Summary: How to overcome knowing God is in control


JOB 1:1, 8, 21, 22, 42:5

Could Job have said in all that he was going through, “It does not pay to be holy or walk honestly? God treats the wicked and the pure the same. We both suffer. So why labor to be honest?” Job 9:16-17 In case, you do not know the story. Job was a God fearing man. Then in a short matter of time, he lost everything dear to him: his family, his possessions, his health, his wife’s support and had three friends tell him he had committed terrible sins. Job 9:18 Job 9:23 His thoughts could have been much as we would think today if we had similar circumstances. “I loved God with all my heart. I was a praying man, just and honest. I was kind and compassionate, caring for the poor and clothing the naked. I was a dedicated, repentant believer. I raised my children in the fear of God. Now look at what has happened to me. My life is now nothing but sorrow, trouble and hardship. No body cares about me. No one is able to give me advice or comfort. I have no one to intercede for me to say, ‘God take this rod off his back. He is terrified and these disasters are overwhelming.’ If you are work in any of these things I do not see it. My life now seems like a joke and you my God are mocking me in this sorrow.”

Let me say that Job’s example is of great comfort to though who are going under fierce trials in this day or will face them. We need this man’s suffering example to draw hope within ourselves. As we look at our nation, we are entering a period of trouble beyond what we have ever seen before. Many wonderful devoted Christians are going through troubles they never believed would come to them. Some who have lost their jobs? Some have been laid off because of economic shutdown. Some are facing disease that there seems to be no cure. Marriages are crumbling. Families are under great pressure with heartaches that stretch endurance. Children and teens are being lead astray by false teachings and bad examples of well-known people. The wealth that we once seemed to have is vanishing because of price increases in fuel, food and necessities of life.

We cry out, “What are we going to do? Why are all these things happening to faithful servants of God? Why doesn’t God get involved and put a stop to it?”

"I need to focus on my purpose, not my problems." "You’ve got to get on with the future because that’s where you are going to spend the rest of your life. If you don’t, it’s like trying to drive a car looking in the rear-view mirror ... you’re going to crash." – Rick Warren

We need to be aware that things of our day are much like the time of Job. We cannot let our hope rest in remaining safe within some snug cushion of comfort. Christians are going to see trouble and I am glad that we have a Father who is watching what is going on and is able to deliver us through the troubles. Some preachers who have preached a message like this and have given a message: “Never has so any of my sheep been so deeply tested. Something has been unleashed in the land over these past few months. Many of the godly people I know have fallen under a flood of trouble, hardship, suffering and sorrow.” “There’s no such thing as a bad day when there’s a doorknob on the inside of the door.” Commander Paul Galanti, US Navy pilot, spent 6 ½ years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam

I want you to know today that trouble has an entity behind it and his name is Satan. He was the one who troubled Job and he is still at it today. He wants and does make accusations against God’s people. He wants to challenge God and say, “Your bodies of believers are not staying true. You think your bride is spotless but look at them. Most of them are sound asleep about spiritual warfare. They are in comfort of their material possessions and grasping for riches and the good life. They are self-centered and will only do things if they can have their own way. They have little concern about spiritual things and many never attend a prayer meeting for that is on night they like to watch T V. They have little concern for others but are out to make life better for themselves. Listen to what their leaders are telling them, ‘that they should not be denied anything and You will give them all they ask for in prayer. They do not have to suffer but enjoy life.’” Then he would say to God, “You know that this generation has been pampered like no other before. If you will allow me, I will sift them and you will see there will not be many standing when I am done. I will smite them with great temptations, take them to poverty and pour out a spirit of despair on them. Then You will see your spoiled followers will fold up. They will give up and quit after the first hour. They are all just a bunch of spiritual wimps.

Now let us listen to what John writes Rev. 12:12. This was written many years ago so he has a shorter time today. God wants to put a hedge around those who believe in Him but He also wants to test them to make them pure. That is what trials are all about. As you read the book of Job, he had no idea that God was testing him. His three so-called friends accused him of a hidden sin that he had not repented of. We need to heed a warning here to misrepresent the Lord, in our judgment of others because of what they experiencing. When we see someone discouraged by the trials he has found himself in we are not to judge but encourage him. We might not think we have the gift of encouragement but I have found even though I might not have a certain gift I can still exercise it, as I know how. How hard is it for you to pass along a word of encouragement? My wife has the gift of serving and as I am around her I am learning how better to serve but I do not think I have the gift of service. God is our judge and He knows if there is sin that needs to be repented of. We are not the ones to do His job. Do not add to anyone’s sorrows. Let him know you care about him and you might even put your arms of encouragement around him. If he weeps, weep with him. If he is grieving, grieve with him. You cannot know but it might be that you will be the next to go through a trial and need others to help you. That is why Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you.”

