Summary: This Sermon is talking about when Jesus told his disciples to dont worry about Clothes and food nor drink but what about your life. Is Your life more important than your Situation. I know the things in which you disre but if you would just Don’t Worry but

---------------The Gospel According to Matthew------------------------------------That 6th Chapter & 25-34 verse--------------------

25: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than rainment?

26: Behold the fowls in the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27: Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28: And why take ye thought for rainment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

30: Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to days is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31: Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, What shall we eat or what shall we drink? Or where withal shall we be clothed?

32: For after all these things do the Gentiles seek for you’re heavenly Father knowest that ye have need of all these things.

33: But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

34: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

---------------The Gospel According to Matthew------------------------------------That 6th Chapter & 25-34 verse--------------------

The Subject: Winning Over Worrying..........

---------------The Gospel According to Matthew-------------------


*The Bread Of Life*

Scripture: Matthew 6:25- 34

Subject: Winning Over Worrying..........

The writer of this Gospel according to Matthew is Brother Matthew the great tax collector. And Matthew is trying to prove something to the Jews. Well preacher what is he trying to prove. Well he is trying to prove the Messiah, which is Jesus Christ Our Lord, has already come.

Now let me back up for just a moment and pick something else up now I told you that Matthew was a tax collector. Now back then Matthew was a person that taxed what you owned and rented. And back then nobody wanted to be bother with a tax collector so they had begin to treat him like a heathen. And that’s how some of us do we treat people like heathens and they are just doing their job. Now only that but this is our we do God in his tithes and offerings. When the announcement is made It=s offering time, instead of shouting and screaming and dancing and rolling around of the floor and running around the church. We get angry, we start crying and complaining and clutch our purses and clutch our wallets, we get real tight, and we freeze up. But when its all said and done you aint hurting nobody but yourself because really it’s a time for you to be Bless, while you trying to be stingy and uptight. But I come to serve you notice that you got to give in order to get. For the bible declares to: Give and it shall be given unto you Good measures press down shaken together and running over shall men Give unto you bosom.

Look at some body & say: You Got To Give In Order To Get

So in the book of Matthew that statement and quote A That It Might Be Fulfilled. Touch somebody and tell em God is Going to Fulfilled. I come to serve you notice that you are not alone. It seems like you been praying and crying and still not getting no answer, seems like none of your questions and petition have gone unheard of. But I come to let you know that God said that I am going to fulfill. Why preacher, well first of all God is not a Man that He should


Lie neither the son of Man that He should Repent. For if God said it all you got to do is Stand Still and see the salvation of the Lord. No matter what the adversary may say For If God be for you then who can be against you. You got to find yourself like Habakkuk and write the vision and make it plain. And wait for God to bring it to pass. For though the vision tarries God said hey wait for it why reverent. Because at the end it shall speak and not lie. This is my favorite part for if the Lord said it you can on it for he will do just what he said.

Give somebody hi and say My Blessing is on The Way

So now in the book of Matthew the 6 chapter and the 25 verse. Jesus focuses on the attitude toward the luxury of what men eat and drink and wear the necessities of life in which man must have to exist. See the first passage is directed particularly to the rich and the second half is directed particularly to the poor. Both the rich and poor still have they own spiritual problems. The rich is tempted to trust in their possessions, and the poor are tempted to doubt God’s Provision. The rich is tempted to be self satisfied in the false security of their riches and the poor are tempted to worry and fear in the false insecurity of their poverty.

