Summary: Empower Your Life with the Holy Spirit by learning more about Him.

The Holy Spirit - Empowering Your Life

This weeks topic is going to be the Holy Spirit. I am amazed that after years as a Christian how little I knew about this most important aspect of Christianity and hope to enlighten you regarding the Powerful Influence the Spirit can have on your life.


We first hear of the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1:2 and we are told that it was present at the time of creation. We find the Holy Spirit active in a number of different ways in the Old Testament. It empowered people to certain acts often those of strength or insight. (It still helps us in those ways.) See messengers of Saul in 1 Sam 19:20, Gideon in Jud.6:34, elders of Isreal in Num 11:25, We also see those such as David fearing the Holy Spirit’s leaving Ps.51:11. We can see that the Holy Spirit often appeared to be utilized for a specific task and then departed upon completion- Num11:25, Amos.

Gift of our Lord

Of the many profound and wonderful things Jesus had to tell and show us during his brief stay on this earth it is undoubtedly his gift of the Holy Spirit that is the most advantageous in our lives.

He noted that although he would be going away that he would "pray the Father" for the gift of the Holy Spirit to minister to us in his place. Like a loving family member leaving his children for an extended period Jesus was concerned for our well being and bestowed on mankind this most precious gift to assist us in so many ways. It is indeed Jesus’s suricate and a most powerful ally in our lives. A piece of the Lord that remains in all believers (and works behind the scenes even in non believers-Jn16:8-11) and keeps us ever close to him and watched over. Surely you have noted the change in the Apostles after Christ left them, a change that enabled them to be strong founders of the early Christian Church here on this earth. It was surely Jesus’s gift on Pentecost of the Holy Spirit that so empowered them and it may empower us if we but ask.

What is the Holy Spirit ?

We know it is a He. - Jn. 14:16

We know the Holy Spirit makes decisions and gives us Gifts - 1 Cor. 12:11

We know He feels love and Grief -Rom 15:30 and Eph. 4:30

We also know He

Speaks- Rev 2:7

Intercedes - Rom 8:26

Teaches - Jn. 14:26

Leads - Rom. 8;14

Appoints - Acts 20:28

Empowers - Acts 1:8

and is an equal part of the Trinity - God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

additionally -

His name is equal with God and Jesus Mt. 28:19 and 2 Cor. 13:14

He is called Lord -2 Cor. 3:17-18

The Apostle Peter tells us the Holy Spirit is God - Acts 5:3-4

The Holy Spirit gives life -Jn 6:63

He is a helper given by the Father to abide in us -Jn 14:16-17

He gives power and enables us to witness - Acts 1:8

It enables us to speak the word of God with boldness - Acts 4:31

If we do not have the Spirit we are not His - Rom 8:9

If we live by the Spirit we will put to death the deeds of the body and

we will live as the Sons of God - Rom 8:13-14

The Spirit helps in our weaknesses as the spirit makes intercession for us - Rom 8:26

Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in us - 1 Cor. 6:19

The Spirit is from God so that we might know the things that have been

freely given to us by God - 1 Cor 2:12

Manifestation of the Spirit is given to each for the profit of all - 1 Cor.12:7

We are made perfect by the flesh from having received the Holy Spirit - Gal 3:3

Walking in the Spirit will enable us to not fulfill the lust of the flesh -Gal 5:16

The Fruit of the Spirit is -love, joy, peace, long suffering,kindness,goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and self control. All things that we may prosper in if we walk in the spirit. -Gal 5:22-23

Living by the Spirit enables us to keep in step with it. Gal 5:25

We are to be filled with the Spirit. -Eph 5:18

We need pray in the Spirit Eph 6:18

We know the Lord abides in us through the Holy Spirit He has given us. 1 Jn 3:24

We know the Spirit who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. 1 Jn. 4:4

It was the power of the Holy Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead in his tomb -Mt.28, Rom 1:4,Eph. 1:19-20

Embrace the Holy Spirit and prey it enable you in all things it is a power greater than any other you have ever known. It is your personal gift from the Father preyed to you by the Son and working with you on their behalf to make you all things and enable you in all ways to be what God desires of you.

How we came to be given the Holy Spirit -

In John 14:15-18 in the upper room with his disciples Jesus tells of his Gift for us of the Holy Spirit.

15 "If you love Me, keep[4] My commandments. 16And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- 17the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

When we are enlighted by the Holy Spirit and most importantly begin to live in accordance with it we will begin to see the fruits of the Holy Spirit -namely -Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.Gal.5:22. Few of us would not understand the benefits of these gifts - they are indeed precious. To possess them all is to find true happiness and it is the Holy Spirit that will lead us there.

The Holy Spirit in Our Lives

Those of you who have worked diligently at accepting the Holy Spirit I ask to please think back to the old you. Have you not seen an improvement in yourself relative to these fruits ? You should and if you have not perhaps it is time to assess your efforts at accepting the Spirit and living in Accordance with his urgings. I know I have seen it in my own life and that is not to say that I am a perfect Christian but I have seen the fruit of the Spirit and his working in my life, and the satisfaction of knowing that through him I can continue to grow in my spirituality with his expert guidance.

I think the first time I was cognizant of his work was a course I took at a local Baptist Church back some years ago when I first got serious about learning about the Lord and what he expects of us. About 15 of us gathered together to take a course called - "Hiding from Love" . The only reason I signed up was all the other courses which I felt that I needed were filled. When asked why we had taken the course by the instructor each of us in turn indicated that they had no clear reason and many like myself had no other choices left.

