Summary: This sermon goes over the painful steps that our Lord had to take on the Via Dolorosa. It is a follow-up to the Mel Gibson movie "The Passion of the Christ."

6 Steps to Redemption

Rev. Nick Scarpa

Elm Street Baptist

Raise your hand this morning if you or someone you know has ever been involved in a Step program, where you take a number of steps to complete the program.

There have been numerous books written that use this Step-by-Step approach to teach us. Many instructions come with a piece of furniture or a computer - even needlework.

Learn quilting in 6 easy steps! 10 Steps to a New You!

The most popular may be the 12 Step program that is used by AA or other Recovery groups.

This morning we will discuss the most important step approach that ever existed.

Six steps to Redemption is not however, a plan that we follow to be saved. There is no quick and easy plan of salvation.

True Salvation is the hearing of the gospel, which in turn leads to repentance of our old way of life. We must accept the bible to be the inspired Word of God and believe that the suffering that Jesus endured on the cross paid the price for our salvation - once and for all.

But there is more to the Redemption story than just the cross. Jesus had to survive six painful steps on his way to the cross. This is what we will look at this morning.


I must tell you that I went to see the Passion of the Christ last night. I had attended a Pastor’s Dinner sponsored by Gideon’s at the Woburn Radisson and the Cinema was next door, so I decided to see the movie before I finished my sermon.

I had gathered some research at the library and reviewing Christ’s last steps, but seeing the movie has helped me to visually recall those steps and the suffering He endured for you and I.

If you have been to this movie, you know what I am talking about.

If you have not been to see it, I encourage you to get out and see it.

It will help you to remember what He was willing to do.

Let’s look at the six steps that led to our redemption and to our Lord’s death.

Our review begins with the first step toward the fulfillment of God’s Redemptive Plan.

Jesus and his disciples had just celebrated the passover together. It was probably the most emotional passover that any of the 12 would experience.

Jesus had told them that he would be betrayed by one of them. He also shared the true meaning of the Lord’s Supper.

At this point they sang their usual hymn and then headed out to the Mount of Olives with him.

STEP 1) Acceptance of His Mission

READ Mt.26:36-39

Gethsemane was a Garden where Jesus spent much of his time with the disciples.

Remember his words: "The son of man has nowhere to lay his head"

This was a place where they spent quality time together. Judas knew it well and was able to lead the soldiers to it with ease.

So Jesus took his inner circle of friends, James, John and --

Of course, Peter, and went to a solitude place to pray.

His soul began to be overwhelmed with sorrow and he wanted to be alone.

Jesus did not have to go through with the crucifixion. He agonized over it in prayer saying, "Father, take this cup from me" and yet he found the strength to accept it - "yet not as I will, but as you will" and thus made a turn onto the path of God’s plan.

He found no help from his friends as they had fallen asleep.

Jesus returned to pray the same thing until his acceptance was clear - until God’s will became his will.

Apply: For us to live for him, we must accept his plan and purpose for our lives. We must be wholly devoted to it!

Step 2) Humility Under Pressure

READ Matt. 26:50b-54

I cannot help but feel for Peter. He loved his Lord so much that he was willing to go to battle for him. Yet this same man would deny Christ three times when faced with pressure.

The most important point to see here is Jesus’ humility in the face of trial. He could have called 10,000 Angels! He could have stopped these soldiers from taking him, but he didn’t. He was a man of humility under pressure.

He had accepted his purpose and knew the importance that the scriptures be fulfilled.

Apply: Brothers and sisters, there are times when we would like to call down the Angels of heaven to destroy those who persecute us.

We must be like Jesus - be humble under pressure!

We are called to rejoice in our sufferings!

Jesus knew the sdriptures and knew what needed to be fulfilled.

How about you and I? Do you really know God’s Word?

Do you know what your purpose is?

It’s not just for Pastors/Teachers to know.

Scripture says: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet¡K."

Step 3) Patient in Affliction

READ John 19:1

This passage offers little in the way of explanation. The Passion movie offers us a deeper look at the cruelty of the act of flogging.

The Roman soldiers made a game out of it. The Religious Leaders who approved of it had already put Jesus through a beating before bringing him to Pilate.

The wife of Pilate came to him and exhorted him to avoid sentencing this man because she had a dream from God that was causing her much pain. She knew he was the son of God.

