Summary: Discover the importance of the Holy Spirit in your life.

“Running on Empty”

John 14: 16-26

May 2, 2004

Intro: When I was in college I had the responsibility of taking a girl to a Mexican restaurant for her surprise birthday party. She had @ 20 friends ready to surprise her. Well, I went by to pick her up and take her to this restaurant. But as we got into my car I noticed I was just @ out of gas. So as we left her apartment I drove to a nearby gas station, but I thought the price was too high.

-So I kept driving until I came to another gas station a couple of miles down the road but it was the same price. So I kept on driving. Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the 3rd gas station a few miles away b/c the car ran out of gas. So here I was, stranded on the side of the road in Greenville, SC, w/a girl I’m supposed to be bringing to her surprise birthday party.

-I started trying to thumb a ride off of people as they drove by. For 30 solid minutes one car after another just drove right past me. Of course, after I flashed a little leg, a lady stopped and gave us a ride to the nearest gas station. By the time I refilled the car w/gas, we were an hour and a half late to the surprise party. Half the guests had left and the remaining group was madder than fire at me.

-The lesson I learned from this is to always make sure I fill up w/gas, regardless of the price, when I’m close to empty. Today we’re continuing our series “Pit Stop” and our focus for today is “Running on Empty.” So many of us are running on empty spiritually when we don’t have to be.

-But the good news is we’re going to see Jesus sharing w/us what we need to fill up with. We’ll see Jesus sharing w/us what kind of fuel we need in our lives that will provide us w/a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Sermon Idea: A really strange subject to talk @ is the HS. When I was a kid we called the HS the Holy Ghost, which made me a little nervous. But a lot of people wonder what the Bible’s talking @ when it talks @ the HS.

-Well, today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus talking to His disciples @ the importance of the HS. And what we’re going to discover is that the HS is the fuel we need in our lives to keep us going, to keep us on the right track in life.

TEXT: JOHN 14: 16-26

Bckgrd: At the end of ch. 13 and the beginning of ch. 14 Jesus shares w/His disciples some startling news. He tells them He’s going to be betrayed and put to death on a cross. These guys had been w/Jesus day and night for 3 years. They’d seen Him perform miracles. They’d heard His incredible teachings and had seen His rising popularity. But now He’s telling them He’s getting ready to be killed! But He tells them He’s not going to just leave them hanging.

-Jesus lets His followers know He’s going to have the HS come and fill His place for Him while He’s gone. Now you may be thinking, “What’s that all about?” Jesus tells us by sharing 3 reasons the HS is important in our lives.

-The 1st reason the HS is important in our lives is b/c of:


Exp: Anytime you’re filling up w/gas it’s always imperative you put the right fuel into your car. You don’t want to drive up to the gas station in your car that takes unleaded fuel and start putting in diesel fuel. You want to make sure you’re putting the right gas in your car so that it’ll function properly.

A. The same thing is true in life. To function properly you want to make sure you’re filling up w/the right kind of energy. What kind of energy can we fill up with? The Bible says it’s the HS.

1. You may wonder “Who and what exactly is the HS?” What is His identity?

Jesus describes the HS as being “another Counselor” that is given to us by God. The word “another” means “another of the same kind.” This is an important thing to take note of b/c Jesus is telling His disciples the HS is of the same essence of Jesus and yet different.

a. This is a passage of Scripture where we see the display of the doctrine of the Trinity. The Trinity is where we say there is only 1 God but w/3 roles: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And one of the roles of the HS is that of counselor. Now “counselor” means “to come alongside w/strength.” It’s referring to one who can hold us up and strengthen us in the midst of our weakness.

b. Jesus knew the disciples were going to need this when He left them. The disciples were going to be devastated and fearful when He left. They were going to be like men w/no direction when He left. But Jesus wasn’t going to leave them to hang out to dry. He was going to provide them w/one who would hold them up in the midst of weakness.

2. For a lot of us that’s hard to believe. It’s hard to imagine one who’s actually come to be a support to us in life. And the reason why is b/c we live in a world where people by and large look out for #1. And if someone says they want to do something to help us or to help the community it’s almost too good to be true. Let me give you an example.

ILLUS: There was a woman who lived in a big city neighborhood that was going downhill very fast. The area was becoming increasingly overcrowded, noisy, and dirty. It was a bad situation. So the woman decided something would have to be done about it.

-She knew that money would be required to change the situation. So she went out and started a fund-raising drive. She did everything she could to raise $. She called people. She sent letters. She got some financial support from a private foundation.

-After it was all said and done she raised $85,000. She then took them $ and moved to another neighborhood.

a. Now folks, that’s not what you call someone being supportive. That’s not someone who came alongside to help someone in the midst of weakness. So how does the HS help us in the midst of weakness? How is He our support?

b. Let’s take a look at the Bible and see some of the job description of what the HS is supposed to do. One of His functions is to be an advocate for the followers of Jesus. An advocate is one who intercedes on behalf of his client before the judge. An advocate is another term for lawyer

B. That’s what the HS is for His followers. He’s an advocate, a defense lawyer for followers of Jesus. Rom. 8: 26-27-“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us w/groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, b/c the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance w/God’s will.”

