Summary: Today, we will be looking at 5 types of self-deception, that we need to be on guard against. And if we heed the warning, we will avoid experiencing, "THE AGONY OF DECEIT".


TEXT: I Corinth. 3:18-23, 6:9-11; Gal. 6:7; James 1:22,26


She woke up early and decided to take a walk. The air was clear and brisk, the birds were singing to one another in the trees. She stopped for a moment to say hello, and pat a mother deer and her two baby deer. And the MORNING sun was beginning to sneak over the distant horizon, turning the morning sky into a symphony of brilliant colors. Oh, how she loved her life with Adam in the garden.

As she was walking, she realized that she had walked into the middle of the garden. And there standing with splendor and power, was the tree of "the knowledge of good and evil". It was a truly magnificent tree, it’s limbs were broad and strong and stretched out into the garden, bearing it’s divine fruit.

Suddenly, she perceived that she was not alone, and she looked and saw The Serpent. The serpent agreed with Eve, that this was a truly magnificent tree and he began to entice her with his shrewd words of deception. "Did God really say that you can’t eat from this tree? Surely you won’t die, if you eat from it, God just doesn’t want you to eat from it, because God wants to hold you back, He doesn’t want you to be as wise as Him, so Go on, take a bite, you’ll see, it won’t hurt you, doesn’t it look just delicious, come on take a bite, you know that you really want to, besides, Eve you deserve it, you owe it to your self". As she pondered what the serpent said, it began to seem more and more reasonable to her. And as she reached out her hand towards the fruit, a strange and eerie silence fell over the entire Garden, it was as if the garden itself had taken a deep breathe, in fear and unbelief at what was now taking place. The dark tides of deception had begun, and it’s waves are powerful and forceful, as they strive to pull men in, and move them along with ever increasing force, until they bring there pry crashing against the rocks of self-destruction. As Eve bit into the fruit she experienced the full blunt of the blow, she suffered and stands as a testimony to the "THE AGONY OF DECEIT".

Tragically, we know (many times by personal experience), that deception did not end in the garden. People still deceive, and are deceived by both strangers and loved ones. The winds of deception are still blowing and the waves of self-destruction are still crashing.

As I was studying I Corinthians, I noticed a phrase that appeared 3 times in the letter, "DO NOT BE DECEIVED". This phrase really caught my attention as I reflected on the power of self-deception. I began to think about how many times Christians, as they serve the Lord and serve the church, allow the waves of deception to carry them, and how many times they also crash into the rocks of self-destruction.

Today we will not only look at the 2 verses that are in the chapters of I Corinthians that we are studying this month, BUT we also look at several other passages in the New Testament that give the same warning, some written by Paul and some by others.

We in the church need to realize that deception is alive and well today. It’s waters are just as deadly, and it’s waves are just as destructive as ever. No One is immune from it’s mighty undertow, Not even you!

Today, we will be looking at 5 types of self-deception, that we need to be on guard against. And if we heed the warning, we will avoid experiencing, "THE AGONY OF DECEIT".

We must realize that all of us are susceptible to this type of deception, the moment that we think that we are not, we have already begun to lose the battle.


Paul has up to this point has been talking about how the church in Corinth was divided over Human Leaders. They had elevated mere men and human wisdom, and serious problems had arisen in the church.


Human wisdom refuses to see the world from God’s viewpoint and human wisdom thinks that God’s wisdom is foolish, that it doesn’t make any sense.

Human wisdom sneers and shakes it’s head when it sees Christians give there money to the church so that the Gospel can be proclaimed and so that the physical needs of others can be met.

Human Wisdom says that the smart thing to do, is to keep your money for yourself, invested for your own security and future.

You need to take of your own needs and wants first, if you don’t no one else will.

Human Wisdom also says that it is foolish to take a low position of service in the church. You need to be out in front, you deserve to have the applause, the credit and the praise.

Human Wisdom looks at the life of the Christian and just doesn’t understand how the Christian can be so stupid.

B. Human Wisdom is arrogant and prideful and has a lot to say. And it also has much to suffer. Let’s talk about WHAT HUMAN WISDOM SUFFERS.

