Summary: Every person should let Jesus into their lives because of the Lights of knowledge.

One Thing I Know

John 9

February 27, 2005 AM

Subject: Knowledge

Central Theme: What should we know about Jesus.

Every person should let Jesus into their lives because of the Lights of knowledge.

Introduction: I have been reading and thinking about this passage of scripture for a while now. I want to preach about the thought ¡§this one thing I know.¡¨

If I was to only know one thing what would it be? I want to know Christ. If you were to gain all knowledge and yet didn¡¦t know Christ, it would be useless.

One thing I know, whereas I was blind, and now I see.

READ John 9


I. Light of Compassion vs. 1

A. Notice the Disciple¡¦s response.

1. They see a blind man

2. They don¡¦t seem to care about the person.

a) There are people behind the handicap.

b) Real people with real emotions.

c) These people need love and compassion just like everyone else.

3. They saw a sinner.

4. They thought of someone who perhaps deserved what he got.

B. Notice Jesus¡¦ response.

1. Jesus had compassion.

2. He shows interest in the man.

C. What should our response be?

1. We ought to always treat people with compassion.

2. We can get hardened by the sin we see all around us.

3. We can get to the point where it just doesn¡¦t bother us anymore that sinners are dying and going to hell.

a) Another drive-by

b) Another overdose

c) Another crack-baby

d) Another homeless person.

„} This one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see.

„} I was blind to compassion, but now Jesus has given me love.

I. Light of Compassion vs. 1

II. Light of Purpose vs 3

A. Before birth God knew us.

1. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

B. God has a purpose for each of us.

1. If you are unsaved, your purpose is to listen closely to the word today.

a) Your purpose is to consider the gospel message.

b) You should take inventory of your sin and see if you measure up.

c) You should contemplate the reality of Judgment Day.

d) Does God have your attention?

2. If you are a Christian, you need to know something.

a) You have been ordained by Almighty God to do work for the Kingdom of God.

C. Blind Man¡¦s Purpose

1. Simple to show the power of God in his life.

2. This man showed the blindness of the Pharisees.

3. This man gave Jesus opportunity to teach a valuable lesson.

This one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see.

I was blind to my purpose, but Jesus has showed me the way.

I. Light of Compassion vs. 1

II. Light of Purpose vs 3

III. Light of Good Works vs 4

A. Faith & Works.

1. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

2. Saving Faith is manifested in what we do for God.

B. An appointed time for works.

1. Now is the time.

2. When Jesus comes back, then it¡¦s too late.

3. The darkness is falling. Just like our cycles of light and day, the darkness does not happened suddenly. It is a gradual thing.

4. The world we live in and the USA is getting darker.

„} This one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see.

„} I was blind to my ministry, but Jesus has showed me where I fit in the body of Christ.

I. Light of Compassion vs. 1

II. Light of Purpose vs 3

III. Light of Good Works vs 4

IV. Light of Testimony vs 5

A. Jesus¡¦ testimony is the fact that He is the light of the world.

1. He simply did what the Father told him to do.

2. He was obedient to the commands of scripture.

3. He was obedient to His Father¡¦s will.

B. A testimony is a powerful thing.

1. Every Christian has a testimony.

2. How did you come to Christ?

3. What has Jesus did for you recently?

„} This one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see.

„} I was blind to the light of the gospel, but Jesus opened my eyes so that I could see.

V. Conclusion

1. Light of Compassion vs. 1

2. Light of Purpose vs 3

3. Light of Good Works vs 4

4. Light of Testimony vs 5

This one thing I know, whereas I was blind, but now I see.

„} Have you been blinded by stuff.

„} Have you been blinded by the deceiver.

„} Call out to Jesus and ask him for sight. Ask Him to allow you to see spiritual things.

„} Because people didn¡¦t get saved and believe the gospel¡K. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

„} Ask Him to save your soul.