Summary: You can be a good person and still die lost and go to hell. You can be a bad person and die saved and go to heaven.


A) When Jesus preached and taught among men on earth, He found that there were some men

which trusted in themselves that they were righteous!

* It was to them that He spoke this parable ... And if He preached in America today, He would

need to preach it again!

* The kind of religion which trusts self and claims righteousness above others was an abomination

to the Lord Jesus in Palestine over 2000 years ago. * He hates the same sin today just as much!

* And it’s not only a sin most hateful to God, but most dangerous to the people who commit it!

B) Self righteousness is the most wicked of all sins because it covers sin, excuses sin!

* It leaves no room for penitence which God so greatly desires, and feels no need for mercy which

God is so willing to give!

* It is the most dangerous sin because it is the one least likely to be confessed and forsaken and the

least likely to be brought to God!

* This is a double sin ... The man who trusts in himself that he is righteous, despises others!

* Pharisees always despised Publicans, and the man who claims holiness is the quickest to despise

others! * I have found that very prevalent among those who speak in tongues!

* Those who trusts in themselves also despises others, so it’s a double sin that Jesus rebukes in this

parable! * Do you trust in yourself that you are good?

* Do you feel that you are better than others? * Then to you Jesus gives this message!

(1) A GOOD MAN LOST – V.11-12! * He really was a good man!

* We’ve been taught to despise the Pharisee, but here we ought to credit this man with the high

morality that he had for himself!

* Jesus, who told the story, did not deny anything the Pharisee said!

* Jesus used this Pharisee in Luke 18 because he was a good man! * 6 things .......

A) One: The Pharisee Went To Church! * And that is in his favor .......

* Because no man can either be a good citizen of his country or be an example to those about him

or be what he himself ought to be who doesn’t go to the house of God!

* It is greatly to the credit of this Pharisee that he went up into the temple!

B) Two: He Went To Pray! * He was not like the fool who said in his heart, “There is no God.”

* He was not like the calloused and indifferent who do not believe in prayer!

* He wasn’t like the profane soldier who never prays until he’s in a fox hole! (Sailor)

* No! This man prayed to God and he did it regularly and in public, in the house of God he prayed!

C) Three: He Was No Extortioner! * The word means “one who snatches away.”

* No doubt he had the publican in mind when he said that! * A Publican was a tax collector!

* This Pharisee was no extortioner, taking by foul means!

D) Four: Nor Was He Unjust! * The word used here is a general term meaning wicked or

unrighteous! * Christ divided all men into two classes when he said in Matt. 5:45 .......

* “God sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

* In that sense the Pharisee was just, not unjust! * He was classed with the righteous, not with

the wicked ... He was a good man!

E) Five: He Was No Adulterer! * He said so and Jesus didn’t deny it!

* He revered his home ... He kept his marriage vows, and his wife trusted him!

* He never feared the shame of exposure of a secret love affair!

* He was an upright, moral man, a good man in the sight of all who knew him!

F) Six: He had a sincere zeal for religious things! * Not only did he go to the house of God .......

* Not only did he go there to pray to God ... But he brought his tithes into the temple!

* One tenth of his money was sacredly given to the support of the house of God!

* That in itself proves a certain genuineness in his religion ... Sincerity of his heart!

* And get this ... He fasted twice a week! * Many a man never takes time to think about God .......

G) But not the Pharisee! * Two days out of seven, he’d fast and pray!

* He must’ve had a genuine desire to please God! * He gave of his time, his money, and regularly

denied himself ordinary comforts because of his religion!

* We have the right to call this man a good man, but a very shocking truth is given us by Jesus .......

* This man, though good, was lost – v.14! * He went back to his house a lost sinner, and when he

died, he went to hell! * Let us see why this good man was a lost man .......

H) 1st: His righteousness was outward, not inward! * In Matt. 23, Jesus preached a sermon to the

Pharisees with seven points!

* And each of the 7 points of His sermon begins with the striking pronouncement .......

“Woe unto you ...” * “For ye make clean ...” * “Whited sepulchers ...”

* This Pharisee was a religious man who carefully looked after the outward appearance!

* He made clean outside the cup and platter, but there was no change on the inside!