What Paul is saying in these verses, is that the man who thinks he is following the way of wisdom, by dividing the church into factions striving against one another for superiority is self-deceived. The Greek word translated deceived means thoroughly deceived and it is related to the a word that means "to cheat". The man (or woman) who is looking to glorify himself or some other man is only cheating himself of his real reward from God.

No human being, no matter how many degrees he has hanging on his walls, or how much money he has in the bank. Can "Out Fox" God. All the wisdom in this world, that is not focused on knowing and serving the One True God, is foolishness!, it’s completely insane!! As it is written, "He catches the wise in their craftiness", and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile".

The truth is, that Human Wisdom is the fool, in this life she tries to grab, push and shove to get all that she can, and when she finally looks down and opens her hands, she finds that they are absolutely empty. Money didn’t satisfy, Power didn’t satisfy. Those who follow human wisdom and the cultural philosophy of the day, in the end wind up empty handed without hope. Solomon in Proverb’s chapter 5 human wisdom and cultural philosophy as an adulterous. [Prov. 5:1-5]

And the Christian who is willing to look foolish to the worldly wise as he follows Christ, when he opens his hands and finds them overflowing, And God says to the Christian, "all things are yours!"

(do not be deceived about embracing human wisdom)


As we consider this specific type of self-deception we will look at the trap, the truth and the tragedy.


The trap was first set, and first sprung in the garden. When Satan in the form of a serpent said "you will surely not die, God didn’t really mean what he said".

And the same trap was being set and sprung in Corinth. as they were excusing acts of wickedness.

"Surely it is not really wrong to be sexually immoral, or to be an idolater, WHICH IS ONE WHO PUTS any OTHER THING BEFORE GOD, ONE WHO WORSHIPS CREATED THINGS ABOVE THE CREATOR, and it’s not wrong to be a homosexual, or a thief, to be greedy or be a drunkard, and certainly slandering others (destroying them and their reputation) is not that bad, nor is being a swindler. After all this is the first century and things have changed, God’s a loving God, and we need to be more open minded and accepting of all people."

The trap is still out there today as churches are becoming more and more accepting of SIN, calling sin "just making a mistake" thereby watering down the seriousness of sin. There are homosexual preachers, and groups called gays for Jesus. And there are church members who put everything including the kitchen sink before God. Any many times sin and immorality is the norm.

That’s the trap.


The truth is, God still does care, Sin still is Sin, God says what He means and means what he says. Just because man wants things to be different doesn’t change them. God is still Lord, He always has been, and He always will be.

Those in Corinth who were practicing these SINS needed to repent, they had once left these wicked lifestyles in the past, When they encountered the truth and power of the Gospel message and were baptized, sanctified and justified through the power and blood of Jesus Christ, And NOW they needed to repent again, and leave this wickedness behind or they would suffer a great tragedy.


And the great tragedy is this. Those who continually, willfully and habitually practice these sins (and other sins against God), who refuse to repent of their wickedness and refuse to change. will not inherit the kingdom of God!!! They will not spend eternity with God, but will spend all of eternity separated from God, in the fiery depths of hell.

Do not be deceived by what the world says. sin doesn’t matter

Do not be deceived by what many false churches say. some things aren’t sin anymore.

Do not be deceived by your own mind. it’s really not that bad.



[Gal. 6:7]

A. Many times people like to get something for nothing:

They want good grades without studying.

They want a good retirement without saving.

They want to lose weight without dieting.

They want dessert without eating their dinner.

They want a great relationship without any effort.

And people want the riches of Christ without paying the price.

B. Perhaps the best example, of someone expecting unearned wages, is the first example in all of human history. We find this event recorded for us back in the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis. Cain knew what God required, but he chose not to give God the proper offering. And then when God didn’t accept it he became very angry and his face was downcast.

Then God said to him, "Why are you so angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? Cain wanted to reap acceptance from God, when he didn’t sow the proper seed. He planted cucumber seeds and wanted to grow great Red Woods. You reap what you sow.

