Summary: “Christ is not divided,” the only hope available to division on churches is “UNITY” in Jesus Christ. Paul appeals for leaders to pursue “Unity”.


A story from D.L. Moody one of the greatest man of faith was told one time in a shore line along a beach just before sunrise, two men got into a simple dispute about what part of heavens sun would first appear in, they become so excited over it that they feel to fighting, arguments and then beat each other over the head so badly that when the sun did come up neither of them could see it. So there are persons until this date who go on disputing above heavens until they dispute themselves out of it and more who dispute over hell until they dispute themselves into it.

One of the saddest truth and thing at present days is the division amongst God’s children & churches. We have noticed that when the power of God came upon the early church, it was when they were “All in one Accord”. So today, I don’t care what or if a church is divided, the only thing that we ought to do is to get together and get that difficulty out of the way. Let us learn from one of Paul’s letter and open up your Bibles to I Corinthians 1:10 -17 join me, and let’s read together. Before we all dig deeper to our message today, I would like you to listen to it.


AUTHOR – Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ from his 1st recorded letter to the church in Corinth. It is Written in Ephesus at approximately between 50 and 57 A.D. while on his 2nd Missionary Journey. The Roman General Mummius destroys the Greek city but Julius Caesar restores it in about 45 B.C. defying the gods with his insolent wit he was sentenced to the eternal drudgery of pushing a huge stone up a hill. When he would reach the summit, the stone would roll back to the bottom and force resumption of the task, Camus, a 20th century philosopher found in the legend of the Corinthian King a picture of modern man’s condition and the purposeless of absurdity of life.

If Camus had only read the two biblical letters sent to the Corinthians by Paul, he would have gotten a very different picture, One with a message of purpose and one with the message of hope for the directed persons.

The attitude of these Corinthians, like their legendary King smacked of proud self – centeredness. But instead of dealing with a capricious Zeus these 1st century Corinthians interacted with Gracious and Loving God and his messenger, the Apostle Paul’s, “Correction” and “Unity” are Paul’s key words to offer with both love and firmness in his faith. Let us again look and see what was reported to Paul with regards to Strife’s and Division in the Church at Corinth amongst the Leaders.

I. THE CHURCH AUGMENTS UNITY–“As one with God” (V. 10)

“I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

A. The Reality of division in the Church

After Paul’s departure, severe evils and factions threaten the stability & very existence of the church. And this appeal for the Leaders to submit to God’s authority only through Jesus Christ who is able to cleanse us of our sins standing before God.

B. Paul’s Appeal for Unity

Appeal - A plea for harmony, his desire for “Christian Unity” and not the elimination of diversity.

It was the 1st problem Paul has openly addressed to his brothers, so is to our churches today. Urge them to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. That manages your everyday life. What is to be done joined together, restoration & healing?


A group of women making a quilt of various color and patterns blended together in a harmonious whole. Jesus prayed for his people, disciples & all believers (see John 17:6 – 26, Gal. 4:6).

Submission and real intimate relationship with God through the most authoritative name of the Lord Jesus Christ are the keys to unity. Christ as God has the power and authority to unite His Church. Rebellious leaders are realities of division & deception of the evil one. God’s goodness was granted when he gave us the authority & Availability to do God’s Work. (Eph. 5:15 -21).

Unity is not easy neither automatic:

Leaders tend to complain of adversaries,

Leaders tend to be authoritative – full of pride,

Leaders tend to be alone – position seekers,

But God delights in the Unity in mind and in judgment or thoughts.

Despite our denominational barriers, unity manifest like us here in CBC

(References: Hebrews 13:7 – 17; I Peter 4:6 -11)

II. THE CHURCH AUTHENTICATES UNITY – Christ Mission (Vs. 11 & 12)

“My Brothers, some from unity Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you”, What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul;” another “I follow Apollo’s;” another, “I follow Cephas; still another, “I follow Christ.”

A. The Causes of the Division in the Church

Because Corinth was systematically wealthy the people has set standard for immorality & licentiousness, in issues such as divisions amongst churches immorality, lawsuits, meat sacrificed to idols, divorced, etc. But God through Christ Jesus will never let Believers be tempted beyond limits to endure. Instead they are able to adapt, avoid and administer, genuine love with true actions & commitment exercising the qualities of leaders with God’s power & wisdom.

There are party formation or factions in the Church. Paul argued that in the ministry boasting on what you have done is not good. We should admonished Christ Greatest Mission – Love and Unity amongst God’s people and generation. Instead of unity however the fabric of the quilt was coming apart at the seams or so Chloe’s servant reported that division were certainly real and Paul urge them to avoid worsening dissension amongst them. Christ doesn’t belong to any party.

Unity among God’s people is a sort of foretaste of heaven. There shall not find Baptist or Pentecost or Evangelicals and Full Gospels but we shall all be one in Christ and leave all our party or sect names behind as for God to speedily sweep away all these Miserable walls that we have been building up. (Romans 14:1, 15:7).


