Faith & Finance Series
The Witness of Faithful Finances Part 1
Two weeks ago, we began a new series on Faith & Finance titled IN GOD WE TRUST. We learned that before we can be prosperous and truly successful in anything including our finances – we must learn to TRUST GOD! As we go through this series of messages – remember that you must first Trust God.
We stated in our opening message that many businesses do not want to do business with Christians. Why is that? It should be that every business wants to have Christians as their main customer base. It seems that Christians have become no better than the rest of the world when it comes to our finances. As a matter of fact - I would venture to say that we are worse than the rest of the world, because we claim to hold a higher standard. People avoid doing business with Christians because of our reputation – our witness.
****I heard from a man in the propane business who had a truck sent out to a Camp Site owned by one of the largest Churches in Tulsa. (A church who preaches on money a lot). When the driver pumped all the propane (A large order) he went to collect his money. The man in charge then began to “negotiate” the price. He refused to pay the agreed upon price. By the end of the encounter the propane company took much less than what was owed them. Of course the caretaker of the “Christian” property was able to brag how he saved their ministry money.
*****My brother works for a large insurance company as an adjuster. He tells that the adjusters have a name for the “Christian” people who try to rip them off. The call the “GOD BLESS YOU’S” It is these people who say Oh God Bless You then try to make false claims. Some have even stated that Christianity has nothing to do with this – This is Business!
*****Many companies in Broken Arrow cringe every time they do business with students from the Christian College there. They know by experience that many of them will not pay their rent, their car payments, their water bills, etc. They always say OH IM NOT WORRIED ABOUT IT – GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT!
These are a few obvious examples of the many ways we have ruined our witness!!!!
I believe most Christians would be appalled by these events. After all, that kind of behavior is not what we are about. Perhaps you have never done these kinds of things – openly ripping people off. My question to you is this….
We give a bad impression of Christ when we don’t live and manage our money according to His principles – even if we are not ripping people off.
Consider the most common witness of our finances:
James 4:1-2 – Even Christians can go without and live lives of lust and want because we refuse to ask God. We don’t ask God because we have a faith problem.
Hebrews 11:6 – For without faith it is impossible to please Him…
We do without the things we need and we long for the things we don’t.
We fail to ask and expect God to meet our needs.
1. In general living (limited faith)
2. Especially with our finances
3. We generally fail in 3 ways:
a. We Doubt God’s Promises (That can’t work – I can’t depend it) (don’t bank on it)
b. We Discount God’s Favor (What God provides is not good enough) (always desiring something else)
c. We Demonstrate a Lack of Trust (Faith)
Our unbelief prevents God from doing mighty works in our lives.
Isn’t it strange that we believe God to Save us but not to provide for us. What message are we sending to the world when the Church cannot pay its bills? (special offerings to pay PSO)
James 4:3-5 Christians often ask God to meet their lusts. We ask God to give us things that would serve no purpose other than to be consumed by our desires. These desires will lead us into greed. Greedy living is simply – living our lives with our affection on worldly things. (To get more) This is why we fight and are jealous of one another – “I can’t believe they got a new…” “Honey, why don’t we ever get a new…”, etc.
1. We are Self Absorbed
2. We are Self Centered
3. We are Self Serving
4. We Spend, Save, & Steal (from God and from the needy) in order to satisfy our selfish desires
I Deserve It. Me, Me , Me . me! Some times we live as if we were warming up for the Church Choir…. ME ME ME ME ME !
What message are we sending to the world when the Church is more interested in adorning it’s buildings than in in sharing what they have to reach the lost.
II Corinthians 9:7 – We are called to give out of a generous heart. We are not to give out of necessity or grudgingly. Too often we give – but we don’t like it. Giving is like the broccoli of Christianity. (It is really good for us, but YUCK!) J
We must understand that God is not a score keeper. He is interested in our heart. (& a true heart gives).
1. Reasons we Give:
a. Because we have to
b. Because we are expected to
c. Because we feel guilty
d. Because there is no way out
2. When these reasons apply we end up wanting to be recognized
3. We fail to give for the right reasons
4. We are unable to give with the right attitude
5. We are definitely not cheerful givers
* This results in forfeited blessings** God rewards the cheerful giver. You can’t be cheerful if you are giving out of obligation! What message are we sending the world when giving and helping others is our greatest most horrible burden to bear?
So you may not be stiffing everyone, or cheating anyone, but the way you manage your money can still bring reproach to the name of Christ. If we are the same as everyone else – THEN WE HAVE FAILED. We are to be peculiar – different – UNCOMMON!
The uncommon witness of Christian finances is what God desires to use. It is what God can Bless and multiply (OUT AND BACK) It is these traits that enable the bread to return to you.
A little faith goes a long way! Believe God’s Word. It only takes mustard seed faith to move mountains. Understand the principles of sowing and reaping.
a. Know what God says!
b. Know Who God is.
c. Believe what he says.
d. Act upon his Word!
Remember who you are dealing with – The God of The Universe! (Cattle on 1K hills)
Act as if you expect God to do something great.
**Believe the impossible* Taking God at his word often means doing things that seem foolish, or illogical to the world. Investing in the Kingdom is certainly one example of this type of faith.
I PETER 4:8-11. We are saved by grace, instructed to worship with grace in our heart, to have our speech seasoned with grace, to stand in grace, etc. Peter tells us we are stewards of grace. We receive and are to give Grace!
1. We are to receive Grace
2. We are to stand and operate in Grace (favor of God)
3. Grace is both a blessing and that which enables our blessings
5. A bitter / resentful heart is contrary to our Christian nature and calling and will result in our being self serving, stingy, greedy, and hateful.
** Forgiving Living* Having received Grace let us demonstrate Grace and Give grace to others! People of grace are not greedy. They do not keep score. They are about grace, from start to finish. Grace removes and releases grudges and greed.
** Illustration- Keeping score when buying – I owe you $1.13, you owe me 27 cents, etc.
It is God’s design to build the Kingdom and to finance the global operations of the Church through the generous giving of his people. The problem is us. Missionaries are unfounded, etc.
A. Christian people are some of the tightest people there are
B. Cheap, Stingy, Tightfisted, Etc.
C. Consider what God has Given
1. His Name
2. His Spirit
3. His Son
D. Consider what God has forgiven
1. Our Sin
2. Our Selfishness
3. Our Rebellion
** Look for opportunities to give. WE demonstrate the generous heart of God when we give to those in need. To those who don’t deserve it, to those who least expect it! After all, it is God’s anyway!
** Illustration* tipping your server. Go above and beyond, then, leave something behind to let them know why. (a tip card or envelope / a scripture reference on the CC receipt, etc.)
The Faith of Christ. Jesus believed the Word of God. He had a great witness, even with his money.
The Grace and Example of Christ. Jesus loved people. He was full of Grace and Truth. He demonstrated the unconditional love of God in all he did.
The Giving of Christ. Christ was a Giver. His time, His energy, His money, His LIFE.