The Boy Who Was Hidden In The House Of God
2 Kings 11:1-21
This morning I want to share with you a message on the story of Joash. Joash was the infant son of King Ahaziah. He was a heir to the throne, but his life is in great danger.
Notice with me some things about Joash:
I. There Was A Plan To Slay Him. V1
Here’s the scenario, and it is an almost unbelievable one !
a. The Situation
King Ahaziah had been killed. His death was the result of the judgment of God. Ahaziah apparently had several sons that would have been in line to assume the throne, and position as King.
b. The Selfishness.
However before any of them could be crowned, a plan is devised ! The plan was to kill all the heirs to the throne. What is more shocking than the plan is the person who initiated it ! Her name was Athaliah. She was the mother of King Ahaziah ! It was upon hearing that the King, her son, was dead that she devised this diabolical scheme ! She would kill all the heirs to the throne so that she herself might rule the kingdom. She desired to be Queen ! Can you fully understand the selfish ambition of this wicked woman ? She was willing to kill off her grandchildren so that she could have the throne !
c. The Scene.
How exactly she carried out this plan is not revealed. We do not know if she carried it out alone.............but she is sucessful or so it seems ! It is a tragic scene.......unimaginable.........unthinkable ! Young men of royalty with so much promise, and potential ! And now they all lie in a heap dead..........but wait.........among the pile of their bodies.........there is a cry ! There is one that lives. But not for long.........he will most certainly die if Athaliah realizes that he still lives, and that she overlooked him ! He is unable to help himself. He is unable to walk or run away because he is only one years old !
He is the only one of the royal sons left ! Who will rescue the perishing ? Doesn’t anyone care ? Don’t they hear his screams ?
II. There Is A Person To Save Him. V2
The child of the king would have been destroyed. He would never have reached his potential, and his position. He would never have received the promise had it not been for someone who was willing to save him ! Her name was Jehosheba. She was the sister of King Ahaziah. She was the aunt of Joash...........and yes........she was the daughter or stepdaughter of Athaliah, the very woman who sought to destroy the royal seed. Jehosheba was also the wife of the Priest Jehoiada
Let me draw some analogy this morning..........the world is perishing ! Sinners are lost, and dying without Christ. They are unable to save themselves. Who will see their condition ? Who will hear their crys ? Who will respond to their need and bring them to Christ, the one who can save their souls !
We as believers need to be like Jehosheba ! Our church needs to have the kind of heart that she had ! We need to rescue those who are perishing without hope !
a. She was a woman of courage !
She put herself at risk ! Athaliah, as evil as she was, would have not hesitated to kill her as well had she caught her doing what she did ! The church desperately needs some people of courage who are unafraid to get involved !
b. She was a woman of compassion !
She could not bear the thought of seeing this baby destroyed ! She did what she did out of a heart of compassion. Have we not lost our burden for children ?
Where are those who will reach the children ? Who are they who will go forth and rescue the children ?
c. She was a woman of conviction !
It did not matter to Jehosheba who was committing this astrocity ! It was wrong, and something had to be done ! We must be people of conviction !
d. She was a woman of commitment !
She had to be willing to pay the price to get invovled. There would be a cost involved in rescuing Joash. She would not only have to rescue him, but raise him for no one else would do it ! It was worth the cost to her ! To reach people, and see them saved requires a commitment. There is a price to be paid ! We must be in it for the long haul ! Must be willing to make some sacrifices, and go the distance !
III. There Was A Place To Shelter Him. V3
Jehosheba, and Jehoida were provided lodging at the house of God. Having saved Joash from destruction, she takes him to the house of God. There she shelters Joash for 6 years ! He must be hidden because Athaliah has assumed the position of Queen. What better place than the house of God for security, and shelter ! They apparently did not worry about Athaliah coming to the temple because she would be at the temple of baal worshipping !
What better place.......what safer place than the house of God ! If you’ve been saved, you should be in the house of God ! We need to bring others to the house of God !
The church needs to be a place....
a. where people can find Christ !
The church’s greatest call, and challenge is to reach the lost, and win them to Christ ! If we the church do not reach them, who will ? If we do not preach the gospel, who will ?
If we don’t extend an invitation, who will ? Let’s commit ourselves to sheltering people in Christ, and in Church !
b. where people can find Charity !
The church needs to be a place where folks can experience the love of God in us, and through us !
We need to not only be willing to meet the spiritual needs of others, but physical needs as well !
Matt 25:35-40
......Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
c. where they can find Comfort.
The house of God needs to be a place of rest for all of us.
It needs to be a place where we can come and feel at peace ! A place where we can escape the discomforts of the world. We need to make sure that the church is a place of comfort for people, and not another place of conflict !
d. where they can find Counsel.
We must instruct people in the word of God ! We must be a source of counsel for believers, and unbelievers alike. Too many times believers go to the wrong place, and wrong people for counsel, and advice !
IV. There Was A Priest To Sustain Him ! V3-4
Jehoiada was a Godly man, and a faithful priest ! He had a tremendous impact upon Joash. Joash was blessed to have such great role models to take him in, and raise him.
Notice the great influence that he had in the life of Joash.
Look at 2 Chronicles 24:2 And Joash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest.
a. He was a man of sacrifice !
24:14-16........And they offered burnt offerings in the house
of the LORD continually all the days of Jehoiada.
But Jehoiada waxed old, and was full of days when he died; an hundred and thirty years old was he when he died.
And they buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God, and toward his house.
b. He was a man of service !
He was buried as a King because of his faithful service to his people !
c. He was a man of stedfastness !
d. He was a man of supplications !
Listen to 1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priest: and we shall reign on the earth.
If you are a believer, then you are a priest ! The Lord says that we are part of a royal priesthood, and that he has made us priests !
What does this mean ? It means that we have access to God ! It means that we can intercede on behalf of others !
As Jehoiada had a impact upon young Joash, we too can impact the lives of people by being a priest before the Lord.
Let’s not only be like Jehosheba, but let’s be like Jehoiada.
Will you intercede to God on behalf of others ?
V. There Was A Promise That Secured Him !
This whole episode is evidence of the faithfulness of God to his people ! He had promised to David that his house would reign forever ! Satan will always try and hinder the promises of God....but he is faithful to bring to pass that which he has promised !
a. He received protection ! V4
Joash was sheltered safely in the house of God by Jehosheba, and Jehoiada. I do not know how the priest knew when the time was right but in the 7th year Jehoiada made a tremendous step of faith, and called for leaders, and soldiers to come to the house of God. It was there he revealed to them that one of the King’s sons had survived. The priest then alligned the soldiers so as to provide security for the King.
b. He received a prize ! V12
The child of the King received a crown !
c. He received a position !
At 7 years of age, Joash is annointed King !
d. He received a palace ! V 19