TEXT: Nahum 1:1-8
The book of Nahum is basically a prophecy of judgment to a foreign nation, Nineveh.
In beginning his sermon, Nahum first draws attention to the nature and character of God.
In verses 2 and 3, we see that God is a God of vengeance.
There are times that we may ask ourselves if the wicked are going to receive judgment.
We sometimes compare ourselves with sinners and we even notice that the more we serve God the harder life seems to get. Yet, we see that even though the wicked aren’t serving God they seem to be prospering. Even sinners notice this comparison and they are guilty of saying, “why should I become a Christian. I’m doing fine just like I am.”
But Nahum is saying to us this day that God’s vengeance is certain, that He is a God of wrath and although His execution of judgment may seem delayed on the wicked for now be sure, that if they continue to reject Him there is coming a day of vengeance, a day when they will be judged for their sin.
While those who are living in sin seem to be living a life of ease, be sure there is coming a reckoning day. There is coming a day when their sin will be judged.
We have heard it preached so much that He is a God of love that we have almost forgotten that He is also a God of wrath and that the guilty will not go unpunished.
Romans 1:18 (NIV) – “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.”
God acts in vengeance because He is a “jealous” God. We need to understand that God is not jealous as humans are jealous. God created this world and He expects people to live in a proper relationship with himself.
The bible often views God as a husband and Israel as a bride (this can be applied to the church today). The husband expects and rightly demands that the bride be faithful and loyal to him only. All other lovers are to be left behind. Because of God’s purity and His faithfulness it hurts Him when we turn to other lovers and leave Him alone. God rightly demands and deserves top priority in our lives. He must have first place in our lives.
So, whenever God brings judgment He is justified in what He does because He has kept His part of the covenant relationship. He has been faithful to us.
In Exodus 20 we have the 10 commandments. They are told not to worship idols in verse 4 and in verse 5 God tells them why – “…I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…”
He does not want any rival for His love for us. Our relationship with God must be a top priority. Complete fidelity is expected; anything less will be neither accepted nor tolerated.
Verse 3 says, “The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked.”
Sometimes we have been guilty of taking advantage of God, because He is slow to anger. So we think that we can get away with something easier, but just think, what if we should die or a tragedy take place? What then?
Thank God He is patient with sinners as well as Christians. I can assure you, I wouldn’t be here today if He were a hot-tempered God.
But do not be deceived because God will send judgment if forgiveness in not sought. Just because you and I or anybody else may not have received judgment for sins committed, unless we seek forgiveness & get under the covering of the blood we will be judged for our sins.
God is giving you a chance this day to make things right.
Look at Nineveh and how merciful He was to them. They were doomed to judgment but Jonah brought a message of repentance and they repented. Since then they went back to what they were and now God’’ patience has run out. Oh! May God’s patience never run out on us.
I know that the subject of God’s wrath and vengeance are not popular today but be assured it still needs preaching. God will judge those who reject Him and rebel against Him.
God hates sin and one day He will judge it.
Also in verse 3 Nahum says God is “Great in power.” He then begins to show the effects of God’s great power. Nahum appeals to examples from nature to show God’s power.
Nahum shows us that God is omnipotent – all powerful – that whatever is needed in our individual lives or in our church He has the power to take care of it.
His power is beyond our comprehension.
In verse 6 Nahum says: “who can stand before His indignation? And who can endure the fierceness of His anger?” The answer to this rhetorical question is “No one.” No opponent or enemy in all the universe will ever succeed against God or His purpose. Satan and all of his demonic forces with all they can bring against us will not be able to overcome God or His people as long as they trust in Him.
Finally, in verses 7 and 8 Nahum brings this to a close and He shows in verse 7 God’s relationship with His friends and in verse 8, His relationship with His enemies. As we look at the two verses in closing, I want you to ask yourself which side do I want to be on? Either we can find refuge in God or we can find judgment. The choice is ours.
We can either trust in God or we can find ourselves as one of His enemies.
Either we are for Him or we are against Him. We may not say we are against Him with our mouths but our actions are speaking louder than our words.
In verse 7 Nahum points out 3 remarkable factors about God and His relationship with His people.
First, God is good (1:7a). His goodness is reflected in many ways: for one, He is faithful to keep all His promises to us. He is merciful to us. He gives us many wonderful gifts etc.
Second, God is “a refuge in times of trouble” (1:7b). The image here is of the fortress or the stronghold for the soldier. When he is within its gates and behind its walls, he is safe from enemy attack. To leave its security is to face defeat. We live in a time of pressure, of constant attack by the enemy, but in God, by having a right relationship with Him we find safety & protection.
God does not promise His people freedom from difficulties in this world. Instead, he promises His presence & sufficiency in the midst of difficulty.
External situations may be devastating but inner spiritual reality can still know God to be the valid refuge.
Third, God “cares for those who trust in him” (1:7c). This verse indicates that those who know God in an intimate way can be sure that He will always be there to take care of them.
He will always be there as a refuge, as a provider for whatever we have need of.
But in verse 8 Nahum returns back to the theme of judgment.
Total destruction will come to those who are enemies of God.
The words “Overflowing flood” and “darkness” represent the confusion, hopelessness, & utter devastation of judgment.
Once again let emphasize, those who reject God will receive His judgment.
Let me close with three thoughts:
1. Every action has a consequence.
2. God takes care of the consequences.
3. I should be concerned with my consequences, not anybody else’s.