Summary: This is the 5th sermon in the series "Church On The Move".

Series: Church On The Move (Colossians)[#5]


Colossians 2:6-23


This week I went to Lubbock to check on one of our members who was having knee surgery. As I was leaving town I stopped and aired up a couple of tires that have been losing air. As I was entering Seagraves I noticed that my front tire seemed low. I found a shop and then waited an hour while two guys fixed my tire. Finally after an hour I was back on the road, realizing that I was going to be late for the surgery. About 10 minutes later I felt something on my arms and legs. As I looked down there were ants all over me. Knowing how allergic I am to ant bites, I pulled over on a dirt road and began to take my clothes off and dust out the ants. Fortunately no one drove by and I did not get bitten.

As I began to drive again, it became very clear to me. If I would have got that tire fixed when I first noticed the problem I would not have had all of those things happened.

The Christian life is similar to that tire.

A Hole

The reason I had a flat was because I had a hole in the tire. That particular hole was caused by a nail; but flats are caused by other sharp objects also.

Just as a sharp object will put a hole in a tire so will sin put a hole in your life and the longer you continue in that sin the bigger the hole will become.

Luke 15:11-32

In this parable we see the destructiveness of sin and where it will take us; but we also see two attempts at solving the problem. One way works for a while but the other way will last.

A Temporary Fix

After an hour of waiting, the tire repair man explained to me why it took so long. The first thing that was done was they put a small patch over the hole and it looked fine until they put air in the tire. All of a sudden air started leaking out because the patch had come off.

In the parable of the prodigal son, we see that when the prodigal came back that his older brother was very upset about how their father had treated the younger son.

Luke 15:25-30

The older son had tried to patch his life with works. The patch of religion will last for a while but will lead to a flattened life. The patch of religious acts will not stand up to the pressures of life.

Colossians 3:8, 16-23

Christians we must stop trying to solve the problem on our own. Patching the problem with self-help programs, radio and television programs, religious works, etc… will never last.

If you want to move forward in your walk with Christ and not be stuck all the time, what should we do?

A Permanent Fix

As I was leaving, the repair man suggested that I get a new tire. I had to make a decision: keep patching it or start over fresh and new.

The prodigal son figured this out.

Luke 15:17-21

The prodigal came to his senses. Notice what he did. He humbled himself and went to his father for forgiveness. He knew he didn’t deserve even to go back as a slave, but he had no other options.

Colossians 2:6-15

Christians, if you want to live a life that is moving forward for Jesus, you must first humble yourself and to the Father. There are no other options. Christians, start over.

1 John 1:9-2:2

When God forgives, He forgets. As far as God is concerned, because of what Jesus has done for you, you are sinless. He simply wants you to confess those sins and move on in the path of righteousness. That’s how you start over.


This parable is the only time we find that God gets in a hurry. God is in a hurry for His children to come back to Him.

Start fresh today with Jesus!