But Jesus goes on to say, Be Not Anxious for your life. Now in the Greek command do not be anxious includes the idea of stopping what already being done. IN OTHER WORDS WE ARE TO STOP WORRYING and never start it again. You see for believers like you and I to worry is really being disobedient and unfaithful to our Master. F or us as Christians to worry and have anxiety is forbidden and sinful. WHY well because we serve a God that can do anything but failed. We served a God that can do exceeding and abundantly and above all that we can think are asked. God owns everything not only that but My God is in CONTROL OF EVERYTHING I BELIEVE David makes this plan by saying that The earth is the lords and the Fullest thereof, and they that dwell in it. We should learn how to find ourselves like The Apostle Paul, Paul Said I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I=am in, I know how to be Humble, Paul said I know what it=s like to live in prosperity, then Paul says I know what it feels like to live in poverty. I know the secret of being Full and being hungry. I know the secret of having abundance and suffering need. Well preacher what is the secret that Paul is talking about well let=s ask him. Paul said that the secret is My God Shall Supply All My Needs According To


His Riches & Glory. And if we as Saints of God would learn how to find ourselves like Paul and say no matter what the circumstances are I learned to deal with my circumstances, I learned how to deal with me not having any money in my pocket and neither in the Bank. I learned how to deal with the fact that he may not come when I want him to come but It=s good to know that he will always be right on the time. And guess what the time he comes, be right around the time when I really was getting ready to give up, getting ready to throw in the towel, getting ready to call it quits. It was the time when I was getting to make money the world’s way in order to make ends meet. But before I made I made that phone call, before I took that ride, before I change my mind, that’s when God step in and made a way for me. So I kinds of Glad Sis. Neubern that he didn’t=t come when I wanted him to but he came just when I needed him the most

Hifi 7 people and say He Comes Just When I Needed Him The Most

That why Jesus said to don=t worry about anything, don=t worry about food or drink or clothing. If I can break it down to our terminology in our style God said don’t worry about Karl Kani, and Fubu and Sean John and South Pole and Gucci and Rally’s and Subway, don=t worry about that. Instead let=s talk about what=s up with your life. Where does your life in Christ Stands? You sit up here worrying about the provision of the body, but what about the provision of your life and soul. Jesus says is not your life more important than food and cloth and drink. And see that’s the problem we are so busy worrying about clothes and food and shelter, well Lord I need a House, Lord I need my finances to be loosed, Lord when are you going to do this and Lord when are you going to do that. But what about the inner man what about your spirit man being fed and clothe with the word of God and drinking from a Well that will never run Dry. Saints we are so busy and caught up in the cares of Life. But what about your inner man and what about your walk with the lord, your talk with the Lord.

What about your relationship with God. I believe that=s Paul said Yea doubtless I count all things lose for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Why because Paul knew that his relationship with Christ was more important than anything. Paul didn’t=t worry about anything why because he knew God would take care of him. It didn’t matter if he had problems going on in his life. Paul made up his mind that my relationship with Christ is more


Important than Silver and Gold. It=s more important than Diamond Rings, More Important Than A Woman, It=s more important than a Man, It=s more important than sex. It=s more important then the cares of this world.

And if we as Saints of God would learn how to declare that my relationship w the Lord is More Important than:

Money. A New Car, A New House, P.H.D. Singing

Gossiping Preaching Ushering Food Clothes

Shelter Being A Deacon Being a Musician . Se Paul what saying this Its

Its more to it than Preaching is more to it than Being a Pastor, it=s more to it than just a membership. Paul so I want to go beyond that and dwell in the secret Place of the Most God.

Look at somebody and & tell em Its More Important

So Jesus goes on to tell the disciples. O ye men of little Faith. In other words what are you worrying about. He say take notice of the fowls in the air they not no farmers they don=t sow nor reap anything they just fly day in and day out but yet they need as a fowls are still met. And if that aint good enough for ya look at the lilies in the field constantly grow and stand and still have they needs met by the water and the nutrients. And they worry not. In other words he say if I can do it for them I can do it for you.

Reach over and slap your neighbor and say What He’s done for others He’ll do the same for you

I come to serve you notice that is no Secret To What God Can Do. But you first got to trust God and believe and know. Jesus tell them don=t worry about anything. Because if I=am that same God That:

Deliver the Children of Israel out of Bondage,

Brought Noah through the Flood


Brought Job through his trials and tribulation and bless he Double for His Trouble.

