Summary: We’ll get the "boloney detector" out and examine the so called facts behind evolution.

Evolution’s Deception: Making a Monkey of Man, Pt. 2

“Evolution: Fact or Fiction”

Hebrews 11:3

A doctor, an architect, and a lawyer were arguing over who had the oldest profession. The doctor said, "Well the first operation was performed on Adam, so the medical profession is the oldest."

"No," said the architect, "Architectural planning and design was needed to create the earth and the universe out of chaos, so I represent the oldest profession." "Where do you think the chaos came from?" asked the lawyer.

Let’s put the facts on the table and see if it really is fact or fiction!

Evolutionists tell us all the time that there is plenty of solid evidence for their position.

The National Academy of Sciences official statement states, “Evidence for common descent (evolution) has been provided by paleontology, comparative anatomy, biology, geography, embryology, biochemistry, molecular genetics and other biological disciplines.”

The Council for Democratic and Secular Humanists on their official website states, “…Organic evolution is now documented by empirical evidence from geology, paleontology biogeography, anthropology…and physiology.”

Richard Dreyfuss made the following comment on “The Galapagos Islands” a PBS Nature program, with great emotion he describes a spectacular display of sea lions surfing the waves on the very island whose name is so frequently associated with Charles Darwin. As he watched in amazement he said, “I’m trying to understand the science of evolution. But right now, all I can see is a miracle.”

Dr. Heribert-Nilsson said with regards to evolutionists, that they (evolutionist) have, “The digestion or the brain function of a ghost.”

Finally, W.R. Bird, a Yale Law School graduate who argued the major case on the issue before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is also a member of the most prestigious legal institution, The American Law Institute and is listed in the Who’s Who in The World. He states…“Evolution is without significant evidence and that the theory of abrupt appearance (creation) is the better scientific theory.”

An embarrassing Silence… In his book “Darwin on Trial” Professor Phillip Johnson tells a story that is amazing to me! He was at the American Museum of natural History in 1981 with Colin Patterson who is a senior paleontologist at the British Natural Museum. This is what Phillip Johnson asked his panel of distinguished evolutionist… “Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing…this is true?” And the only answer I got back was silence…

Then I tried it on the members of a seminar at the University of Chicago and all I got was silence for a long time, but eventually one person got up and said, “I do know one thing, that should not to be taught in high school.”

You see strictly from logic and scientific research, Darwin’s theory, now over 160 years old, is severely lacking strong evidence!

That’s why when Dr. Henry Morris debates evolutionists, not one of them can give just 5 basic evidences for their position. He has spoken before 3000 audiences and not once has he had convincing facts given about evolution!

Also, creationist Dr. Duane Gish has actually debated over 300 leading evolutionist on university campuses and is virtually always the winner. In fact, they will not debate him any more!

Astrophysicists have found that there are over 60 criteria that are necessary for life on earth for you to live. Here are just 8 criteria about life existing! We could not exist in any form if one of the following were true:

If the earth’s rotation was slower, or faster

If we were 2% closer or further from the sun. Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun and if earth were not in perfect orbit we would be history! Every other planet in our solar system circles the sun in an elliptical orbit (a non perfect circle).

If earth had a 1% change in sunlight.

If the earth was any smaller or larger

If “I Love Lucy” ever went off the air

If the moon was any smaller or larger

If the earth’s crust was thinner or thicker

If Mike’s Pizza went out of business

Oxygen/Nitrogen ratio was greater or less

Ozone layer was greater or less

Evolutionists say that all we have to do is look into the sciences and the evidence and is there! Well let’s look at some of the so-called evidences and use our “Baloney Detector” Phillip Johnson’s phrase and look for facts and fictions!

1. The Power of Nothing.

The Big Bang Theory

Robert JastrowProfessor of Physics and Astronomy says, “The universe exploded out of nothing.” Think about that statement!

Nothing means - no space, no atoms, no molecules, etc.

John Mather, NASA’s top researcher of cosmic background says, “We have equations that describe the transformation of one thing into another, but we have no equations whatsoever for creating space and time…I certainly don’t know of any work that seriously would explain it when we can’t even state the concept.”

Alan Guth, MIT’s senior scientist says, “In this view the universe would originates as a quantum fluxation starting from absolutely nothing.”

Quantum fluxation =an amount of energy that moves quickly.

So as you can see we’ve got lots of questions coming to mind!

2. The Proof That’s Not There.

The Fossil Record

The fossil record of animals has been thrown into our faces for a century and a half and it’s a bogus argument!

For that matter, they keep talking about the “Missing Link”, that which connects us to the ape. For over 150 years science has been on a quest around the world to find that missing link and still nothing even close!

Charles Darwin in 1859 questioned this fact saying, “Why, if species have descended from other species by fine graduations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms…why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?”

Later in life just before he died he wrote, “I have asked myself whether I may not have devoted my life to a fantasy. I am ready to cry with vexation at my blindness and presumption.”

Scientists have catalogued over 100 million fossils in museums and labs and not one single link to the ape.

Let’s bring that thought up to date…the late Dr. Stephen Jay Gould was professor of geology and paleontology at Harvard, stated, “All paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.”

He’s saying that the fossil record doesn’t proof gradual evolution!

If evolution is correct then the rocks should be full of fossils documenting the transition of some invertebrates (having no backbone) into fish, and a rich fossil record of various transitional forms of major types of fish. There must be traces somewhere?

