Summary: Was Judas a Christian? Was he not very much like us? What can we learn from Judas about being a Christian?

The Judas Christian

Matthew 26:1-4,14-16


Our central character today is perhaps the most hated, most disgusting, most sinister, most evil, most conniving and most selfish of any in the whole of scripture.

No… I am not talking about Satan.


I’m talking about Judas… Judas Iscarioth… the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

His name is synonymous with treason, evil and all that is ungodly.

He is hated even more than Benedict Arnold.

Today… I am not his defender… but I do think there are lessons we can learn from Judas.

Look at Matt. 10:2-4 and you will see a list of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

What name is last? Judas

He is last… but he is one

#12 out of a couple of million… that is pretty good!


1. I believe Judas was a committed disciple.

I believe he was more committed than many… if not all… f us here.

It is not until chapter 26 that we hear one single hint of his wavering, complaining, withdrawing or treason.

And remember… the gospel was written POST BETRAYAL.

It was written some 20 – 30 years after the crucifixion and Judas had already become a bad-guy.

If you want to know what Jesus saw in Judas and why he chose him… try this…

Left his family, job and friends… perhaps gave up a chance at popularity, wealth and power… to follow a man he believed was Lord… to sleep on the ground, eat handouts and live hand to mouth for the rest of his life.

Now let’s be honest with ourselves… Would YOU do that? Would I? I am not sure I would. In fact, I don’t know of anything in my life where I have shown that level of faith or commitment. What about you?

I believe Judas was a committed disciple of Jesus… as committed as Peter, James or John.


2. Then… how did he wind up making a deal to betray Jesus and then hangin himself from a tree?

Read Matthew 26:14-16

How did it happen? What caused it?

I believe the answer is found way back in vv 1-2…

When Jesus had finished all these sayings, he said to his disciples, “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of man will be delivered up to be crucified.”

You and I read those words and think of a great thing…Jesus dying for our sins. It evokes positive images and feelings.

But it did not for the disciples. In fact, their feelings were more like fear, depression and despair.


Judas could only think, “Crucified…DEAD! What are you talking about? What about the Kingdom? What about the future… the dream… the miracles, the lessons? What about my dreams, my hopes, my sacrifices? You owe me. You can’t die. YOU CAN’T!!!!”

Judas suffered from depression of the first magnitude.

Judas’ dreams had died. The first stage of grief is shock… then denial, then anger. Judas was going through all of those emotions right then… and for days to follow.

And if you don’t deal with those emotions the result is DEPRESSION.

Judas was depressed… in a funk… having a horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad day.

History has taught us that Judas was motivated by greed and love of money. I don’t believe that.

Listen… following Jesus did not pay well. It wasn’t something someone would do for the pay.

I know the old saying, “The pay is not too good but the retirement plan is out of this world.”

Judas was not in it for money… the job didn’t pay anything as far as I know.

If this was a greedy man motivated by money… he’d still be back where he was… doing some job that would pay a whole lot more.

You don’t sacrifice, do without and give away what you do have if you are greedy.

And if he had been motivated by money to betray Jesus… he could have done it earlier and could have struck a better deal than 30 pieces of silver.

It was ONLY AFTER the 4 day speech

ONLY AFTER his world had been shaken

THEN… he went to the priests to betray Jesus.

He was not a money hungry thief… (7) He was an OPPORTUNIST!

Like a man with a sick cow who sells him to a stranger.

Judas saw his life, his dreams, his plans… all that he has sacrificed, suffered and sweated for… GOING DOWN THE TUBES!

In four days it would all be gone… finished… nothing but a memory.

Not only had he bought a lemon… a sick cow… the London bridge… now he was angry about being played for a fool.

I believe Judas’ attitude was: “Well, I can’t stop from losing the things I had hoped for. I can’t get back what I have lost. BUT I CAN get something out of it… I can salvage something.”

“I can’t get the first down… but I can pick up some positive yardage and put the punter in better position.”


He did what any sane person would do… he took an account of his resources… to see what he had to work with… what could be salvaged.

What did he have?


Not much! He had three days and his relationship with Jesus.

Three days was not much time and what was a relationship with a dead man worth?

How could he turn three days and a relationship into something tangible?

Then the priests come to him and showed him how to profit from the relationship… betray Jesus.

Do you think Judas felt guilty as he walked through the dark street to talk to the religious leaders?

I don’t. (9) I believe he told himself that he was not the one to blame. It wasn’t his fault. It was going to happen anyway… Jesus already said so.

And if something is going to happen anyway, what was the harm in salvaging something from a bad situation?


So he asks the question, “How much will you give me?”