For many years, an elderly lady in our neighborhood was noted for her beautiful tulip garden, just passing by the colorful display made the heart want to sing; her garden represented earth’s beauty at its best. Next door to her was the unkempt home of an old bachelor. His fence was battered and broken, weeds shot up everywhere, and the paint was peeling. Such extremes of appearance, it seems, could not coexist for long. Neighbors wondered why the elderly lady didn’t complain or make a phone call to city officials. Yet no confrontation ever occurred. The beautiful tulip garden and the messy yard remained the same year after year. But this spring an odd thing happened. As I drove down the street, I was surprised to see a few brilliantly colored rows of tulips in front of the old man’s house. The rest of the yard still looked like a disaster, but those new, gorgeous tulips stood out. Curious, I stopped my car and walked up to the lady’s home. She was outside weeding her flowers. "Hello!" I greeted her. "I’ve always admired your beautiful tulips." "Well, thank you," she said, smiling in a way that made those gray-blue eyes of hers twinkle. "If you’ll wait a minute, I’ll cut some for you to take home. They don’t last long, mind you, but they sure brighten up a room!" Within a few minutes, she had cut a dozen gorgeous blooms for me. I thanked her and then said, "I noticed your neighbor planted tulips, too." "Oh, no," she said, winking at me. "I planted those for Mr. James. He lost his wife a few years ago, and his children have all grown and moved faraway. He lives such a bitter, lonely life," she sighed. "I call that my plot of hope." "A plot of hope?" I asked, not sure what she meant. "Yes, to give him back the hope that his own home can be beautiful again, that there is still goodness in life, and to let him know that God loves him just as much as He loves me." I clutched my bouquet of tulips and left that garden feeling I had learned much more about the meaning of brotherly love. Dear Lord, remind me that handling a matter wisely is to do so with kindness. Let me offer hope instead of criticism. Amen. (David Langerfeld, Harrisburg Baptist Church, Tupelo, MS. )

We do not understand when we are going through trials the ending but it is God working all things out for our good. Job discovered this and said, “Now I have seen you with my eyes.” It is believed that when Job had this experience he was about 70 years old and had known God all his life. In his lifetime, no doubt he had an altar where he prayed. He had been taught about God’s consolations, holiness, character, nature and wrath. He knew of God’s power and wisdom. When we went through these trials, he needed more than just head knowledge. He needed to see God. He did not need another sermon or more theology. He needed God in person. This is what we need to learn is that our Father want His children to know him more deeply. We can go to worship services, spend time in the Bible and prayer time and become spiritually strong but God wants us to know Him. He wants us to know him as a Father who really cares. It is sad but there are some who have built their faith on the sands of ease and blessing so when the storms of trials come, their foundation of sand is blown away. Some have never learned the role that suffering plays in the life of a follower of Jesus. They have been taught that a believer should expect to be prosperous, live a pain free life, every prayer should be answered according to their desire and no testing should come their way.

The Bible says that the Lord will deliver us out of afflictions but does not say we will not have any afflictions.


“Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you. Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless. Don’t let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life. Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over... until the moment, you stop trying. Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. This fragile thread binds us to each other. Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find the quickest way to receive love is to give love: the fastest way to lose love is to hold too tightly: and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Don’t dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope: to be without hope is to be without purpose. Don’t run through life so fast that you forget where you’ve been but also where you’re going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.” Author Unknown

Let us see how this worked in Job’s life to help us.

God let Job see two remarkable animals, the strong hippopotamus and the powerful crocodile. So God said, “Look job what are you going to do when the hippopotamus come lurking after you? Are you going to throw him to the ground? Are you going to sweet talk him out of hurting you?” “How will you handle the crocodile? Will you just slip up and put a rope around his mouth? Will you play with him like your pet dog? Will you find him to be friend?” These two creatures represented things that he could not fight against and win. The hippopotamus tramples down all in his way. How will you handle him? I am God and I can handle him. As you look at the crocodile and his razor sharp teeth like the teeth of Satan when we face trails how will you, handle him? His armor is thick and he is very powerful that no human could handle him. Only I the Lord can handle him.

What God is saying to Job He is speaking to us today. You need to face the truth about things more powerful than you can handle that you will not win. But I as God can take care of them and you. I would like us to get picture here of those trouble that we have had or have in our lives and we are not able to handle them. God is able.

Job 42:1-2 Then Job answered the Lord,] "I know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable. In our way of talking today, “I know God is all powerful. He does all things well. His purpose is for good and cannot be frustrated. I know that my life is not out of order and God has a plan to come out of my suffering. I know I am weak against the hippo or crock but I can stand because I know God can take care of them.

When those big trials come, we need to get our eyes off them and put into practice that my God can do anything. He never forgets me. No matter how bad things look now I know, He has all things under His control. There is nobody or power or trouble that can change the plans He has for my good.

I wish we would do that; I wish we would take Jesus at his word. I wish, like heaven, that we would learn that when he says something, it happens. What is this peculiar paralysis that confines us? What is this stubborn unwillingness to be healed? When Jesus tells us to stand, let’s stand.

When he says we’re forgiven, let’s unload the guilt. When he says we’re valuable, let’s believe him. When he says we’re eternal, let’s bury our fear. When he says we’re provided for, let’s stop worrying. When he says, “Stand up,” let’s do it.

I love the story of the private who ran after and caught the runaway horse of Napoleon. When he brought the animal back to the emperor, Napoleon thanked him by saying, “Thank you, Captain.” With one word, the private was promoted. When the emperor said it, the private believed it. He went to the quartermaster, selected a new uniform, and put it on. He went to the officers’ quarters and selected a bunk. He went to the officers’ mess and had a meal. Because the emperor said it, he believed it. Would that we would do the same. Is this your story? It can be. All the elements are the same. A gentle stranger has stepped into your hurting world and offered you a hand. Now it’s up to you to take it.