1. I don’t know @ you but I like it when someone’s taking up for me. I love it when people pray for me but I’m overwhelmed when I think of the HS praying on my behalf. Another part of the work of the HS is to convict us of our sin. Jesus said in John 16: 8-“When He comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.”

a. What that’s basically saying is that the HS will point out to us when we get off the path God wants us to be on. He’s like our GPS system telling us where we need to go, how we need to live our lives, but when we get off track He points it out to us.

b. You might wonder, “How does the HS know what track I’m supposed to be on?” It’s a good question but it’s answered at the beginning of v. 17. Jesus identifies the HS as the Spirit of Truth. What does that mean? It means He knows the correct path we’re to take in life.

2. And the correct path is the path that leads to a relationship w/Jesus which in turn leads to life eternal. Matt. 7: 13-14-“Enter thru the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter thru it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

a. In summary, who is the HS? He’s sent from God. He leads us in the truth. And He’s come in order to hold us up in the midst of our weakness.

Reit: The 1st reason the HS is important in our lives is b/c of the Holy Spirit’s identity. The 2nd reason the HS is important in our lives is b/c of:


Exp: Let’s say you’re driving down the road and you notice someone who’s pulled over on the side of the road. B/c you’re a kind person you pull over and ask the guy what’s wrong w/his car. He tells you he’s out of gas. Let’s say you just happen to have a 5 gallon can of it in your trunk that you were going to use for your lawn mower.

-You pull out the can and hand it to the guy but instead of putting it in his car he just sets the can down and says “thanks.” What are you going to be thinking? You’re going to think, “Dude, if you want your car to start again you’ve got to pour the gas in the tank!”

A. Some of you have never experienced the power of God in your life. You’ve never experienced His presence and leadership. And I think part of the reason why is b/c there are a lot of people who don’t have the HS living w/in them!

1. Just as gas isn’t going to do a car any good until it’s placed inside the gas tank, God’s power won’t course thru our lives until we invite the HS to reside w/in us.

a. How does that happen? Well, did you know that once a person becomes a follower of Jesus that the HS comes to live w/in that person? Now on the surface that sounds really strange. You may think it sounds like a sequel to the movie “Aliens”. But actually this would’ve been quite comforting for the disciples to know at this time.

b. You see, Jesus was getting ready to leave. For 3 years He’d guided, guarded and taught the disciples. But now Jesus was letting them know He was getting ready to die. But the good news was that He wasn’t leaving them all alone. He was going to send someone to take His place to give them the same kind of guidance He gave them. He told them the HS would come to take His place.

2. But the Holy Spirit’s role would be different than Jesus’. For one, He wouldn’t have a physical presence. Obviously this is a huge turn-off to a lot of people b/c for most of us “seeing is believing.” And guess what. You can’t see the HS.

a. But just b/c you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not real. None of us can see wind but we know it’s real. We feel its effects. None of us can see viruses w/the naked eye but we know they exist. Some of you learned of their existence in the past couple of weeks by picking up a stomach virus.

b. In a similar sense we can’t see the HS but we know He’s real by the effect He has on our lives. What are the effects He has? I mentioned a few of them in our last section of verses. I said that the HS convicts us of sin. He guides us on the path of life we need to follow.

B. And He’s able to do all these things w/His followers b/c He lives w/in them! 1 Cor. 6: 19-“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the HS, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” It’s vitally important to have the HS w/in you b/c of the great advantages He gives you in life.

1. For one, you can’t get any closer to someone’s life than the HS. He lives w/in His followers. And as He’s w/in us He has the ability to influence our lives. He can twinge our consciences when we do wrong. He can inspire us from w/in to please God in our living.

a. B/c the HS is w/in His followers He can empower us to have victory over sin. He can give us the strength to overcome our temptations in life. Gal. 5: 16-“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” Can you think of some struggles you’re having w/sin right now? You could be struggling w/a foul mouth, a bad attitude, or sexual temptations. But you know what? If the HS is living w/in you, He can give you the power NOT to give in to those temptations!

b. But for the HS to be in your life you have to first of all invite Him in. I heard someone say a long time ago that God is a gentleman. He’s not going to kick the door down into your life, but He’s going to knock and wait to be invited in.

2. Have you invited Him into your life? If you have, here’s the next question. How are you treating Him? Are you treating Him as a tenant or are you treating Him as the revered owner of your life?

ILLUS: In water-safety courses a cardinal rule is never to swim out to a drowning man and try to help him as long as he’s thrashing around. To do so is basically to commit suicide. As long as a drowning man thinks he can help himself, he’s dangerous to anyone who tries to help him. The reason why is b/c his tendency is to grab the one trying to help him and the result is he ends up taking them both under the water in the process.

