Summary: In an unusual encounter Jesus has, we see some concrete steps to seeing God work in our lives.


Mark 7:24-30


What does it take to get what you ask for?

As kids, we perfect ways of asking… doing chores, etc.

In A Christmas Story, Ralphie goes to elaborate ends to get the response he wants: a Red Ryder BB gun.

What about God? Does receiving what you ask for from God require the same level of strategy?

A quick review of the media provides some possibilities:

A newspaper ad with a prayer that promises if you repeat it 3 times a day, and republish it, it has never failed.

A cable tv show that assures you you will get what you ask for for a certain sized donation.

What about real life? What keeps us from receiving what we ask for? Is having your prayers answered a formula, or a mystery?


Today, in an unusual encounter Jesus has, we will see some concrete steps to seeing God work in our lives.

A. A woman with a desperate need comes to Jesus

He has just had an encounter with Pharisees over tradition.

He enters Gentile land (only time) - A concrete example of his disregard for their views of defilement.

Jesus and 12 had left Genneserat in search of rest, privacy.

He’s been looking for this – Cf. 6:30-34; 53-56.

They are worn out from the demands of people, ministry.

A lot has happened since he sent the 12 out: feeding the 5000, walking on water, conflict with the leaders.

He doesn’t want anyone to know he is there.

He has a desperate need for rest and privacy.

But he was unable to keep his presence secret. They had heard of him before – Cf. 3:8.

He is faced with another interruption! As I read 25-26, notice who comes to Jesus.

An unnamed woman seeks him out.

Her non-Jewish background is stressed – a Gentile, born and raised.

She has a desperate need – her daughter is demon-possessed. For a description, look at 9:17,18; 20-22, 26.

A reminder that Satan hates our kids…

She brings her need to Jesus

She boldly begs Jesus to heal her daughter. Her need led to her boldness and persistence.

Falling at his feet – deep respect and profound distress.

B. Maybe you have a desperate need to bring to Jesus

Maybe you can relate to this woman. Maybe you have a desperate need in your life:

For financial help

For relationship help

For parenting help

For medical help

For spiritual help

Maybe you’re desperate. Maybe you don’t know what to do. Maybe you are at the end of your rope.

Bring your need to Jesus. Be bold!

Your small group can help

Illus: Our group is praying for our current need.

James says, “You do not have because you do not ask God.” – James 4:2

Reasons we don’t bring our needs to Jesus::

• Afraid to ask for the wrong thing. He can sort it out

• Self-reliant – don’t really want or expect help

• Feel unworthy

• No faith – He can’t or won’t


When we are faced with needs, even big needs, we can bring them to Jesus. We should bring them to Jesus

Transition: This isn’t overly surprising. We’ve seen this before. We expect to hear this kind of thing at church. In fact, we know what to expect from the story: Jesus has compassion on her and answers her request, meets her need, right?

Let’s see as we read vv. 27.

A. Jesus refuses her request to test her faith response

Wait a minute. What did Jesus say? That’s a strange answer, an unexpected answer.

Matthew is even clearer. Cf. Matt. 15:23-26

Whatever it means, its clear he refuses her. He says no!

He says the children get the food, not the dogs. The children get first dibs, not the dogs. No. I wont’ do it.

Implication: Lady, you’re not a child, you’re a dog!

That’s not the response she (or we) expected!

What’s going on here?

The big picture, the first thing a lot of people camp on is:

A reference to the OT designation of Israel as the children of God, partakers of God’s plan; the time for the Gentiles not yet come. In fact, for the most part we see Jesus’ ministry restricted to Israel. Cf. Rom. 1:16; Acts 13:46.

But would this woman get all that? No, I don’t think so!

Rather Jesus paints a picture for her that she can relate to.

The Greek word used here for ‘dogs’ here refers to small, household pets: Fluffy and Fido, not big stray dogs or outside dogs.

