Summary: This message talks about how to maintain a Spirit of Unity in the marriage, home and churches. This message explains the difference between Physical unity and Spiritual unity and how we need to strive for Spiritual unity to be blessed.

Title: Division For Righteousness

Text: II Chron 10:15 and II Chron 11:4; I Kings 11:29

Read Text!!!



Two men were riding a bicycle built for two when they came to a steep hill. It took a great deal of struggle for the men to complete what proved to be a very steep climb. When they got to the top the man in front said to the other, "Man, that was a hard climb!" The guy in back said, "Yes it was. And if I hadn’t kept the brakes on all the way we would have rolled down backwards."

- Unity is a powerful thing. You can accomplish anything when a husband and wife, children, churches are together in the unity.

- But when one is not doing there part, the other party suffers as we see in our story.

- In our text we have a very interesting story also.

- And as I read this passage of scripture earlier this week, a question went through my mind, why did God bring division?

- It’s hard to believe that the Lord brought division to His people, or aloud division to come. But it happened and here’s the reason why:

1. As a punishment for there false worship of other gods.

2. As a means of preserving a faithful remnant of people from the tribe of Judah.

(The division was God’s plan and it was recorded in I Kings 11:29)

- Even though Israel as a whole departed from the truth of God, a group of people from the tribe of Judah remained faithful to God.

- Therefore God was able to fulfill His promises and salvation purpose through them.

- So we know that division came as a result of sin, the 12 tribes simply did not live out truth revealed from God’s Word.

- And the reason God aloud it to happen was because there foundation was based upon living God’s way. Israel was God chosen people, who decided long ago to be a people unto Him.

- They formed themselves as a nation around the principals of God, and there orders were to drive out the nations and not practice there worshiping of idols. (Deut 29:1 - The Covenant made with Israel and verse 16-18)

- God chastens those whom He loves, and are His children. Let me explain futher.....

- Our foundation is determined when we chose to live for Jesus Christ.

- So therefore God deals with us our family, marriage, or church according to the foundation that we decided to lay.

- And so when one person, or group of people is not living according to the principals of God’s Word there will be no Spirit of Unity, which is what we are going to talk about this morning.


- I want to give a challenge to you and myself to keep the unity of the spirit in our families, and churches.

- I believe when truth from God’s Word is not lived out from the Christian, there can be no Spirit of Unity.

- I am not talking about Physical Unity, were we apply the principal of agreeing to disagree about issues, rather I am talking about a Spirit of Unity that will bring God’s blessing. (Psalm 153)

- Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement. (Read Acts 15:36-41)

- Paul and Barnabas had a difference of opinion that lead to there separation, but they didn’t leave with bitterness and hostility

- Both Paul and Barnabas continued their work for God with His blessing and grace.

- And that’s what we need to strive for today as Christians, to be used of God and not be filled with anger or bitterness. Because it can happen so easy.

- It’s so easy for loved ones to become angry at one another. Whether in marriage, between couples, family members or church relationships.

- So if we have decided to live for God, and God is our foundation in the home, my life, my church, how do we agree to disagree and preserve the Spirit of Unity?

- Understand that you and I must have our foundation established first.

- We are either going to live for God and let Him rule our homes and lives, or the world’s philosophies.

- The world’s teaching being, selfishness, lack of respect, me first, corruption, jealousy, greed, love of money and pleasure etc.

- I believe Paul gives us some insight in Eph 4.

- Turn with me to Eph 4.......We maintain a Spirit of Unity by............

Point 1: Being Loyal To The Truth (Vs 3)

- Unity of the Spirit cannot be created by any human being or organization, but rather living a life worthy of the calling of God.

- Spiritual unity is maintained and renewed by being loyal to the truth and keeping in step with the Spirit. (Read Gal 5:22-26)

- It cannot be attained by human effort. Gal 3:3 says, “Are you foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?”

- Unity in the Spirit will come when the Christian decides to live out Biblical truth in society.

- How do you live? How do you respond to people?

- When people see you at school, at work, at wal-mart what do they see, a Christian or a criticizer

- Do they see a sour Christian or a sweet Christian.

- It’s a challenge for us to change and be the best that we can be for the Lord and promote Unity of the Spirit in our churches and homes.