I) 2nd: He Had Not Been Born Again! * John 3:3 “Except a man ...” John 3:7 “Marvel not ...”

* Hear me, good men and moral women ... Hear me all religious people .......

* If you have not been born again, you are lost ... You’re a lost sinner on the road to hell!

* You need to trust Christ as your Savior, not trust in yourself that you are righteous!

J) 3rd: The Pharisee Was Really A Sinner Just Like Everybody Else!

* How proudly he went to the temple ... How religiously he prayed!

* He did not regard himself a sinner ... He thought he was better than anyone else!

* This poor Pharisee who thanked God he was not like other men, deceived himself into hell!

* I hope and pray that you’ll not do the same wicked and foolish thing!

* I hope you will be shocked to your senses by this story of this good man who was lost!

* Because good people go to hell when they don’t repent and get saved!

(2) A BAD MAN SAVED – V.13-14! * Little is said about this Publican!

* Only one sentence describes his prayer, (v.13), “And the publican standing ...”

* Let us see certain facts about this man .......

A) One: He Was Certainly A Bad Man! * He confessed it ... He said, “I am a sinner.”

* While the Pharisee thanked God that he was not like other men, this poor publican seemed to

confess, “I’m that very kind of sinner myself, the kind the Pharisee is not.”

* If ever a man deserved condemnation and deserved to go to hell, this man did!

* Where could you find a man who had wronged more people?

* He had been untrue to his wife and had sinned against God and man!

* How different from the praying Pharisee in his own self righteousness!

B) I suppose he had not been accustomed to prayer! * Probably the times he mentioned God’s

name was when he cursed!

* Like so many others today who must meet an angry God for their sin, took God’s name in vain!

* And do you think this publican done the things of the Pharisee? * Not on your life!

* I doubt if he ever bowed his head to thank God for his food!

* How far away from God he had been ... Living a selfish, wicked, unholy life!

C) Now he comes into the temple to pray! * At 1st glance it seems that he would be refused .......

* And that God would scorn any prayer he would make!

* At 1st glance we would think that a just, holy God would turn His face away from one so wicked!

* But not so ... This publican went home saved, forgiven, happy in the smile of God and with

nothing held against him!

* Let us consider why God heard him and how such a sinner was saved!

D) 1st: He Honestly Confessed His Sins! * Here’s the 1st lesson that anyone ought to learn who

expects to meet God in peace! * Prov. 28:13 “He that covereth his sins ...”

* Here is exactly what was wrong with the Pharisee ... He did not admit that he was a sinner!

* There is only one gate through which one may approach God, and that gate is marked, “For

Sinners Only.” * Jesus died for sinners ... Matt. 9:10-13 .......

* This publican made no excuses for his sins ... It’s good to see sinners who know they are sinners

and confess it ... That’s the kind of people who get saved!

E) 2nd: The Publican Had A Repentant Heart! * He changed his mind about sin .......

* He no longer wanted to do the things he did before!

* Did you notice that the publican “standing afar off?” * Why?

* Because he admits that in his heart he is not near to God! * He admits he is unworthy and there

is a sense of shame in the way he stands far away from the altar!

* His downcast eyes tells us he is sorry for his sins!

* He smites upon his breast because he hates his sins as he confesses them, and his heart honestly

turns to God for forgiveness!

F) 3rd: The Publican Asked For Mercy! * Here the difference between the Pharisee and the

publican is clearly marked .......

* The Pharisee presented his own good deeds to God ... He needed no mercy, so he thought, and

asked for none! * The publican owned his guilt and asked for mercy!

* Every sinner that ever comes to God must humble themselves and ask for mercy!

G) Last: The Publican Received Instant Salvation! * He went down to his house justified!

* This poor sinner’s prayer was heard! * It was a short prayer, less than a verse, 7 words, and he

got up and went home saved!

* He didn’t shout out loud ... He didn’t linger and plead!

* He asked for mercy and got it and he went home satisfied!


A) Preacher, do you mean that if I turn to Christ, I can be saved instantly and receive

forgiveness? * Absolutely yes! * Right now admit you are a sinner and can’t save yourself!

* And then, trust Christ to forgive you and save you! * He’ll not turn you away!

* He’ll do what He promised He’ll do! * Rom. 10:9-10; 13 .......