He was selling intimacy. He was bartering with trust and love. How much is that stuff worth?


$412.65? That is all Judas got… thirty pieces of silver… or in our day, about $412.65!!!!

That is not enough to make anyone a traitor. Judas did not see himself as a traitor… just a shrewd business man.


Would you sell out your family

Quit your job

Live on streets

FOR $412.65?


Then, with the deal made… Judas did the dirty deed… he betrayed Jesus with a kiss.


And the carefully orchestrated MURDER began.

He was bound like a common criminal

He was led off by armed troops like a dangerous subversive

(13) He was drug off and put through an illegal, one-sided trial

He was slandered with trumped up charges

He was condemned because of paid liars

And there, in the darkness and emptiness of the garden stood Judas…

Shocked… unable to move… speechless.

His Lord had been profaned


And Shamefully treated

Judas was not a traitor at heart… his heart was broken

This was not what Judas expected… he expected Jesus to be die as he lived... with dignity and honor.


It wasn’t supposed to happen this way…

He wasn’t supposed to feel this way.

Guilt washed over his mind… his heart was broken by guilt.

AGAIN… he was plunged into a dismal depression.

Like hearing about the 4 days


Before he did not feel responsible… now he did.

He WAS to blame for the betrayal

He WAS to blame for the sell-out

As he held the money in his hands... it seems to drip with blood.

As he opened his hand and looked at the silver…

It seemed so paltry, so petty.

The smallness of it made the guilt sting all the more.

It was too much to bear. He had to have relief.

What choices did he have?

1. Take it all back, undo the deed, do over.

Not possible

2. Change the amount, ask for more

Not possible

3. Go to Jesus and ask forgiveness

Not possible

The only thing left, the only way to deal with the incredible guilt… WAS DEATH.

Can you feel where he was?

Have you ever been there?

What can we learn?

Since he was a Christian, struggling like us we should be able to learn a lesson.

He was committed... but then came the day when everything he had believed in and given himself to seemed useless… meaningless and even over.

Continuing to struggle, to sacrifice and struggle seemed futile.

Have you ever felt that?

You look at the non-christians and they seem to be doing just as well. In fact, you wonder if perhaps you are missing out.

Why do it? Why be different? Why continue to abstain, or to struggle… especially if it seems to make no difference.

“They are going to do it anyway.” You tell yourself.

And if they are going to do it anyway, can you really be blamed if you make the most of it? You can’t be guilty… you don’t make them do it. And if you can’t stop them and they are going to do it anyway… why should anyone expect you to carry on the losing battle and make useless sacrifices?


Take movies for example

People are going to watch the movies any way. The theatre won’t even miss your one ticket. Why be an outcast and miss a movie you really want to see?



HOW about not going to church on Sunday?

People are going to the beach anyway. You are part of the team and you owe it to them. Why should you be asked to make the sacrifice?

How about not going to church because someone made you mad.

It was not your fault. They did it. They wronged you. Why should you have to be uncomfortable? And it is not your fault.. it is the preachers or the deacons or someone elses.


You are really asking the Judas question… “How much will you give me?

What is my faith worth? What is my witness worth?

How much will you give me to turn my back on my vows to God, to compromise my beliefs, to mock and profane the name of Jesus?

Judas got ripped off big time…. $412.65

He sold out his Lord for $412.65

How about you? Did you make a better deal?

How much will you give me sports to put my Lord in second chair? A win?


How much will you give me pornography to spit in the face of Jesus as he dies on the cross for me? Temporary pleasure? SOLD!!!!

How much will you give me sin to sell out my Lord? SOLD!!!!

And do you feel guilty as you drive past the church to go to your game?

Do you feel guilty when you walk past Jesus to go to that place where you don’t belong?

No, because you say it is not your fault… you are just an opportunist.

THEN the deed is done

And it does not feel as good as you thought

It does not deliver on it’s promise

It seems hollow and unfulfilling

You feel like you sold out… like you compromised



What you gave up was so precious… what you go so meager

You feel like Judas.. standing in the garden, all alone with your sin.

You react like Judas.



Like pulling your hand from a hot stove.

Shock… How could I

I can’t believe myself



Anguish of mind brought on by your guilt

I am soooooo sorry.



take it back

do over

Judas couldn’t… you can’t either.

Only 4 things to do with sin

Deny it CAN’T

Blame others CAN’T

Fix it (do over) CAN’T

There is only one thing you can do…(19)

CONFESS your sins

REPENT change

ASK forgiveness

You CAN come to Jesus

He WILL receive you

He WILL forgive you

I have a PowerPoint presentation for this sermon. You can get a copy at