-The correct way to rescue someone who’s drowning is to stay far enough away to where he can’t grab you. And then you wait. And when he finally gives up and quits thrashing around, you make your move. At that point the drowning man won’t work against you. Instead he’ll let you help him.

a. The same principle applies in our relationship w/the HS. Until we give up, we aren’t really in a position to be helped. Have you given up ownership of your life to the HS who wants to live w/in you? B/c until then you can’t experience His power.

Reit: The 1st reason the Holy Spirit’s important in our lives is b/c of the Holy Spirit’s identity. The 2nd reason He’s important is b/c of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. And the final reason the Holy Spirit’s important in our lives is b/c of:


Exp: Jesus said the function of the HS was to teach them all things and to remind them of everything He had told them. You have to remember that when Jesus said this to His disciples there was no such thing as the New Testament yet. No one had written it.

A. So this statement was especially important in regard to the writing of the Scriptures. Over the course of 3 years Jesus had said and taught His followers many great things. And over time these followers of Jesus were to put down what Jesus said and did in this book.

1. Now one of the big questions people have @ the Bible is this: Is it reliable? Maybe the disciples got a few things wrong when they were writing the Bible. Maybe we can’t trust everything they wrote. Maybe they misunderstood what Jesus said and what He meant.

a. Well, v. 26 gives us a reason to trust what’s written in the Bible. Why? B/c Jesus said the HS would remind them what He’d taught them! Notice Jesus didn’t say the HS would remind them of a few things He said. Jesus said the HS would remind them of “everything” He said!

b. And not only that but the HS would teach them the meaning of Jesus’ words. You might wonder, “Well, how does that affect me today?” It affects you in two ways. One, if affects you concerning what’s written in the Bible. You can have confidence that what’s written in this book is from God. It’s a book that is correct in its teaching and it’s a book that gives accurate information on how to discover a relationship w/God.

2. But it also affects you today in that the HS can give you wisdom to understand the teachings of Scripture. B/c w/o the HS in a person’s life, the wisdom of God will not be fully comprehended.

a. 1 Cor. 2: 14-“The man w/o the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, b/c they are spiritually discerned.”

b. I see this just @ every evening when I turn on the TV. Not everything in the Bible is readily accepted by our society. The Bible teaches Jesus is the only way to heaven, but our society finds that arrogant. The Bible teaches men and women are to abstain from sex until marriage, but our society finds that to be a prude and antiquated teaching.

B. The Bible teaches that we’re to forgive those who wrong us, but our society tells us to seek revenge. The Bible teaches that all life is precious, but society wants to make arbitrary judgments @ when life begins to fit their conveniences.

1. But when the Spirit of God is w/in you He’ll teach you and show you the Truth. And there’s no doubt I’m in need of a good teacher.

ILLUS: The highest honor a French chef can receive is to have his restaurant listed as a 3-star restaurant in the Michelin Guide to fine eating. In 1995 Marc Veyrat’s restaurant made it into the guide. It was sort of surprising he made it b/c he’d been kicked out of 3 hotel culinary schools. The reason why is b/c Veyrat’s from the French Alps and likes to cook w/alpine herbs which is very unorthodox.

-He said, “I know I’m not a traditional chef. I’m a student of nature, b/c before you love cuisine, you have to love the ingredients.”

a. I like that statement. You see, before we can comprehend the Word of God, before it makes an impact in our lives, we have to love its ingredients. We have to love Jesus and as we do that the HS will open our eyes to understand and be accepting of God’s Word.

Conclusion: Today we’ve seen 3 reasons the HS is important in our lives. First, b/c of His identity. 2nd, b/c of His indwelling. And finally, b/c of His instruction.

-Do you feel like you’re running on empty? It could be b/c you’re life’s not filled w/the HS. And there’s only one way that can happen: when you ask Jesus to have charge of your life. If you’d like to do that, pray this prayer after me: Dear Jesus, I’m ready to give my life up to you. I ask you to forgive me of my sin. I want you to be the leader and guide of my life. I believe you died and rose from the grave and I ask you to save me.

-If you prayed that prayer, take your bulletin insert and check the line where it says you asked Jesus to be your Savior. Then turn it in the offering basket in a few moments and we’ll be able to mail you some information on how to grow in your walk w/Christ.

-Others of you are believers. But you’ve ignored or blocked out the tugging of the HS on your heart. You may have sensed Him tugging on you to reach out to a friend and invite him to church; maybe you’ve sensed the HS impressing upon your heart to forgive someone who’s wronged you; or maybe He’s impressing on your heart to be a part of one of our LAN Groups, but you’ve ignored His call.

-Don’t do it anymore. Let this be a time when you respond to the leading of the HS. Let this be a time when you surrender to Him and say, “Whatever it is you want me to do, I’m willing.”