Deliver Daniel from the Lions Den


Added 15 more years to King Hezekiah=s Life

Heal the Sick, Raise The Dead, Fed a multitude of 5,000 men not

Including the women and children with two fishes and five Body Loaves of Bread

Healed the woman with the Issue Blood for 12 years. IF I AM THAT SAME God that didn’t=t for them then what makes you think that I will not provide for you, what makes you think that I wont see you though, what makes you think that I=am going to leave you lifeless, what makes you think that I=am going to leave you sick, What makes you think that I >am not going to make a way out of no way for you. What makes you think I=am not going to Bless You. And Give you the Desires of your Heart.

Hifi 10 people and say He Wont Leave You Hanging

You fist have to trust him Trust him to: Make a Way Heal Your Body

Deliver Make You Free Deliver your Family off of Drugs Bless You

Saved You Be A Heart Fixer and A Mind Regulator, Give you Peace in the Time of the Storm, Bless Your Finances, Get you out of Debt, Heal Cancer Heal Aids Heal Diabetes Bless you with that House Bless you with that Navigator {shout} Denali,

Tahoe, Suburban, Expedition.

Trust in the Lord with all of your Heart and Lean Not to Thy Own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your Path.

Reach over and slap your neighbor and say A Trust In Jesus@ {Elab}

Jesus says this is what the gentiles seek and I told you all earlier that this 32 verse refers to the poor as well as the sinners, Because they are always looking for: Food, Comfort, A Way Out, For Love, A Drink, Attention.

But Jesus says all you got to do is seek me first. And the word seeks means to hunt, means to go after. That’s why David said that is one thing that I desire of the Lord and that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord


All the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple. You see David wasn’t focus on his situation; he wasn’t focus on what God can do for him. But what he can do for God.

And see that’s the problem we are so busying focusing on our problems rather than the one that can solve our problem, which is the Problem solver. See you aint suppose to tell God how big your situation is, but tell your situation how big your God is. You suppose to tell your situation that God Specializes in these that seem impossible, and he will do what no other power can do.

As I come to a close. I come to let you know that some of you all have been worrying about different things Well God when are you Going to heal my body, See Me though, When is it going to be my time to come out of the Box. You telling God. You worry about your kids, worry about your family, worry about your life, worry about is you going to wake up in the morning, worry if you are going to lose your mind, worry about your future, worry about your past and worry about the present.

But I come to tell you that God said Don=t Worry. I= am that same God Yesterday, Today, and Forever More. Don=t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow it self has it own problems. Understand that I=am God. Like Kilpatrick said god said I got a Name For every last one of your Problems

If you need provision -I= am Jehovah Jireh

If you need a Healing- I=am Jehovah Rophe

If you need a Shepard- I=am Jehovah Rohi

If you need Peace- I=am Jehovah Shalom

If you need to be made over- I=am Jehovah Hoseenu

If you need to be sanctify- I=am Jehovah Mekaddishem

If you need someone to be there- I=am Jehovah Shammah

If you need a strong tower- I=am Elaah- for the bible says that the name of the Lord is as strong tower and the Righteousness run in and they are safe.

I=am everything you need. What ever you need God Got is. God evening Abundant Faith. God said what ever you need just trust me, Just Praise Me, Just Worship Me, Bow Dow Before me.

See we can seek God when things are Going Good but can seek God


When your life is a living hell, when your bills are due, can you seek him when Depression set upon your life, When your back is against the wall can you still Praise God, Can you still Praise God when everything is going to hay wired, can you still Praise.

Hifi 10 People and say A Praise God Anyhow@

Conclusion Of The Matter Semonette

1: You Win over Worrying by making the Devil out of A Liar. You Win over Worrying by Trusting in Christ. Tell the DEVIL THAT I KNOW WHAT GOD Can do I know him to be a Company Keeper. The Lord is my Shepard and I shall not want, he market me to lie down in green pastures if I can skip to the next verse which says yea though I walk through the valleys and the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for Thou are wilt me thou Rod and thy Staff shall comfort thee

Quote Psalms 27, Philippians 3:14, Jude 1:24, Isaiah 54:17