Exodus 6
Therefore say to the children of Israel: ’I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.
INTRODUCTION: He’s bringing you out! We serve a God that picks us up when we are down and brings us out when we are in. If you’re in trouble, He’s bringing you out! If you’re in a depression, He’s bringing you out! If you’re in despair, He’s bringing you out! If you’re in sin, He’s bringing you out! No matter what situation you are facing, He’s bringing you out! Psalms 136:12 says that with a strong hand and an outstretched arm His mercy endures forever so even if you put yourself in the predicament you are in, His mercy will bring you out. He’s bringing you out! God wants to bring you out, so He can bring you up, so He can bring you over, so He can bring you into the 30, 60, 100 fold blessing. He wants to bring you out, so He can bring you up, so He can bring you over, so He can bring you into His good, acceptable, and perfect will. He wants to bring you out, so He can bring you up, so He can bring you over, so He can bring you into the good, the better, and the very best. He wants to bring you out. Some of us have been in sickness too long. He wants to bring you out! Some of us have been in debt too long. He wants to bring you out! Some of us have been in sin too long. He wants to bring you out! We need to get to know our Lord and Savior and what He wants. It’s alright to get intimate and personal with Him. It’s alright to get on a first name basis with the Lord. His name is Jesus. Mt 1:21 - Show Context
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Jesus means deliverer. He wants to deliver you. He wants to bring you out. We call Him Jesus Christ. Christ means the Anointed One. He’s anointed to bring you out. Some call Him Jesus Christ of Nazareth. John 1:46 - Show Context
And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
Jesus Christ came out of Nazareth to let you know He’s not afraid to come down to where you are to bring you up or to come into what you are in to bring you out. He’s bringing you out! He’s bringing you out! That’s what the book of Exodus is about. It’s to give us pictures of people and principles that set the precedence for Jesus bringing you out. I’m not going to read every verse in the book of Exodus, but I do want to talk to you about the subject matter of the chapters of the book of Exodus to let you know He’s bringing you out.
Chapter 1 – The Israelites’ Oppression – Their oppression led to depression. It started with Joseph the draught. Seven year of plenty followed by seven years of famine. The children of Israel moved to Egypt with their brother for a little while and a little while turned into 400 years. If you don’t move from good to better then a good thing can turn bad. If you don’t move from better to best then it can become the worst. Don’t let your last success be the obstacle to your next success. Let God bring you out!
Chapter 2 – Moses is born / Moses flees to Median – Moses was born into oppression but God brought him out. Then, after his first sign of confrontation when trying to make a change, he ran and hid. For 40 years, he tried to pretend the problem wasn’t’ there. For 40 years, he tried to pretend the problem wasn’t real. The reason he was born into the problem for God to bring him out was so he could help someone else out. Sometimes, God pleasing faith with put you right in the face of confrontation. Sometimes, your faith won’t get you out of trouble. Sometimes, your faith will get you into trouble for God to bring you out!
Chapter 3 – Moses and the Burning Bush – The bible says as Moses turned to see, that God spoke to him out of the burning bush. Heb 9:28 says Jesus shall appear unto them that look for Him. If you look for Him, He will show up. If you seek His face, you may not see His face but, you will hear His voice. He’ll speak to you out of a burning bush. He’ll speak to you out of that thing that has you bewildered and befuddled. He’ll speak to you out that situation that has you bamboozled. Why? So He can bring you out!
Chapter 5 – Pharaoh makes things harder but God promises deliverance –I just want to let you know things will get worse before they get better. It is always darkest before the dawn. It’s late in the midnight hour and God is about to turn it around. Why are things getting worse instead of better? It’s because Satan is trying to discourage you but God is using it to purge you. So you don’t forget why you want to come out of what you are coming out of. So you don’t think “I had it better in the world” and run right back into what God is bringing you out of. Why is it getting worse? Because He’s bringing you out! The devil is making things harder, but God promises deliverance. He’s bringing you out!
Chapter 7-12 – After chapter 5, it doesn’t talk about what Pharaoh put on the people but what God put on the Pharaoh. He’s bringing you out! With a strong hand and an outstretched arm, He’s bringing you out! God is liberating you as He is educating the devil. Pharaoh asked Moses “Who is the Lord?” So, God had to educate him to let him know He is God. The 10 plagues were to show Pharaoh that God is in control everything. They prayed to different gods for different things but God is in control of everything. The plague of the blood, the frogs, the gnats, the flies, the livestock, the boils, the hail, the locust, the darkness, and the first born were to show Pharaoh that the Lord is God. By the 10th plague, Pharaoh knew that the last plague was just the finger of the mighty hand on the outstretched arm of God. God will show the devil that the devil is not the boss of you. He’ll bring you out!
He’s bringing you out! He’s caused the death angel to pass you over and pass you by when you know you should have been dead a long time ago. He’s caused you cross over from the world into Christ. He’s caused you to come out of Egypt. He’s opened up your Red Sea. He’s fed you manna from heaven. He’s given you water out of rocks. He’s made a way out of no way. He’s fought your battles for you. He’s even caused the sun to stand still for you to redeem the time so He can get you to where you ought to be and where you would be if you’d been serving Him your whole life. He’s bringing you out!
Chapter 40 – Tells about the glory of the Lord. Why is He bringing you out? It’s for His glory. It’s all about Him. He’s bringing you out for His glory. He wants to get the glory and He wants your name in the story. He’s bringing you out! He wants you to lift Him up, so He’s lifting you up. He’s bringing you out! He wants you to sing His praise, so it’s you He’s going to raise. He’s bringing you out! He’s picking you up, turning you around, and placing your feet on higher ground. He’s bringing you out!