A) I have never read about, or heard about, or seen a people that is as confused about things as
we are today ... We are confused about most everything!
* Politics confuse me – most of the time! * The pope confuses me – all of the time!
* Preachers confuse me – some of the time ... (Jealousy, backbiting, finding fault, judgmental, etc.)
* People confuse me – most, all, some of the time (See how confused I am)!
B) We are living in a confused world, full of confused people! * It has always been that way!
* Some 83 times in the Bible we read about confusion!
* Gen. 11:9 – Babel ... confused language. * Isa. 24:10 – Confused city of Tyre.
* Isa. 41:29 – Molten images caused confusion.
* Acts 19:29 – The whole city of Ephesus was filled with confusion.
* 1 Cor. 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the ...”
* James 3:16 “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”
C) There is one more verse of Scripture in the O.T. that I want us to look at and read together!
* Jer. 3:25 ... Here we see that sin and shame brings confusion!
* I am confused about some things that’s going on in our nation today!
D) For instance: I am confused about this abortion issue ... I don’t understand it at all!
* In the U.S. you can be fined $5000 and imprisoned for up to a year for breaking an eagle’s egg.
* You can be imprisoned and fined for stealing a sea turtle egg, and yet our babies are being killed
daily with little outcry!
* Prov. 31:9 says that a leader has the responsibility to speak out for the one who cannot speak, for
the rights of those who are doomed.
* My friends, you and I have the responsibility to support those who speak out for and defend those
who are unable to speak for themselves, namely unborn children!
E) I have been following the news about Scott Peterson ... Some of you know the story!
* The jury that convicted Scott Peterson for killing his wife Laci and their unborn baby Conner,
recommended that he be put to death for his crimes.
* Peterson was charged by the State of California for killing his wife as well as for killing his
unborn child, making it a special circumstances case eligible for the ultimate penalty, death.
* If Scott Peterson is going to be put to death for killing his unborn child, one baby, why isn’t
every abortion doctor in this nation, guilty of killing hundreds, even thousands of babies .......
* Also on death row for doing the same thing?
F) As I have watched the Peterson case unfold over these past 2 years, I have viewed the
coverage on the various networks like FOX, MSNBC, CNN, and CourtTV.
* I have been particularly interested in the passion and conviction of people like CourtTV anchors
Nancy Grace, Lisa Bloom, and Catherine Crier .......
* The attorney for Amber Frey, Gloria Allred, as well as other commentators as they shared their
belief not only in Peterson’s guilt, but the fact he deserved to be put to death for his crimes.
* The key to their arguments was always the fact that he not only killed his wife, but also his baby! * Sadly, too many men kill their wives but at most they receive a sentence of life in prison.
* Many of these commentators made the point over and over that the fact he also killed his baby
was justification to sentence him to death. (By the way, I happen to agree with them).
G) However, the hypocrisy is that most of these same commentators also support a woman’s
right to kill her baby, they are PRO CHOICE, or calling it what it really is, PRO DEATH!
* I have to admit that I am very confused! * How can it be such a heinous crime for Scott Peterson
to kill his baby, yet perfectly acceptable for a woman to make the choice to kill her baby?
* I am absolutely lost at how one is a crime worthy of death and the other is an acceptable choice.
H) Furthermore, I am equally confused how Peterson, who made the choice to kill one unborn
baby will spend his life all alone in a tiny cell on death row awaiting the day when the State
of California will put him to death .......
* And doctors all across this nation who make the choice to kill hundreds and thousands of unborn
babies go home every night to nice comfortable homes .......
* And look forward to all of the great things life has to offer.
* If Scott Peterson can be put to death for killing one baby, every doctor that performs an abortion
should also be put to death!!!
I) The fact is, several dozen states now have “fetal homicide” statutes on the books!
* But to get these “fetal homicide” statutes passed, state legislators had to make ONE HUGE
exemption! * You guessed it ... In cases of abortion with the mothers consent .......
* These statutes do not apply to the abortion doctors.
* Do you see what twisted logic has to be used to accommodate sin?
J) The fact is, life comes from God!
* At the moment of conception there is a living person with an eternal soul.
* To kill that life for any reason is murder ... PERIOD!
* Killing an unborn baby is murder, whether it happens in an act of violence by a husband or in a
legal clinic! * Yes, I am confused!
K) I’m confused about the sin of homosexuality and how the world looks at it!
* Remember several months ago there was a “church trial” in regard to a practicing and
unrepentant lesbian pastor in the Philadelphia area.
* This woman proudly announced in April of 2003 to the congregation that she had chosen to live
as a lesbian.
* The biggest mistake the United Methodist Church made was not defrocking her on the spot.
* Homosexuality is called a sin by God ... Better yet, an abomination!
* How can someone who is representing God choose to live in blatant and unrepentant rebellion to
Him and His Word?
* Those in bondage to this sin need to be in church, sitting in the pews repenting, asking God’s
forgiveness, and finding His strength to live in victory .......
* Not standing in the pulpit representing God! * Yes, I am confused!
L) I’m confused about this “same sex marriage” ordeal!
* What is happening in Massachusetts, San Francisco, and many other states is not only making a
mockery of God’s holy institution of marriage, but is an abomination to God!
* If two people of the same sex choose to live together and engage in homosexual relations in
complete rebellion to God’s Word, that is their choice.
* But people who know Christ as their Savior cannot allow society to change God’s definition of
marriage to legalize this sin people have chosen to live in!
M) Let me say right up front, a “civil union” is an UNACCEPTABLE compromise!
