Summary: Worry is one of the greatest enemies of Christians. Satan uses it to rob us of our power, and divert our focus from the cross of Christ.

Matthew 6:25-34 “Stop Worrying and Start Living


Worry appears to be a plague for all humankind, so much so that hundreds of sayings have been written about worry.

· Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows but only empties today of its strength.”

· William Inge said, “Anxiety is the interest paid on trouble before it is due.”

· Arthur Roche shared, “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

Most of us do not want to worry. It feels neither comfortable nor right.

· We realize that worry reminds us—in a non-productive manner—of the fragility of our existence.

· Worry is neither constructive nor positive. It doesn’t seek a solution. It limits itself to mulling over the problem.

The problem that we face is how to stop worrying. It is not an easy task, but neither is it an impossible task.


In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asks his listeners to ponder creation.

· God is involved in creation. God is not separated from it. God did not create and then step aside and what creation from a distance.

· God provides for the creation. God feeds and cares for the birds and clothes the flowers of the field in glory.

If God is active in creation, then it stands to reason that God is also active and involved in the lives of God’s people. God is active in the lives of those people whom we saw on the short video clip. God is active in your life and in my life.

It is important for us to ask ourselves how this affects our lives. What does this truth mean for our families and us? How does it apply to our relationships, our careers, our financial well being, our health and retirement?


We, as Christians, have different goals than other people. We are called to give up our striving for ourselves and instead we are called to seek to serve God and to serve others.

Worry is often focused on attaining our goals and getting what we want out of life.

Jesus challenges his listeners to “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be yours as well.” We are to seek to do God’s will—and have the faith that God will accomplish God’s will even through difficult times and tremendous obstacles. God has demonstrated that God will do this in the Scriptures, throughout history, in experiences of our congregation, and in our lives.

God’s will does not come about easily. God often moves in our lives so that all other props and supports are taken away and we are able only to depend on God and look to God for assistance and hope. Though this is the place of ultimate security, we do not feel very secure or comfortable when trusting solely in God.

To replace our worry, God invites us to focus on the cross of Jesus Christ, and the reality of God’s love.


We can begin to live, because we don’t have anything to worry about.

· God has taken care of our salvation and relationship with God through the cross of Jesus Christ—his death and resurrection. God the Son does this.

· God moves in our lives and provides us with everything we need for daily existence. Look at yourselves. You are here because of God’s provision for your throughout your lives. God the Father does this

· God also protects us from every evil. This includes sin, death and the devil. God also moves in our lives to keep us from despair, wrong belief and unbelief. God the Father also does this.

· God the Holy Spirit empower us to serve God and overcome any challenge associated to the call God gives to us.

We live safe in God’s hands; worry free not because of an absence of difficulties or our own ability, but because of God’s love, forgiveness, power and involvement in our lives.