- Are you concerned what you wife sees? Are you concerned what your husbands sees?

- What about your children? Do they see a desire to serve the Lord and live according to His principals?

- It’s a challenge to look at God’s word and ask Him to make us more like Him and what the Bible says we should be.

- Keeping a Spirit in the home and church means we must be loyal to the truth of God’s Word and live by it.

Point 2: There Is Only One Lord (vs 5)

- There can be no idols. What’s an idol?

- An idol is anything that is set up and worshiped above God.

- And for the Christian the most common idol that we have to guard against is selfishness.

- There are many idols to watch out for, like money, pleasure, comforts, control, pride etc.

- But the most common is selfishness, where we put our needs ahead of God and others.

- The Bible says in I Sam 12:20-21, “Do not be afraid, you have done all this evil, yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless.”

- Now it’s easy for me to say that, but there is a certain attractiveness to idols.

- We may not worship a statue, but we can worship ourselves and become selfish.

- How is that attractive? It gives us a sense of control over situation, you don’t have to trust as much in the Lord and living by faith is not really required.

- Worshiping self, answers to no one, but themselves.

- It can turn into rebellion, because God’s Word is that much more harder to get into a selfish, stubborn heart.

- As in the Old Testament, the source behind these idols was demonic and the demonic forces were able, though on a limited basis, temporally give material and physical benefits.

- Selfishness can bring benefits but in the end it leads to destruction.

- It’s a struggle that the Christian needs to be on guard with because we as people have decided to live for the Lord and raise our family in the knowledge of the Lord.

- The devil knows this and is going to try everything in his power to deceive and destroy everything the Lord wants to bless.

- But if we go off on our own, and not build our Lives around the Lord, everything will suffer. Our marriages, relationships, churches etc.

- There is only one way that is sure to work, and that is acknowledging in our lives, His Lordship over us and everything we have.

- Don’t become selfish and stubborn, but open the pages of the Bible and find out what it says about marriage, family, devotions, leadership, church fellowship, responding to people, hurts and then chose to live out the Bible.

- When we do this we are acknowledging His Lordship over us and our home.

- A selfish person will not seek or receive Godly council, or correction, rebuke from God’s Word, don’t you be that person and thus worship an idol, yourself.

Point 3: A Love That Seeks (Vs 15)

- Seeks what?

- Maintaining the unity of the Spirit (vs 3 and vs 13) must be based on action.

- Active love that seeks to resolve, build up, edify, encourage, and reconcile.

- This is obedience to Jesus and His Word.

- Love is the greatest thing of all.

- Changing and becoming more like God, should be out of a desire to obey the Word because you love the Word and God.

- Not because the pastor said so, or you were told to do so.

- That type of relationship God is looking for is that of a love relationship, meaning His laws and commands are there not to harm us but to bless us.

- But we must make that decision and say, I want to love the Bible and live by it’s standard.

- I want to fear the Lord and be concerned what He thinks about me.

- But do it out of a desire to grow in love, not in condemnation.

- When that is established between you and God, live out the Word to your spouse, children, leadership, and church.

- All done under the umbrella of love and passion.

- If you are not there with God yet, don’t condemn yourself, but pray and ask God to help you, fill you with His love.

- To give you a hunger for His Word and Presence.


- In conclusion I would to like tell this story to sum up this message.

You know the old saying, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." This saying is applicable within the family too. In the battle for Stalingrad during World War II the Russian commanders ordered their soldiers not to give up any more ground. Any soldier who fled from the Germans was shot on the spot. The Russian commanders knew that if even a couple of soldiers fled their post the Germans would have an opening through which they could pour into the city.

- Likewise, when the family is divided, Satan finds it so much easier to attack and to conquer.

- Our foundation is built on Jesus Christ if we have given our lives to Him.

- Because we have given our lives to Him, satan is working overtime to destroy your home, finances, health, church fellowship etc.

- My challenge to you this morning is to strive in these three points I have given you.

1. Be loyal to the truth

2. There is only one Lord

3. A Love that seeks.

- When we are truly desiring to live the way God wants us to live in all our affairs, then true unity of the Spirit can be accomplished.

- Like the old says goes: Snowflakes are frail, but if enough of them get together they can stop traffic.

Lets Pray!!!