* You don’t compromise the Word of God!
* For the proponents of gay marriage who are comparing this to the civil rights movement of the
60’s, that is simply absurd! * A person does NOT chose the color of their skin.
* A person DOES chose who they have sex with!
N) Also, why is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom not in jail?
* Since when does the mayor of a city decide they have the right to blatantly ignore the law?
* What message does it send when the head of a major city decides to ignore the law because he
and his activist wife determine they don’t like that law?
* He should be fired immediately, charged criminally, or the message being sent to citizens is
that if you don’t agree with the law, just break it! * Yes, I’m confused!
O) But thank God, there are some things that I am not confused about!
* Let me give you 5 things and I’m through!
* Phil. 3:20 “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the
Lord Jesus Christ:” * The Saviour is God’s only begotten Son – John 3:16.
A) There is much confusion about “who” the Savior is!
* Some believe he is Mohammed ... Mohammed is the founder of the Islamic religion!
* He is called the prophet of Islam, and his followers are called Moslems!
* There are about 465 million Moslems throughout the world today!
* Moslems believe Mohammed was the last messenger of God, but I’ve got news for them!
* Jesus was the last ... Turn to Heb. 1:1-6 .......
B) Some believe he is Joseph Smith, the founder and first president of the Mormon church!
* Young Joseph Smith was troubled by the claims made by religious groups of his day and said
that he couldn’t decide on which group to join.
* In 1820, he went alone into the woods to seek God’s guidance, and according to him, God the
Father and His Son, Jesus Christ appeared to him.
* They told him not to join any existing church and to prepare for important tasks!
* Smith said that the angel Moroni visited him in 1823, and told him he would receive gold plates
on which he would find a book engraved in a strange language!
* Smith said that he received the plates in 1827, and his translation of the writings, called the book
of Mormons, was published in 1830!
* Mormons believe the book was divinely inspired and they regard it as holy scripture!
* They believe that Joseph Smith came to do what Jesus didn’t finish!
C) Every religion has a savior, but every religion is not always right!
* There is only one Savior for Salvation and His name is Jesus Christ!
* 2 Tim. 1:10 “... the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ ...”
* Titus 1:4 “... the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.”
* Titus 2:13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our
Saviour Jesus Christ;”
* 1 John 4:14 “... the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”
* Thank God, I know who the Savior is, and He lives in my heart ... I’m glad I know who Jesus is!
(2) I’M NOT CONFUSED ABOUT SALVATION! * Rom.10:9-13 “That if thou shalt ...”
A) Not saved by the church or anything or anyone else!
* Not saved by something or anything you do or any human does!
* We are saved because of what Jesus did and you must believe that in order to be saved!
B) Right after I got saved, I was excited and wanted everybody to get saved!
* I asked a man one time if he was saved and he said, “From what?”
* Well, that caught me off guard and I didn’t know what to say, I was just a young Christian.
* So I said, “From everything!” * He said, “I reckon not.”
* I said, “Well, I want to tell you how you can be saved from everything,” and I went through the
plan of salvation. * He didn’t get saved then, but he did promise to think about it!
* Thank God I have been saved ... And I’m not confused about salvation!
* Acts 20:19 “Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations ...”
A) What a joy it is to serve the Lord! * Serve: To render obedience and worship to God!
* The Greek word comes from the word “bond-slave.” * Paul constantly called himself a slave of
Jesus Christ! * He constantly serve His Lord and Master!
* We should serve the Lord in our everyday life! * Don’t put God on the shelf!
* Let God be a part of your everyday living and serve Him everyday!
* Look for things to do for Him ... Stop to help people in any way you can!
B) Serve God in the church! * Look for ways to serve ... Ask for ways to serve ... Just serve!
* I don’t serve Him to repay Him, for I could never repay Him for all He’s done for me!
* I serve Him because I love Him ... And I want to serve Him because I know pay day is coming!
* He never calls anyone to do a special job who does not love Him and has a desire to serve Him!
* Serving Jesus Christ is not a drudgery ... It’s a joy! * It’s not a duty ... It’s a joy!
* Thank God, I am not confused about serving the Lord!
(4) I’M NOT CONFUSED ABOUT THE SANCTUARY! * By that I mean “the church!”
A) Matt. 16:17-18 ... The church is built on the Rock, Jesus Christ!
* He bought the church with His own precious blood!
* Some people only want the church when marrying ... dying ... or family fellowships or clubs or
when they are in a real bad need!
* Some only want the church once in a while ... They don’t really know what the church really is!
B) It’s God’s house ... Where born again, blood washed people worship their Lord .......
* And a place where the Gospel is preached to give lost people a way out of their sinful condition!
* This is the only thing the Lord built while here on the earth!
* Everything that is any good in this world has come from the church!
* Thank God I am not confused about the sanctuary, the church!
A) I know where I am going when this life is over! * Nobody has to wonder where I’m at .......
* Because I believe the words of Jesus in John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be ...”
* Some are confused about what happens when this earthly life is over!
* Well, honey ... Worry no more! * If you have Jesus in your heart, you’ll be with Him after
death! * He will take you to heaven to be with Him forever!
* 2 Cor. 5:1 “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a
building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
* 2 Cor. 5:8 “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be
present with the Lord.”
B) Thank God, I’m not confused about where I’ll spend eternity, and you not need be either!
* Can I encourage you to trust Jesus as your Savior, if you haven’t already?
* I can promise you this ... You’ll be glad you did when all of this life is over!
* Come to Jesus today ... Give Him your heart and soul ... Trust Him today as your Savior!