Its a picture of family life: the family is gathered around the table, the pets off to the side, waiting. Its inappropriate to interrupt the meal and let the dogs, the pets, have the food. The pets get the food after the meal…

Illus: Your understanding depends on if you are a ‘dog person’ – us at the Vaters…

In this picture, the disciples are the children. They have a desperate need for rest and private teaching. He’s putting his foot down, saying they are the priority right now.

This woman doesn’t get the response she wanted.

B. Maybe you haven’t gotten the response you wanted

Maybe you can relate to this woman here, too. Maybe you have taken your need to Jesus, brought him your request. And maybe you haven’t gotten the response you expected, the answer you wanted. Maybe your needs still exist.

Maybe your finances haven’t improved.

Maybe your doubts haven’t been settled.

Maybe your relationship still suffers.

Maybe your health hasn’t improved.

Maybe your child hasn’t returned.

Its no secret that we prayed hard last weekend for Bill Chambers. We didn’t get the response we wanted…

We didn’t get the response we wanted either…

Why does Jesus respond this way? Why did he respond this way to this desperate, respectful, sincere woman?

C. Jesus responds this way as a test of faith

One of the reasons Jesus refuses to immediately grant her request is that he doesn’t want to be seen as merely a miracle worker. In those days, “miracle men” were a dime a dozen. Jesus doesn’t want people interested in him just for what he can do for them.

He doesn’t want to be your genie, he wants to be your God.

And the power of God is not released in a context of superstition or magic, but in response to faith.

And so when Jesus initially refuses her, he does so to test her faith. What he’s interested in is her response to his statement. He wants to know how you will respond when you don’t get the answer you want.


This is where the rubber meets the road. How will you respond?

“Wait a minute. What’s the point? Why bring my needs to him? If he’s not going to do what I ask, if things aren’t going to improve, what’s the point?”

Ah-ha! You have just discovered a key to a relationship with God, to growing mature in your faith.

Mature faith goes beyond “What’s in it for me?”

How do you respond when you don’t get the answer you want?

A. We tend to respond like those without faith

Our response to what he said might be:

He’s a racist! He’s a sexist! He’s selfish! I’m offended!

The scribes and Pharisees would respond, “Well! We knew he wasn’t really one of us after all!”

The disciples would respond, “Huh? What did he say?”

Let’s look at how this woman responds as I read v. 28.

B. She responds with faith that delights Jesus, and her request is fulfilled

Jesus tests her faith, and invites a renewed appeal.

Her response is wonderful! She isn’t insulted, she understands, and doesn’t hesitate to respond.

She shows acceptance: “Yes”

She shows humility: “Lord” – places herself under his lordship.

She shows trust, confidence: “But even…”

The household dogs do get the crumbs – the crumbs are meant for them. They eat at the same time as the children!

You can do this! No interruption is necessary. I don’t want the whole loaf, just a crumb.

Her acceptance, clever reply, and profound respect for Jesus show her confidence in his power and good will.

This is the first time Jesus tells a parable and doesn’t have to explain it himself. She gets it!

Notice Jesus’ reaction in vv. 29-30

Her confidence, her faith delight Jesus! Her simple trust in him demonstrates faith (Matthew says great faith).

He immediately grants her request – her child is healed!

This is the faith that receives miracle!

The command to go home is significant – Jesus says this to all who have profound confidence in his healing power.

Cf. 2:11, 5:34, 7:29; 10:52

C. If we respond with genuine faith, we can expect to have our requests fulfilled

What stands out in this account is her faith, more than the healing. Jesus is most interested in your response, especially when you don’t get the answer you were looking, hoping for.

Cf. Heb. 11:6: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”

Faith that pleases God goes past “will I get what I want?”

“Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, I will stick to my belief that God is love.”

Oswald Chambers in Run Today’s Race.

When people ask us how we have survived, this is our answer. We aren’t giants, just believe that God is who he said he is…

We have received! Incidentally, our prayers have changed.

When this happens, we receive what God has for us!