Summary: Speaks of the unforgivable sin...Blasphemy..



Matthew 12:22 – 32

All sin is serious

And to some degree it attacks or challenges

God ; and not to mention the

Authority of God Himself!!!

There are six sins that identify sins

Against The Holy Spirit!!

Since the Holy Spirit is a person

He can be sinned against!!

But since He is also a part of God,

It gets very serious to be guilty of

Sinning against the Holy Ghost!!!

These six sins are blaspheming!

Luke 12:10 says:

And whosoever shall speak a word

against the Son of Man, it shall be

forgiven him: but unto him that

blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost

it shall not be forgiven!!

#2- Lying or Tempting

Acts chapter 5: 8 - 9 says:

And Peter answered unto her, Tell me

Whether ye sold the land for so much?

And she said Yea, for so much

Then Peter said unto her, How is it

that ye have agreed together to tempt

the Spirit of the Lord?

Behold the feet of them which have

Buried thy husband are at the door

And shall carry thee out!!

#3 Despising

Heb 10:29 says:

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose

Ye shall he be thought worthy, who

Hath trodden under foot the Son of God

And hath counted the blood of the

Covenant, wherewith he was sanctified

An un-holy thing and hath done

Despite unto the Spirit of Grace?

#4 Resisting or Striving with

Gen 6:3 says:

And the Lord said, My spirit shall not

Always strive with man

For that he also is flesh: yet his

Days shall be a hundred and twenty years!

Acts 7:51 says:

Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised

In heart and ears

Ye do always resist the Holy Ghost:

As your fathers did, so do ye!!!

#5 Vexing or Grieving

Isaiah 63:10 says:

But they rebelled and vexed his

Holy Spirit: therefore he was turned

To be their enemy,

And he fought against them!!

Ephesians 4:30 says:

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God

Whereby ye are sealed unto the day

Of redemption!!

And #6 quenching the Holy Spirit

1st Thess 5;19 says:

Quench not the Spirit

See Church we as Christians can hender

the Holy Spirit and His workings when

He’s leading us to rejoice!!!

The Holy Ghost brings us the offer of

Salvation right to our hearts door!! Amen

So what is Blasphemy against

The Holy Spirit??



It’s a question that people ask on a regular


And I think what they’re asking is

Can a person really sin so bad that

God won’t forgive them?

Can a man become such a liar, thief

Murderer, drunkard or pervert that

He is beyond the grace of God!

The Apostle Paul said that He was the

Chief Sinner, And so was I!!!!

But He murdered Christians

And He went from murdering Them

To preaching to them!!!

And then He wrote over half of

The New Testament!!

So many people are tormented by the thought

That they maybe have committed this sin

Against the Holy Ghost!!!!

Maybe some of you here tonight may

think that you’ve

Committed a sin so bad that you can’t

Receive forgiveness for it!!!

Throughout the entire New Testament

There’s several places where it speaks

Of this un-forgivable sin!!!

Even though many of us have struggled

With these words of Jesus tonight in our

Reading, if we’ll just ask - the Holy Spirit

Will provide us with all the wisdom and

Knowledge and understanding of

Everything we need to fully understand

What we need to understand about

This sin Blasphemy!!

In Vs. 22 its said there was a demon possessed

Man that was blind and dumb.

And everyone was amazed that

Jesus healed him!!

Now Jesus often went out early to a place

To pray where nobody was there to bother him’

And at the beginning of this busy day

He was on his way back to probably eat

Breakfast, but he was side tracked

He got back and the house was packed

And people were eager to listen and

They were ready to be healed!

The bible says he came home and the

Crowd gathered and there was so many

That they couldn’t even eat a meal

Mark 3:20 says

And the multitude cometh together again

So that they could not so much as

Eat bread!

A large miracle is told of in scripture here

A triple miracle of curing sanity, sight and


Jesus cast out a demon from a man who

Was blind and unable to speak

And also the sickness of being able to speak

Also meant that you couldn’t hear either

So might have been a quadruple miracle

But anyway it was awesome and all

The people were amazed!!

Now today we hear of miracles being performed

And they always seem to be someplace else

Just last week we were in Goshen Indiana

Preaching a revival over there

And The Pastor there said He was healed

Of blindness - and He had seen several

Miracles, that The Lord had performed!!

And I’ve heard at least twice of other

Evangelist’s that have seen the dead raised.

And many other miracles

But that’s not the way that Jesus Christ did it

When Jesus Christ did it

It was right there in front of everybody

Where them and their brother could see it!!

There was no room for doubt of these

Miracles that Jesus did!!

And the multitude asked could this be

the Son of David?

and these people were beginning to realize

that Jesus was truly The Son OF God!!!

But you can always know that when Jesus

Was teaching and healing - that the

Scribes and the Pharisees were always there

To harass him. That’s just satin doing his job



You can always know that if satan aint fighting

With you, then what you’re doing ain’t right!!!

The Lord has given us an old tent and every

Time we put it up to have a tent revival

Watch out cause you’re getting ready to

Have a battle with the devil

But you know he can’t win

He has no power over us

The power that satan has is

Only what power we give him!! Amen

I know what we do is right by the

Bottom line of it all!!

