but remained faithful to God.

Elijah- Who at one minute everything was great but all of a sudden his circumstance caused him to experience depression and loneliness to the point of asking God to take his life.

Hosea-Who experienced the death of the relationship to his wife Gomer when she left him. He had to put away his pride and bitterness and go and get her out of the gutter.

And on and on they come taking their seats in the coliseum. Deborah, Ruth, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, James and John, Peter, Andrew, Jude, etc.

Nicodemous-comes in and you know he is the one that came the Jesus by night seeking how that he might be saved.

Peter- denied Jesus three times but became a great man of God.

Now the coliseum is full and as the writer of Hebrews said we are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses.

It is dark in the coliseum and suddenly a spot light is thrown upon you and another spotlight is thrown upon that difficult you are experiencing. Before you can move, you problem attacks you and pins you to the playing field of the coliseum in front of all the saints of the ages. Then you cry out to Abraham "Abraham, I am tired of life’s journey and the hurts that I’m experiencing, I am so confused. What must I do? And Abraham says, "Look unto Jesus"

Joshua-feel unprepared

David -Guilt

Job- Grief and depression

Elijah- loneliness

Nicodemous-How Can I be saved?

Peter-I have failed

Every problem you and I encounter there is someone in the "great cloud of witnesses: encouraging you to look to Jesus.