Pilate seeking to avoid further chaos in the city, called Abenadar to lead Jesus away to be flogged.

„« Jim Bishop in his book, "The Day Christ Died" writes this about the flogging:


"On the walls hung some of the gear the soldiers used. In the middle of the court there were three small thick stone pillars, each about three feet tall. Each one had embedded in it two big iron rings."

"They took Jesus to the nearest post and removed all his clothing and bent his body forward. They pulled both wrists down to the far side of the post and tied them to the ring."

(end quote)

The flogging, or scourging as it was called, was one of the most cruel forms of punishment. The tool that the soldiers used was made of thin pieces of wood with leather straps. Attached to the end of the straps they would sew pieces of bone or chain, or even lead.

This instrument as it were was called the Flagellum.

Just thinking about it brings back painful memories of the the movie and what Christ had to endure for us.

As He underwent that horrible punishment for something that he did not do, he did not call out vulgar threats. He did not show any anger - he was silent for the most part.

With one word to His Father, Jesus could have been removed from that situation. Instead, he patiently endured the affliction that was meant for us. Romans 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."

Apply: You and I can probably think of at least a couple times when we were mistreated or suffered some sort of pain. How did you do? Most often we are like wimps who cannot stand any pain. We need to learn to be like Jesus - To patiently endure hardships.

Step 4) He Trusted His Father

READ Matt. 27:27-31

In the midst of those who were under the spell of their father - Satan, the hater of God’s people, Jesus did not question His Father’s ways. He allowed himself to be humiliated and mistreated so that in all things God would be glorified.

In all of this Jesus maintained his ability to think clearly.

As Pilate confronted Jesus the second time, this time with a statement of his Roman authority and power, Jesus gathered enough strength to whisper the words, "You have no power whatever to harm me, except that given you by my father."

That is a very powerful statement and one that we would do well to remember in our own lives.

Apply: Do you trust God with your life?

Even in the hands of the enemy?

In Matthews gospel, Jesus tells his followers,

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny, yet not one will fall to the ground apart from the will of my Father. So don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows." Mt.10:29

Sorry don’t worry about what the enemy can do to you. Fear God, who holds your life in his hand.

Step 5) He showed Mercy in Mission

READ Luke 23:26-27

Here we see Jesus, beaten, bruised, humiliated and frail -

So much so that he needed someone to carry his cross.

The soldiers continued to torment him, even more than the two criminals. Even after being nailed to the cross, they continued to mock him and lash him.

One of two criminals join in the mocking. Jesus continued to show mercy to those around him.

Luke tells us that he prayed for his accusers.

"Father¡K.forgive them. They know not what they do"

V: 39-43

The criminal on his left recognized who he was and asked Jesus to remember him when he came in his kingdom.

Jesus’ response shows his continuous focus on his mission, as he says, "Today, you will be with me in Paradise."

That’s what is called a "Death-bed Conversion." The thief saw his own sin, asked for forgiveness and received Christ.

Apply: It’s hard to be merciful when you are focused on yourself and your own situation. Jesus never stopped caring about people. If we imitate him, we will share the same compassion for others that he had.

Step 6) Fully Committed to God’s Plan

READ John 19:28

Remember back in the garden when he prayed, "Father take this plan from me"? The turning point came when he stated, "Not my will, but thine be done!"

Jesus was fully God, yet fully Man. His flesh did not want to go through with the plan of God, but his Spirit was obedient.

Look at verse 30: "It is Finished"

What was finished? The purpose and plan for which he had been born as a little child on Christmas morn.

He went on to call disciples - teachers and preachers and servants to himself to help continue the share the Good News even after he was gone.

All that had been set forth to redeem mankind from the power of the enemy was completed.

So Jesus prayed, It is finished!

Read Luke 23:44-46

The symbolism of the curtain tearing in two from the force of the earthquake, was meant for our edification.

The holy of Holies was exposed so that all may go in! God himself was now accessible to his people.

Verse 47: A Roman soldier comes to faith in the son of God.

In Closing: I hope this message was as powerful to you as it was for me in preparing for it. The long journey from the courts of Pilate through the Via Dolorosa, "the way of suffering", to Golgotha or "the place of the skull" will hopefully remain in our memories forever. It represents how much we are loved.

"God loved us in this, yet while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Let’s PRAY

Closing HYMN