C. The lesson to learn is this, "if the only seeds we sow in the kingdom are seeds of uncommittment, half-hearted service, indifference or the ever popular seeds of I’ll serve you God as long as something better doesn’t come along. Don’t expect to grow a Great Red wood of hope, peace and joy, that is rooted in faith.

It just won’t happen.

do not be deceived about expecting unearned wages.

For the next 2 types of self-deception we will be studying the Words of God that were penned by Jesus’ half brother, James.


A. Sometimes simply hearing something does absolutely no good.

Suppose a man went to see his doctor because his health has been going down hill lately. Each day he seems to be getting weaker. And after examining him the doctor tells him, "your in pretty bad shape, your lungs are bad your heart isn’t doing to well and you have diabetes, But if you do what I tell you we can overcome this, eat a healthy diet, exercise and stop smoking".

And the man says "that’s all I have to do, thanks for telling me." The man walks outside the office, lights up a cigarette, walks over to the local grease pit, has a one pound hamburger with mushrooms and sautéed onions a large fry and cake and ice cream for dessert. And then goes home picks up the remote control and falls asleep watching "People’s Court".

Let me ask you something, did hearing the proper advice from the doctor for good health do him any good. Of course NOT!!!

Likewise, it is absolutely of no benefit to us, to hear sermons and lessons about true commitment (not this only when it’s convenient or I feel like it garbage), or to hear about grabbing the towel and the basin, and getting on our knees and serving the church, or to hear about giving God the best of our time, talents and treasure, or the say amen to the teachings of agape love, forgiveness and unity and how to treat you spouse. Hearing God’s word every Sunday, reading His Word everyday does us absolutely no good IF, when we leave God’s presence we eat greasy hamburgers and fall asleep with a remote control in our hands.

Many times we are quick to nod our heads, we swift in saying our Amens and we eager to volunteer BUT WE ARE FAR TO SLOW AND RELUCTANT TO ACTUALLY GET IN THERE AND FIGHT THE BATTLE, TO DO THE WORK, TO PAY THE PRICE.



Do you remember going to the doctor when you were not feeling well. The doctor would come into the examining room and usually one the first things he would do was to ask you to stick out your tongue and say AHHH! By looking at our tongues and in our mouths many times the doctor can determine why we are sick.

Today how are you feeling spiritually, is your relationship with God where it should be, How’s is your relationship with those who are your brothers and sisters in Christ. If you are not feeling so well, I’d like you to stick at your tongue (not at me)

but to stick out your tongue in a spiritual sense, and say ahhh! The Lord teaches us in the letter written by James, that the tongue is powerful, he compares it to a bit that can control a horse, and a small rudder that can determine the course of a large ship. The tongue has the power to heal, and to build up. It also has the power to hurt, destroy and tear down people and the church.

How are we using our tongues? Now don’t be staring at someone else tongue. We have enough problems of our own. So let’s look at our tongue and see what’s there. Is there bitterness or unforgiveness there, are there words there whose only purpose is to hurt someone else (whether in their presence or behind their back).

When we take a close look at our tongues we see that they can be pretty ugly.

Did you hear what James says about the one who does not keep his tongue in check, he says that their "religion is useless".

That their worship of God is useless, that it is a waste of time.

That is a powerful statement! And it better make us think about how we use our tongue. And it better cause to go to the Great Physician so that he can make us well through the power of the Word.








I remember as a kid growing up watching the opening of the show THE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS. I remember seeing scenes of people winning sports events and I remember seeing some guy wipe out while skiing. And the theme was "The Thrill Of Victory and The Agony of Defeat.

Today we’ve talked about the agony of deceit. Which many times leads to defeat.

The athletes that take part in the various sporting events never know for sure if they will be victorious.

We on the other hand can be victorious and can know that we are going to be. BECAUSE LIKE THE SONG SAYS THERE IS VICTORY IN JESUS!

The choice is ours, as to whether in our Life we experience "the thrill of VICTORY or the agony of DECEIT.

If your here today and have not accepted Jesus as Lord, If you have not believed, repented and been baptized, Don’t be deceived any longer by Satan who say’s you don’t need to.