I remember mentioning to the instructor that in essence the course was probably not right for me as I had not been "Hiding from Love" in fact I jokingly suggested that I may have been overdosing on it instead of hiding from it. Most of you are not aware of it but the C. in Dennis C. stands for Casanova my real last name. We had a lot of laughs about that and the others comments relative to the fact that none of us seemed to really know why we were there, but the class it turned out was almost custom made for those of us who took it. We all learned much about love .....true love in the Christian sense.

One young lady amongst us opened up to the group and informed us she had once been a drug addicted prostitute and was now a Godly woman and told us how the Lord had changed her life. Her honesty and frankness brought out our own stories and before long we were all telling each other about the Love associated troubles in our own lives. It had a great effect on all of us and many of us shared concerns in each others lives and many tears. We discussed the good Christian principles that would ultimately heal us. Those of you wishing further enlightenment on the topic of love I urge to read my sermon on love. It is in accordance with the Apostle Paul’s urgings on the topic.

Many of us who took that course have remained good Christian friends to this day. It was very evident that none of us was aware of what the course could do for us but we had all been led there unknowingly by the Holy Spirit. It became apparent to all of us and that the Holy Spirit can only truly effect change in us when we accept its urgings and step out for Christ becoming involved and following his urgings, and fellowshipping with others for our mutual good and growth.

I have seen many more instances of the Spirits Control in my life. Yes the Spirits contribution to your life can be fairly subtle but it is always there if you invite it. I do that often, and suggest that you do also - praying the Father to fill me with the Spirit and influence my life to the maximum. There are still things in my life that I am not happy with but I find that the Holy Spirit moves Quietly and Patiently in the background obliterating the old me and bringing forth a more Christ like creature in his place. It frankly amazes me but I am happy that it is happening.

It has brought me Joy and made me more loving to others, peace of mind is a wonderful thing and I credit the Holy Spirit with bringing mine. The other Gifts of the Spirit are also now evident in my own life though I pray He brings forth the much needed further improvement.

I like the analogy that we are indeed like an old house. When we become Christians and invite the Holy Spirit into our lives we are well aware that our old selves (our old house) has problems - we are aware that the faucets leak and perhaps the roof also leaks - these things are quite obvious even to us, and we pray that our Christianity (the Holy Spirit) might fix these obvious defects in us that we are so aware of.

In time He does, but the surprising thing is that He goes on to fix a lot more things what we were not even aware were wrong. We begin to recognize that our lives (our old house) is becoming a much better place. I would suppose that is because the Holy Spirit comes to indwell within us. Our old house (our old worldly selves) is not really to his liking and he begins to fix our house to be a more appropriate place for Him to reside in and so that he might comfortably dwell there within us. He takes our old place and begins to turn it into a mansion that He (The Holy Spirit) might comfortably abide in with us.

I have begged the Spirits work within me - I am still - putting Christ on proudly....far from Christ like yet but find myself moving more and more in that direction and nothing pleases me more. Especially in that most of the moving was by his plan and not mine. The worldly things that I used to like hold less and less power over me and I find myself hungering to do God’s work.

This was never a plan of mine. It was the Holy Spirit that sent me there - to Bible Study, taking Christian Courses, working diligently at the many projects at my local church, evangelizing at prisons and in my local community as well as on the internet and calling amongst my best friends my pastor and his congregation and working at my Christian Fellowship Ministry. None of those things were ever a plan of mine and frankly unlikely to occur if it were left to my planning as while I feel inadequate to partake of any of them the Holy Spirit has enabled me as He will enable you if you but request His power and guidance.

What have you got to loose? Start today by requesting the Spirit fill you and lead you. Pay attention to his urgings. Read my short sermon on "The two Wolves Within Us" and begin paying attention to the urgings of the Spirit and it will I promise you work wonders in your life.

It is apparent to me that God loves to show off. He seems to often pick the most unlikely individuals to work for him. The church I attend is full of such individuals. Knee deep in honoring God and in Godly work but with testimonys that would startle most of you. There is no way that the permanent changes that have occurred in those people could have taken place under their own efforts. Real change is always a most difficult thing - seldom lasting unless it occurs from within.......but the Holy Spirit seems to revel in producing real and lasting change in us.

I feel blessed with the association of a great church, its pastor and congregation. Such an association is important to assist you in growing in your Christianity. It shall be the topic of my next months writing. "How to Pick a Good Church." I am no expert on the matter but there are in my humble opinion certain things to look for that will greatly assist you in your Christian Walk. I shall try to do it justice and seek others advice in my research as many of you have asked me how they might find a Church that would further help to motivate them.

It seems that in the Holy Spirit we have a great Ali, which knows much better than us what is needed in order to reap the benefits of a truly God filled and Spirit filled life, and I for my part am quite content to allow Him (the Holy Spirit) to be in charge of my life ......he is doing a much better job of it than I ever did. I prey the Holy Spirit works diligently in all of you and if you will listen to his urgings and instructions I know that He will bring great things into your lives. My prayers may help but it is your acceptance and invitation to Him that is truly needed .....I beseech you to offer it and avail yourselves of Jesus’s most precious gift to us all - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

My blessings and those of the Holy Spirit upon you all and may God walk with you in the form of the Holy Spirit.

† Yours in Christ †

Dennis C.

Christian Fellowship

Cocoa Beach, Florida


The Promise of the Holy Spirit- RBC Brochure

How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit - RBC Brochure

Should We Expect More from the Holy Spirit ? - RBC Brochure

Free in The Holy Spirit - RBC Brochure