Summary: To look at how David sought God’s direction and how God blessed him and gave him victories for waiting upon Him.

David Inquires of the Lord

2 Samuel 5:17-25

Primary Purpose: To look at how David sought God’s guidance in his daily decision making and how God blessed him.


When I was in college, my second semester I told College Algerbra. I felt that the Lord was leading me to get a Bachleor’s degree in Psychology and that was a part of the degree plan. I had a very difficult time with the class. I even hired a tutor to come once a week and help me. My teacher was from another country and had a strong accent. She would stop sometimes in class and ask “Does anyone have a question?” I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights. To myself I thought, “I don’t even know how to ask a intelligent question, so you might as well keep going.” Later, the degree program added a college mathmatics class to my plan and I passed that class and got my degree.

That particular teacher and I were on two totally different wave lengths. I had no idea what she was talking about even though I’m sure she was right. Sometimes it seems like God is like that to me. His ways are hard to understand. I don’t even know how to ask a good question about it. I simply have to say “I trust you” when I don’t understand. Maybe that’s why David goes to God twice in this passage to seek God’s will. Because he realizes that God’s will isn’t always easy to understand. (Read Scripture).

David here had already become king of Judah and Israel. There is 7 years between his being king of Judah and becoming king of Israel. The Philistines are the enemy of the people of God. When they hear that David has been made king, they come out to face him. David has just entered into Jerusalem for the first time as king.

It says that when David sees that they have come out he inquires of the Lord v.19. I think it is interesting that David doesn’t assume the obvious. They have come to fight and God has given us a army to fight them with. It would seem self-evident that this is God’s plan. But, David does not assume to know God’s thoughts. He goes to God to seek if God’s favor is upon him. As I remember it, I assumed that God wanted me to take college algerbra because it was a part of my degree program and I felt like this was God’s will for me. I didn’t stop and wait on God and see if this was the right time to take that class or if God wanted me to wait. By not waiting on God, I hurt myself a great deal. If I had been patient and waited, God would have made the other plan clear.

Sometimes people don’t wait on God. They want to marry someone and they think it’s obvious that this person is God’s will. Maybe they want to make a purchase or enter into a business agreement or make a major change and everything seems obvious to them. But, it may not look that way 6 months from now. We make mistakes when we rush into something without waiting on God first.

An old sailor got lost at sea, so his friends gave him a compass and urged him to use it. The next time he went out in his boat, he followed the advice and took the compass with him. But as usual he became hopelessly confused and was unable to find land. Finally he was rescued by his friends.

Disgusted and impatient with him, they asked, “Why didn’t you use that compass we gave you? You could have saved us a lot of trouble!” The sailor responded, “I didn’t dare to! I wanted to go north, but as hard as I tried to make the needle aim in that direction, it just kep on pointing southeast.”

Tht old sailor was so certain he knew which way was north that he stubbornly tired to force his own personal persuasioin on his compass. Unable to do so, he tossed it aside as worthless and failed to benefit from the guidance it offered.” (source unknown)

It doesn’t say how David knew that it was God speaking to him. I don’t know if it was a priest, prophet, a audible voice or some other sign. I know that David knew that it was God. I know that God gave him a word to encourage him. I know that David was convicted that it was the Lord. God not only tells him to go, but tells him he will give him the victory.

David understood that his victories came from God. If you look over at 2 Samuel 7:8-9, God tells David that he established him from the shepherd’s field to the throne of Israel. God was behind all of David’s victories. David realized this when he faced Goliath that God was the one who gave victories (1 Samuel 17:45-47). God promises his people over and over that if they look to Him that He will give them victories. He will give you victories. But, we can’t be trusting in our own abilities and talents or wisdom. Victories come from trusting in the Lord and depending on Him.

Once the first victory is accomplished, David gives God the credit. You know that’s important also. Give God the glory for what he has done. The praises are as important as the requests. It edifies each of us when we hear of an answered prayer, a victory. It shows us God is at work and encourages people to keep praying. David didn’t give credit to himself, his battle plan or even the mighty men. In vs.20 he says, “As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.” He took the worthless idols of the Philistines and burned them as Moses prescribed.

Then, the Philistines come again. By now, you’d think David would assume. God has already told him once that he would give him a victory. But, David doesn’t assume. He doesn’t do what we do sometimes and ask God to bless our mess or plans that we have made. He doesn’t rush into the battle with a prayerless attitude. David goes to God again, and this time the battle plan changes. He tells David to go around back by the mulberry trees. He is to crouch down and wait, till he hears the marching above the trees. What a awesome sounds that must have been. To hear the army of God going out before you. I wish I had been there to hear that. Some doubters want to attribute this to the leaves rustling. It wasn’t that. It was the army of the living God going out before them into battle. Let me tell you, that was the most confident, bold army you ever did see. They knew God was with them, then even heard it.

If your facing a difficulty or enemy today I want to encourage you to do the same thing that David did. Don’t assume that you know God’s will. Take it to the Lord and let Him guide you. He can give you the victory over whatever your facing. Give Him your problem and trust Him. He will establish you and give you what you need.