What do we know about Daniel?? He lived in a time much like our own. How you say. He was of course taken from His home in Israel at a young age or in his youth we find out in Daniel 1.4-6. You say how on earth then is his time like our own.
I am so glad you asked. Along with Daniel were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. They were all taken from their homeland and exciled in a foreign land. In that land they were taken from their familiar temple in which they had worsphipped God. They were even given orders to worship false Gods or be cast into a furnice.
Once again how on earth does this apply to our time. We today in america are faced with people that want to remove God from our country. They want to excile us in a country that we don’t recognize. If God is removed from our Country so then will be our God given rights. So we like Daniel are faced with a dilema. Will we stand as Daniel did in the face of persecution, (Compare his persectuion to) Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Attornery General in AL. (removal of 10 Commandments), The AUFSCS, ACLU, trying to remove in God we trust from our pledge and our money. PBA, Abortion, Stem cell research, Same SM
We must do some things to insure for our children and Grandchildren this is truly the land of the free and the Home of the brave, or like Daniel because his ancestos turned from God our land will be judged.
I. Dare to Be Different.
1) Daniel 6.3 “Then Daniel began distinguishing himself “ define distinguish
From Jesus, “Be in the World but not of the World”
i) Here we can understand that as Jesus we are to sit and eat with sinners but not be one ourself.
ii) We should be so different that we impact the world for Christ simply by our character (who we are and what we do)
iii) If we were truly different then we would have a chance through our lives to get a chance to open our mouths and proclaim the joy and gloriously rich life w/ Christ.
(illustration of Brandon Bohanon at work (not supposed to be happy)
(Im not talking about being holier than thou, Instead I am talking about walking with the Holy one) Not telling everyone there are wrong and headed for hell but giving them;
Hope in hopelessness
Courage in the face of fear
Peace in the face of strife
Calm in the face of Danger, Love when all others have hated them!
(It is time we started distinguishing ourself from the world as Daniel and Jesus did!!!!)
2) Because he possesed and extrodinary Spririt.
Jesus’ words quoting the prophet Isaiah.
“The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because he anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
3) Daniel – 6.3
“He possesed an extraordinary spirit.”
How do we get this spirit. – answer we don’t get it is given to us.
4) Acts 2.38 Peter said to them, “Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy spirit.”
You want to dare to be different then dare to confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness based on Jesus’ attoning sacrifice on Calvary.
People that are different make a difference for the kingdom of God.
One of the most important ways we can be differnet today is to be honest.
II. Dare to be a person of Honesty (Integrity)
1) 6.4 “but they could find not ground of accusation or evidence of corruption.”
ii) they got their spades and shoves out and dug into ever closet and cellar Daniel had, but found no skeltons.
2) Begginning of 6.4 They exhasted all resources to find fault in Daniel.
3) Jesus Let your yes be yes and no be no.
i) There should be no doubt about your honesty.
ii) This means accepting responsibility.
iii) Proverbs 20.11 “It is by his deeds that a lad distinguishes himself, If his conduct is pure and right.
According to the english political author Junius
The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions.
Let me simplify the best I can.
Actions Speak louder than words. The threat of death has its ways of showing the Faithful from the faking.
Where does honesty come from.
From Jesus--- He said I am the way, truth, and life.
Integrity and honesty spring from a living and growing relationship w/ God.
You say I am always honest
When was the last time you lied to your mom, went above the speed limit, kept change that didn’t belong to you, turned in work that was not your own, accepted praise for something you didn’t do?
What is the old saying honesty is the best policy
If we are honest we will say fighting sin is not easy.
III. Dare to stand in the face of Sin (but sin not)
1) 6.10 “Now when daniel knew the document was signed…..”
2) I must serve God and not man
Daniel Dared to Defy the laws of men, while obeying the laws of the Lord. (We will not stand as babies die, and men marry men, we must become salt and light our our Nation is doomed to judgemetn.)
3) 1.8 Daniel resoved to not be defiled !
i) This is how Daniel stood in the face of Sin
ii) He had already made his decision all that need happen is prayer and action.
How much easier it is to not be tempted by that candy bar when you have already decided you don’t need it.
In the face of sin you must depend on God
IV. Dare to depend on God for your future. (Daniel in the Lions Den)
1) 6.23 “The king. . . no kind of harm because he had trusted his God.”
Proverbs 23.17-18
“Look straight ahead, and fix you eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don’t get sidetracked; keep ou feet from evil.”
2) God delivered Daniel & Judged those against him.
The future is history to God, for he is omniscient. (unknown)
When God delivers or saves you Dare to give Him glory.
V. Dare to Give God the Glory
1) Develop a life of worship outside of Sunday morning
i) John always sings praise to Jesus.
ii) Paul and Silas sang praises in a Jail cell.
Acts 16.25 “But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hyms of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.”
2) 6.26-6.28
Conclusion: Daniel 1.19 “None Like Daniel”
Listen to a song by Philip P Bliss
Bliss wrote the song for his Sunday school class at the First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois. (In My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Sunday School Times Company, 1907)
Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God’s command,
Honor them, the faithful few!
All hail to Daniel’s band!
Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known.
Many mighty men are lost
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel’s band.
Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel’s band.
Hold the Gospel banner high!
On to vict’ry grand!
Satan and his hosts defy,
And shout for Daniel’s band.
Daniel Dared to be different, even though at times it caused him pain, persecution, and problems.
His life is a portrait of what it is like to walk closely with God and know, know, know that God will provide,
Yeah though I walk through the valley of death thou art with me!
When people talk about you do they say there is none closer to God, more different, honest, holy, trusting in God, Giving God all the Glory than _________.
Shouldn’t they be as you are a child of God.
I Dare you today to be like Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dare you to be different by receiving a different spirit from God.
What did we learn receiving means?
--- To take hold for the purpose of using!
I told you earlier confess your sins, receive the spirit, by way of Jesus’ attoning sacrifice. (His taking of your punishment)
Romans 10.9-10
Dare to walk in Honesty truth and truth alone
Dare to shake off sin
Dare to Trust in Him – the one true living God
Dare to Glorify Him for everything in your life
Trials, tests, troubles