Summary: This morning on this First Sunday of 2005, I want to encourage you, challenge you to be like the Apostle Paul... Live Life with No Regrets.... Live your life for Christ 100%.

“Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. 20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil. 1:18b-21

PHP 1:27 “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel..”

“Live Life without any Regrets!” That kind of sounds like a slogan on some commercial doesn’t it?

We hear this type of message alot......

Don’t be sold short...... don’t miss anything.... Live outside the boundaries..... Go for the gusto...... Don’t settle for 2nd best..... and on and on it could go...

There’s something inside of us that God put there, that encourages us to Live Life to the fullest.... there’s something inside of us that says “I want to live so when I’m done I will know that I accomplished something with my life.” Would you agree with me? Is that how you have felt before?

Let me make sure you understand that living life with no regrets doesnt mean that we won’t make mistakes along the way... In fact, if your living life and not making any mistakes along the way... then your hardly living at all. Now, we don’t want to keep making the same mistakes... we want to learn and grow from mistakes and let God continue to grow us as we live all out for Him.

This morning on this First Sunday of 2005, I want to encourage you, challenge you to be like the Apostle Paul... Live Life with No Regrets.... Live your life for Christ 100%.

The apostle Paul should be one of our greatest hero’s, He should be remembered as a great example of Faith and Courage, and someone who lived all out For Jesus... and His life lived through the power of the Holy Spirit truly changed the world.....

Let me explain just a little about what’s going on with the Apostle Paul here in our passage in Philippians chapter 1.

He’s in prison......

(yet, the first line that we read in our passage, says, “Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.”)

Some fellow Christians are making it harder on him in prision.... but he continues to rejoice because, even though there attacking him personally.... they are preaching the Good News.... and this is more important to him than a personal attack. We could learn from that couldn’t we?

He has been tortured, beaten, thrown out of town, He’s been hungry, cold and without a place to sleep... why? He’s endured all these things and more for the cause of Christ... the Cause of His Life..... He’s living a life sold out.... with no regrets .... How about Us? Is Living for Christ a priority in your life? Does it affect your work? Does it affect your decisions, your priorities?

I would guess that we all would say, “Yes, I want to live this kind of life... Life with no regrets.. a life Lived for Christ.” If that’s how you feel, say Amen!

So what are some of the Obsticles that get in our way, things that keep us from living Life to the fullest? I will share some, and then I am going to share 4 things we can do to Live this Life to the Fullest, like Paul.

First.... some obsticals that we will need to overcome and realize can be keeping us from this kind of life.

1. Sin. God’s Message says.... Live your life with no regrets... For Christ.

The World’s message says.... Life you life with no regrets... For Who? Yourself.

There’s a big difference isn’t there? Is your life being lived for Christ..... or for yourself?

This is the biggest obstical that everyone of us has to overcome if we will find what Paul found.... true freedom.

Root of sin is selfishness.

Sin affects and infects everything.... attitude.... outlook..... perspective.... emotions... relationships with others....

20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

No matter if it was going to be a Roman Court that he faced, or the courtroom of heaven.. Paul says..... “I will in no way be ashamed,” What a way to live!

He goes on and tells his friends that He is writing to... and he tells us today... listen.

PHP 1:27 “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel..”

When we let this first obstical in our life... a lifestyle of sin.... there’s no way that we are conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ..... Jesus came for what reason? To save us from sin,..... and to set us free from sin.... we are to no longer live with sin as our master..... Christ has become our life... amen?

Sin is the number one obstical in living a life with no regrets, so if your living with sin in your life, whatever it may be.... today you can ask God to forgive you and you can begin this new life, this exciting life of living 100% for the cause of Christ... and Christ will help you and encourage you through His Holy Spirit to live for Him... He doesn’t leave us alone to learn how to live this Christian life all alone... He’s always with you.

Make the choice... who will you live for in 2005? Christ alone.... or Yourself.

2. Fear.

One of Satan’s greatest tools to keep us from living by faith... Fear.

Do you realize that Fear is taught to us, and it doesn’t come from God.

3. Self-Inflicted Traps -

1. procrastination

2. Debt

3. Being non-committed.

4. Too comfortable.

So How can we Start Today living Life Like Paul, with no Regrets for Christ?

1. Jesus Christ must be #1 on my priority list... He’s Lord or He’s not.

2. Live in OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit.

3. Huge Faith.

4. Whatever happens.... Stand firm, contend for the Faith of the Gospel.

Nola will come and we will close the service this morning with an invitation for you to come and pray.... let’s start the new year off with knowing that we are exactly where God wants us.... nothing blocking our way to living 100% for Him.