Time Magazine in their March 14, 1994 issue declared … “Yet despite more than a century of digging, the fossil record remains maddeningly sparse. With so few clues, even a single bone that doesn’t fit into the picture can upset everything. Virtually every major discovery has put deep cracks in the conventional wisdom and forced scientist to correct new theories amid furious debate.”

So what do we see when we look at human fossils at a museum? We actually see casts of the originals. But there are great problems with this because it’s very misleading to the public that ‘s viewing the exhibit. Pg. 239 Darwin…

3. The Many Ape-men Are Really Lies.

The famous ape-men illustrations.

How many of us have seen the “Time Life” books that show the elaborate change (skulls and bones) from ape to modern man? We all have and even had to study them in school over the years.

100’s of millions of students have been taught a lie over the years, because all this fascination is pure fantasy and fraud!

Most of these bones and teeth are now proven to be of extinct apes, monkeys, pigs and horses!

Common diseases experienced by people in past centuries often deformed bone fragments. Diseases like arthritis, syphilis and rickets (disease of the bones cause by deficiency of vitamin D).

Over the years we’ve had many different Ape-men theories:

· Piltdown Man 1 and 2 (a Jesuit Priest fraud)

· Ramapithecus

· Java Man

· Nebraska Man

· Lucy

· Peking Man

· Neanderthal Man

Every single one of these was presented to us in schools and universities as facts of the evolution of man and every one of them turned out as fraud or fantasy!

We always hear the big splash that these discoveries of bones and teeth make at first, but then we never hear them dumped into evolution’s cesspool of discarded theories!

4. The Universe is Running Down.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

One of the most basic of all scientific observations states that the universe is running out of stream! According to evolution we should be getting farther ahead because of gradual progression of everything! Wrong!

Here’s the problem: evolutionists say that at the “Big Bang” of the universe, there was an explosion that shot out into all directions. As anyone of can tell explosions do not produce incredible systems of complexity like our planets, stars, gravity, and the sun. Then to put them in just the right order to form life!

Here’s the key: There has never been a violation of this law to prove evolution! The burden is on the evolutionist!

According to Chemist Harry Bent … The odds of violating the second law of Thermodynamics and producing life are the same odds of a group of monkeys randomly hitting typewriter keys 15 quadrillion times in succession without error and producing all of Shakespeare’s works!

Dr. Harry Rimmer, who was one of only 12 men around in 1940 able to understand Einstein’s theory of relativity. He was so right on when he said this about violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and other laws … “I fail to see how the natural man can scoff at the faith of a Christian who believes in one miracle of creation, when the unbeliever accepts multitude of miracles to justify his violation of every known law of biology and every evidence of paleontology, and to cling to exploded myth of evolution.”

The problem with evolution is where did the Universes massive energy come from and when did it begin? The only good conclusion is that after creation something caused it to run down? What could that be? Sin!

Romans 8:19-22

5. Complex Life From Messy Soup.

Spontaneous Creation of Life

Now I know that soup can cure a lot of things but create life?

“Evolutionists account for life by chance that inanimate or non-living inorganic matter could somehow form life. That the oceans and atmosphere on primitive earth were accidentally composed of all the essential life chemicals, and that maybe lightning or something like that stimulated the chemicals to bond together over billions of years and here we are today!”

Doesn’t that just bless you? It gives me a pain I can’t locate!

Now in case you think I made that up, think again! That came right out of an approved 9th grade textbook used in Los Angeles Unified School District, “The Wonders of Science”! No wonder they have some of the lowest test score in America!

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, a top creation scientist in Britain went on record in her book “Life Cloud” as stating the possibility of this happening … “We looked at this rather carefully and we decided that the earth’s atmosphere was never of the right character to form an organic soup…geologists and geochemists have come around; they now go on to say that the primordial soup had to be imported from outside…there’s no way it could have developed upon earth because there’s not enough time, there’s not enough resources and there’s no way in which that could have happened on the earth.”

Now the theory gets even more unbelievable! The soup was delivered here!

This same scientist says that the odd of that soup starting here on primitive earth is 10 to the 40,000 power. That’s 10 with 40 thousand zeros behind it!

To illustrate this a little further, the odds against life started by chance from non-living matter is less than your chances of locating just one single target atom in a whole universe of atoms by traveling blindfolded through the universe in a spaceship.

Let me take it further, the truth of life starting spontaneously, by chance, are so enormous that it’s far more likely that you will win a million dollar grand prize in the lottery every single day for the next 10,000 years! That’s a fact!

Now think about this…we need to keep in mind that there are 3 million species of insects, together with 10’s of thousands of mammals, fish, reptiles and birds. Remember if the theory of evolution is true then that means every one of these millions of individual species would have needed to beat the overwhelming odds against accidental evolution of it’s own species! Gene mutation!!

Now I want to fair and balanced here, it’s not just creation scientists that put the odds of evolution at such unbelievable odds, take Carl Sagan for example, he tells us in his figuring that the odds of Man evolving are…1 chance in 10 to the 2,000,000,000 power! That’s a figure with 2 billion zeros after it!

So I ask you, what’s so hard to believe that “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth?”

You tell me, is evolution fact or fiction?

Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Vol. 1 (1871 1st ed.)…"I admit ... That in the earlier editions of my Origin of Species I probably attributed too much to the action of natural descent of the survival of the fittest.”

May I close with the statement of the greatest scientist in recent history … “The scientist is possessed with universal causation (creation)…his religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” Who said this? Albert Einstein