Luke 12:13-21
All the people said HE’S A SUCCESS
But God said He’s Stupid
God said He’s a fool
This rich man was just controlled by the
Force of the world
And not to mention the force of the devil
Men would point him out to their sons
They would point out his mansion on the hill
And his Egyptian thoroughbred Horses
His fancy Golden Horsedrawn coach
His servants
But God points out things as well..
And God has directed his attention
To His Lost Soul!!!
This Rich Man made three mistakes already
He measured his success in material things
He thought he could satisfy his soul with
Meat and beer
And the worst mistake was
He thought he was gonna live on this earth
Now we all know better than that don’t we??
Jesus Christ was busy teaching his disciples
And He was interrupted by someone who
Wanted him to resolve a family dispute over
What????? Just the root of all evil!
He wanted Jesus to get the money for him
But Jesus saw straight through to the problem
The problem in his heart----GREED!!!!
This is one of our biggest mistakes today
That we make people
We let our flesh take completely over and
Let our main priority in life is to get WEALTH
There’s many of us here tonight who can identify
With this farmer
He’s a happy man
He’s a rich man
He had a good harvest
This is what most of us strive for in our lives daily
To be rich and successful and
And in VS 19 He’s looking forward to
A whole lot more of it!!!
It says
I will say to my soul thou hast much
Goods laid up for many years
Take thine ease
Eat, drink and be merry!!!!
Not because we don’t have any
But because we need bigger ones
So here He’s gonna tear down the old ones
And build bigger new ones!!!
Everything was fine and good
And this is the typical lifestyle of Americans
We want to improve our lifestyle
We want to increase our wealth
We want to find more ways to enjoy life
We want to store up our wealth
We want to store up our possessions
So we can enjoy them when we’re old
We’re always planning for the future
We want to invest in the good stock
We want to have a big life insurance policy
We want to have plenty of property
We want to have a large 401K retirement
And all the time – We don’t need any of
these things
what we need is like that song
I’m laying up treasures for my heavenly home
I’m counting my riches by the
Souls that I lead to Jesus Christ!!!!
But everything was all hunkey Dory until
VS. 20
Thou fool, this night thy soul
Shall be required of thee
Then whose shall those things be
Which thou hast provided
I wonder what kind of shape this rich mans
Soul was in at this point!!!!!
I wonder what kind of shape your soul
Is in tonight???
Now God has changed everything around
This farmer ain’t gonna live to see
He ain’t gonna see tomorrow in this life
He’s gonna face eternity
He might have made plans for his earthly life
But what about his eternal life???
I don’t think this rich man was interested
In his life after this one do you???
You see GOD wasn’t in his life
He didn’t consider God at all
Is God in your life tonight???
Are you considering God at all tonight????
God said YOU FOOL!!!
This very night I demand your life!!!
Who is gonna get what he has prepared for himself
VS. 21 says
So is he tha6t layeth up treasures
For himself and is not
We need not to worry about the things of this life
We need not to worry about what our neighbors
Are thinking about us
We need not to think about anything tonight
Jesus wants us to see the things in the
Right perspective
He told the young man who came to him
In VS. 15
Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for
A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance
Of the things which he possesseth!!!
JESUS ain’t gonna be no part of furthering
Your self interests
Jesus tells us we must serve the lord
And Not ourselves - and certainly not others
You see our life is not to be planned out
And its not to be compared to how rich in
Money and worldly things we can have
Our life needs to be ready to face eternity
And our reward’s will be given to us
When we leave this world!
Our life after this one will be compared to
How hard we worked for Jesus here!!!
We have to be on guard against greed
Because our abundance of possessions don’t count!
James 5:5 says
Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth
And been wanton ye have nourished
Your hearts as in a day of slaughter!
On past our reading in
Luke 12:24 says:
Consider the Ravens: for they neither
Sow nor reap;
Which neither have storehouse nor barn
And God feedeth them:
How much more
And the Bible says
Consider the lilies how they grow
They toil not - they spin not
The farmer was diligent
But Jesus pointed out to him
That he was not the one who made the crop
Grow – He might have planted it and tended it
But He didn’t make the rain fall nor
The sun shine
And He didn’t make the seed burst open
And sprout
And as a matter of fact
He couldn’t even explain how it all works
If he would be totally honest
He would have to admit that God provided it
Today if we think that our success in life
Or how much money we have
Or what kind of car we drive
Or what kind of house we live in
Is the result of our own work
Then we need to take a step back and
Look at this for a minute
Everything that we have we can give thanks
To God for it!!!
He’s only letting us use the stuff we have!!
He gave it to us!!!
Without Him we have nothing
Even your life can be considered a loan from God
And He WILL demand re-payment for it!!!
Our security in this life doesn’t rely on barns
Our security in this life rely’s on God
And we don’t have to set on our hearts
What we’ll make today or what we’ll
Eat or drink today DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT
Worry about seeking God’s kingdom
Worry about what you can do for God
And don’t worry about what He’s
Gonna do for you
Put your trust tonight in Jesus Christ
Jesus reminded us to remember God
He is the source of all our blessings
God don’t want us to invest in world
He wants us to invest in His eternal Kingdom
In the Book of Ecclesiastes it says:
For there is a man whose labor is in wisdom
And in knowledge and in equity
Yet to a man that hath not labored therin
Shall he leave it for his portion
This also is vanity and a great evil
For what hat man of all his labor and or
The vexation of his heart wherein he hath
Labored under the sun?
For all his days are sorrows and his
Travail’grief yea his heart taketh not rest
In the night
This is also vanity!
We have to invest our time life talent and
knowledge, in the work of His kingdom
Lay up your treasures in Heaven
And moth and rust can’t touch it!!
And thieves can’t break in and steal it!!
All that the rich farmer had won’t go to him
And it won’t go with him
Life without God has no meaning
If your looking for fulfilling
VS. 19 said
And I will say to my soul
Soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years
Take thine ease
Eat, drink, and be merry
God gives us eternal riches
Not just physical riches
Only God can fill that void in our hearts
God wants us to enjoy life
But not without a relationship with him
Colossians 3:2 says
Set your affection on things above
Not on things on the earth!
James 1:17 says
Every good gift and every perfect gift is
From above, and cometh down from the Father
Of lights, with whom is no
Variableness neither shadow of turning.
Put your trust in Jesus tonight
He has come to be your Savior
He Save’s us from sin
He died on the cross
For our sins
He rose again to life on the 3rd day