Intentional Evangelism
John 4:27-42
I. He Got Results (v. 27-30, 39-42)
A. Her life was radically changed (v. 28)
B. She begin to aggressively share her new found belief (v. 29-30)
C. People came to Jesus because she invited them, but they believed because of who He is. (v. 39-42)
II. The Disciples Have a Wrong Concept (v. 31-33)
A. They focused more on the physical than the spiritual. Give examples of how we do this as individuals and as churches.
B. The disciples were in the middle of an opportunity to be part of a great harvest for God, but were too concerned about their physical needs and surroundings to see it.
III. Jesus Gives Us the Key Element to Life (v. 34)
A. First we need to figure out the will of God and then do it. Where do you begin to figure out what God’s will for your life is? What about figuring out God’s will for an entire church?
B. We are not only know the will of God but we are to “finish well”. ( II Timothy 4:7-8). Why is it sometimes harder to finish what you know God wants you to do than it is to get started? How could this really apply to an outreach ministry where people are attempting to share the gospel?
IV. Jesus Gives Instruction on Beginning an Outreach Ministry (v. 35-38)
A. It is dangerous for churches to continue to say “one of these days”. (v. 35a)
B. It takes simply looking around you.
1. Too many people are content to bury their heads in their on life and they miss the opportunities God gives us to share with others and to serve Him.
2. Too many churches are satisfied to bury their congregational heads in their church and never venture out into the harvest. Why is this?
C. The end result of working the “field” has far reaching consequences. It reaches all the way into eternity, whether we choose to look and go or not. We must remember that our job is only to spread seed. Sometimes that seed will sprout immediately, but many times someone else gets to be part of the harvest.