Hebrews 2:5-18
On one occasion certain Greeks approached one of the twelve disciples and said, "Sir, We would see Jesus." Certainly that ought to be the desire of every one of us as we gather to worship our Lord. As the song says, "Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus...." May that be our prayer as we gather in the Lord’s name today. How do you see Jesus today? As a great teacher? A great religious leader? A prophet? A miracle worker?
Hebrews 1:4 “Having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name that they.“ Hebrews 2:9: “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels…. “
Do these verses contradict each other? By no means. The emphasis in chapter one is on the deity of Christ while the emphasis in chapter two is upon the humanity of Christ. Several verses in chapter two, point out the humanity of Jesus. Note the references in 2:9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17. John’s gospel proclaims, “The word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”
The key phrase that I want us to examine is in verse 9, "But we see Jesus...." Then he spends the rest of the chapter, even the letter, showing us, how we should see Jesus. Though we do not have a photo of Jesus, but in these verses we have several word pictures that describe just who the man Jesus really is.
In verse 10 Jesus is described as the author (pioneer, captain) of our salvation. By the grace of God, Jesus, the complete Man, is able to restore us to the place of glory and honor that God created us for. For this to happen, we must be “in Christ” through faith in His atoning work.
A. THE PURPOSE OF OUR SALVATION: "For whom/by whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory." In Jesus, we are bound for glory. After all, this world is not our home, we’re just passing through. This life is just the beginning.
B. THE PRICE OF OUR SALVATION: Perfect - complete, Salvation is made complete through the suffering of Christ. Verse 9, tells us that Jesus "By the grace of God tasted death for everyone." The word "for" speaks of the SUBSTITUTIONARY SACRIFICE of Jesus on the cross. The CROSS must ever be central in all that we do and say as the church of Jesus Christ. The Blood of Christ and the Cross of Christ are ever at the heart of our faith. Take away the blood and the cross of Jesus and you have no gospel, no salvation, and no hope.
Jesus is the one who sanctifies, or makes us holy. Believers are the one’s being sanctified, or made holy. To sanctify, or to make holy means to be set apart. Our Lord sets us apart as to the service of God. Who are the sanctified ones?
A. THEY ARE BROTHERS OF THE SON: Jesus is presented as our elder brother. He is not ashamed to call us His brothers. The Bible uses several terms to describe the relationship of Jesus with believers. Disciples, servants, friends, brothers, etc. Brothers is a family term. Our Lord sets us apart as members of His own family, His brothers and sisters.
B. THEY ARE CHILDREN OF THE FATHER: Think of it, in a real way, you and I are children of God. What a special relationship we have with the Almighty God. I’m a child of the King.
We believers are partakers with Jesus Christ. Our position is IN CHRIST. We share in the accomplishments of the cross. Through His atoning sacrifice on the cross of Calvary Jesus:
A. ACCOMPLISHED THE DEFEAT OF THE DEVIL: "That through death He might destroy him who has the power of death, that is the Devil." The word translated “destroy” does not mean annihilation, nor has Satan been destroyed in that since. The word means “to make inoperative” or “ineffective.” Through the resurrection from the dead, Jesus broke the hold Satan had over us. When man yielded to the Devil, sin entered into the human experience and death by sin. Briefly we need to know several things about the devil. He is real. He is powerful. He is deceptive. He is dangerous, but praise God he is defeated.
B. DELIVERED US FROM THE FEAR OF DEATH: The word “deliver” means to change from or to free from bondage. Men are slaves to the fear of death, but Christ has removed death’s sting. Death is a universal enemy. Everyone of us have been touched by it or soon will be. A parent, a grandparent, a mate, a child, a friend. Death is an enemy. It will be the last enemy to be destroyed. Death is fearful. Even believers shy away from it. We are ready to meet the Lord, but we also have a purpose for this life.
Before Calvary, men were held in bondage to the fear of death. The Old Testament contains only a few “flashes of light” concerning life after death. For them, death had to be faced with uncertainty, horror, and gloom. Jesus Christ has cleared the haze away. Life and immortality has been brought to light through the gospel.
Because of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, death has lost its sting. For the true believer, death becomes the door by which we pass into the very presence of the Father. For the believer, the future is glorious, for we are bound for glory. Praise the Lord.
As a man, Jesus is one of us. He has been “made like his brothers.“
A. OUR HIGH PRIEST MAKES RECONCILIATION FOR OUR SINS. As our “merciful and faithful high priest,” Jesus’ primary role is to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. The Greek word translated “reconciliation” means “to propitiate” or “expiate” sin. As our High Priest, Jesus does not merely cover our sins, he actually takes it away from us. The earthly High Priest carried the blood into the Holy Place once a year to make atonement for our sins. This he did each year. Jesus, our great High Priest entered the heavenly Holy of Holies once for all with His own blood.
B. OUR HIGH PRIEST HELPS US WHEN WE ARE TEMPTED: Not only did Jesus atone for our sin, he is qualified by personal experience to aid believers in their struggle against temptation. As one who has been tempted like us, Jesus is sympathetic with our plight. He understands when we are tempted. Moreover, He is able to come to our aid when we are tempted. The King James uses the word, “succour.” This word means, “to run in response to a cry for help.“ Jesus runs to us when we cry out to him in times of temptation. As a man, Jesus has endured similar trials and temptations. The believers who were recipients of the book of Hebrews, needed to hear that Jesus had suffered as they were suffering. We need to be reminded of that as well.
CONCLUSION: Now that you have seen Jesus in the light of God’s Word, wouldn’t you like to receive Him as your own personal Lord and Savior? Either Jesus is all that the Bible claims Him to be or else He is a phony. The more I study the Scriptures, the more firmly I believe the Bible to be true and trustworthy. I have made my commitment to surrender my life to the lordship of Jesus Christ. What about you? I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to some soul today about your need for the Lord Jesus. He is knocking on the door of your heart right now.
When we lived in Costa Rica, Thursday was my study day. About twice a month, my doorbell would ring and it was always members of a false cult, trying to convince me that Jesus was not who he claimed to be. They denied his deity, his resurrection, etc. On Thursdays, I learned that if I would just sit real quiet, they would go away.
One day, long ago, Jesus knocked on the door of my heart. I am so glad I did not send him away. I opened the door and invited Him to come into my heart and life.
Lost friend, Jesus is knocking on your heart’s door today. Will you just sit there hoping He will go away, or will you open the door and invite Him to come in? The decision is yours to make. I pray that you will make the right one.