Just recently as we are pioneering a church that God has entrusted to us, some personal miscommunication, dishonest & proud leaders face dissension. No One has to give way to a decision, so we have to sway & endure a very heartfelt & broken relationship with one another. Relationship with one another lacking in stature & Love. I pray God will enlighten us and grant reconciliation as we face these challenges. May this miserable wall be speedily gone away for Christ sake to his message on the Cross. For me all of our Leaders foolishness of their divisions was exposed. Spiritual elitism is abhorrent, no matter who leads to their Local Churches. I pray that they be enlightened and be responsible enough to continue on their administrative abilities for God & the body or congregation.

B. The Cure for the Division in the Church

What qualities of Leaders we and the Corinth church needs so that divisions will deteriote. Of course Christ is our best example – he carried his cross till death, mocked, suffered, died, and was risen; up to this day is continuously interceding for us.

L – OYALTY to God’s Word, Committed to God’s Works.

E – NTHUSIASM in the work even if he suffers.

A – MIABILITY seed to prepare for the Lord.

D – ISCERNMENT wise and acts in truth esp. discipling other.

E – XPERIENCE humble, honest, honorable with integrity.

R – ESPONSIBLE meets, inspires and motivates others.

S – ANCTIFIED AND STUDIOUS to the Word and Works of God.

(I Cor. 12:4–28, James 3:13, 17–18, Matt 28:19)


I myself have experienced several divisions both with fellow Christian and brethren in the Lord. One of them is happened in 1993. While we are enjoying & so excited to what God has done on us after harvesting souls, some leaders were envied us and made some false accusations. Immediately factions started to rise. We started to pray & seek God’s wisdom to handle it. It was a very hurtful and discouraging experienced. I thanked God, we Learn to forgive & forget each other. We had to plea not to be turn apart, submit to the decision of the Pastor & joined together with an agreement.


“Is Christ Divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul? I am thankful that I did not Baptize any of you except Crispus & Gaius, So no one can say that were Baptized into my name (Yes I also Baptized the Household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don’t remember if I Baptized anyone else.) For Christ to preach the gospel not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its Power.

A. Acceptable Attitude Allowed

Mature Leaders sometimes need to limit their personal Liberties for the benefit of those weaker brethren. Jesus is interested in all areas of our lives and is the only answer we can attest, affirm our allegiance only to God who is abounding in love, wisdom & power.

B. Attest God’s Grace and Love

Abiding in God’s Love through our devoted commitment – God’s Word Meditating it day and night – devotions, sharing the good news to others, helping the needs of brethrens, worshipping God as our lifestyle. Let us convince others that “Christ is not divided”, He was the atonement of our sins, for Paul, preaching was more important than baptizing, though his not oppose to it.

C. Allegiance to God

We the universal body of Christ is not divided, affirm our allegiance to Christ by the fruits, walk in our everyday life or testimony. We should be the light and the salt of this world because it is influence or change if we share and show them that we “Love One Another: No man won salvation for others nor did any of the Apostles but we serve our allegiance to anybody except Christ through the Message on the Cross. No room, for barriers, One God, one Faith, One Baptism, One Purpose to give as abundance in our spiritual growth.

D. Abundance of God’s Love and Power

Paul’s imitation of Christ apparently touched every aspect of his ministry and this should be our goal and vision. To edify, encourage build up others in their faith. For them to experience God’s Miraculous power in healing, salvation and blessings physically, emotionally and financially but most of all spiritually. One Hope and God Eternal.


I think everybody has already heard my personal testimony. During the time my husband was still a corrupt and brutal cop, he was engage in wines, girls, drugs & vices. But the worse of it is when he offered me to leave us with my children. I accept his offer because for the hope that someday he will see the lights and make the decision to come back again.

Since then, I devoted my time in our church. I made my life visible in the ministries, have to pray & fast abide, devote & hope for God’s miraculous touch in my married life. After 20 years of praying for my husband God has united him to us again, not only in physical but spiritual. God changed his life!

Conclusion or Application:

I have notice here in our church work that if we have gone to the other churches & share God’s love the more were united the greater blessings far beyond than we can imagine. If it has always been in proportion with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and comprehension many are converted and his manifestations multiply.

If a church is divided, the minister or pastor could not unite each other because the church is divided then they are just loosing their time, effort and resources. They will not see any fruit, growth and blessing of God.

I don’t know and I don’t care as I’ve said what divide them, that are not the question. What I know is the Spirit of God doesn’t work where there is darkness and division so I’m challenging you right now, what is your respond?

Positively in prayer we can come together for Unity in Love and Cooperation all for the Glory of God. So let us all present a united front and all this sectarian spirit will soon begin to roll away.

As children of God, Make haste and let us carry the torch of our salvation amongst us, The Spirit we need now is the spirit on the Pentecost. There was no sectarian or party but the Spirit of God fell upon them all.

I call everyone who if you are of one mind and pray to God to rebuked, that there be no room for Pride and Jealousy, Oh that the Spirit of God comes on us this morning, that we may be one in Spirit and Mind, with no self – seeking, glorification, “but everything for the Lord Jesus, I do this for thee”, Please get us right into your heart, accept our prayers and shower us with your blessings and your Anointing descend to bind us together that we can love, serve, minister & overcome evil by drawing strength from the same spirit of God within each one of us, as we give back all Honor, Power, and Glory in the Precious Name of your son Jesus and Everybody.