Because the Lord shows us and blesses us!

He makes sure we have traveling money

And He always allows us to lead souls

To Him, to further the Kingdom of Heaven!!!

And we don’t care about the money

All we care about is leading the souls

To the Lord!!!

So when someone is persecuting you for

What you do for the Lord

Give Him praise for it

Cause you’re doin something right

But any here the scribes and pharisees

had to Make some kind of accusation

In Vs. 24 it said

This fellow doth not cast out devils but

By Beelzebub and the prince of the devils

There’s always gonna be somebody

To put down your good works for the Lord!

And here is no exception to the rule!!!

The Pharisees couldn’t place no doubt here,

Because they had to admit that a miracle

Did take place!!!

They couldn’t dispute it the way

that many people Will today!

Most people will try to make some excuse

Other than it being God - won’t they?

But do you think that that means that the

Pharisees & Scribes will

Accept - that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah


Instead of giving God the praise

They were always ready to accuse Him

Of being of the devil!

Mark 3:22 says:

And the Scribes which came down from

Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub

And by the prince of the devils casteth

He out devils!!!

Why would the devil allow a devil to be

Cast out???

But they just couldn’t accept the fact that

Jesus is the Son of God!!

The devil had them blinded

He had their minds all twisted around

They were blinded by hatred

And their desire to poison all the people

That believed that Jesus was the Messiah!!

Its so sad when a person can see the truth

So plainly

But in the same breath, refuse to accept it!

Many times today I see someone that

Wants to hear the truth

We’ve seen it at our tent

People will drive up and listen to the truth

But they won’t get out

They won’t whole heartedly accept it!!

It reminds me of the Judge and the Jury

They will take testimony from all involved

And they really want to hear the truth

Whether they act upon it or not is

Neither here nor there

But they want to hear the truth!!!!

This is how sinners are today

They want to hear the true word of God

But they think they have something to

Give up to live it!

And they just don’t realize that what they’re

Giving up is a burning Hell

And they could have eternal life

Instead of eternal death!!!

Yeah we might think that giving up drinking

And drugs and sex,

And running around to the bars

Or hanging out with our friends

Or running with the crowd partying all night

Is giving up something, but I can tell you

That honey it ain’t nothin to give up!!

I used to live that life trying to fill that void

Where Jesus needed to be!

I used to play worldly music

And drink the alcohol and smoke the dope

And have the different women!

But people the only thing that will fill

That void is Jesus Christ!!!

I used to be that sinner

As many of you did!

And it seems that the bigger sinner we were

The more the Lord will use us!!!

People listen there’s only one way to live


And that’s for Jesus Christ!!!


But Jesus always had an answer for everyone

When the scribes and Pharisees caused

Their poison to travel through the crowd!

Let me point out three quick things

And I’ll close

First He said their opinions were illogical

He said

Every house or city divided against itself

Shall not stand

And if satan casts out satan

He is divided against himself!

And second He said

In Vs. 27

If by Beelzebub cast out devils

By whom do your children cast them out?

He’s referring to certain Jews performing

Exorcism’s, and possibly sometimes successfully

But they didn’t believe that their people

Did so by satan’s power

But finally Jesus told them their

Accusation was impossible

VS. 29 said

Or else how can one enter into a strong

Man’s house, and spoil his goods

Except he first bind the strong man?

And this is talking about satan

Jesus would have to be stronger that satan

And further

If He received power that the devil

Then He couldn’t possibly be

Stronger than satan.

Jesus said in VS. 30

He that is not with me is against me

And he that gathereth not with me

Scattereth abroad!

But VS. 31 says

Wherefore I say unto you

All manner of sin and blasphemy

Shall be forgiven unto men

But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost

Shall not be forgiven unto men.

People listen to me tonight,

When it comes right down to it

The only sin for which there is no

Forgiveness for,

Is the sin that we wouldn’t want any

Forgiveness for!

Look At

The Scribes and the Pharisees they’re the

Examples here of the unforgivable sin

The good news is

That Jesus came to deliver us from sin

And that forgiveness is available to everybody

The ever-flowing waters of the Well of Life

Are always there for those of you who

Are ready and willing to accept and serve

The Lord

Is there any sins on your heart today

These altars are here and open now

For you, to ask God to forgive you

Whether you are a sinner or if you once

Knew Jesus as your personal Savior but

You’ve turned your back on Him.

If you have any doubts in your heart tonight

Please allow us to lead you there,

Or lead you back and make it right

Don’t be like King Agrippa who said

Almost: thou-persuadest me to be

A Christian!

And Festus said

When it is a more convenient time

Now is the convenient time!!!

And if you get weak tonight,

Ask God to give you the strength!

When you think you can’t love anymore

As God to give you that love!

If you have never called on Jesus Christ

To forgive you of your sins

You’re on the road to hell!

You might be the biggest person in town

or the most Powerful person in town

But unless you repent you will perish!!!

Wont you come tonight and give Jesus

A chance!!