Abandoned to Depravity
(Romans 1:24-32)
1. In Indianapolis, the House is deadlocked because the parties cannot agree on passing an amendment that defines marriage as a union only between a man and a woman.
2. President Bush is advocating an amendment at the national level.
3. Television programs are filled with homosexuality, including, “A Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” where homosexuals become mentors to teach straight men manners.
4. In 1992, we wrote our new constitution which was a revision of our 1986 constitution, and both carried this statement, “We believe that the family is a God-ordained institution, consisting of an exclusive heterosexual relationship between husband and wife.” Particularly back in the mid 1980’s, when I suggested we put that item in our constitution, some people thought it absurd. Who would challenge that marriage is between a man and a woman? Anyone who knew the times, even back then, knew that the time would come when we would have the challenges regarding gay marriage that we now face.
5. We hear of friends marriages breaking up…a man leaves his wife for another man….a woman leaves her husband for another woman…
6. But homosexuality is nothing new.
“Homosexuality was commonly practiced in Greek society, where friendship between men was considered to be the noblest form of love; it was engaged in regularly, particularly by young men in their teens and early twenties. Although the Emperor Augustus passed legislation in 18/19 BCE, under which a man could be charged for homosexual activities, some scholars suggest that his purpose was to bring family life under the laws of the state in order to increase the birth rate rather than for political or moral considerations.” (Joseph Shullam, A Commentary on the Jewish Roots of Romans).
MAIN IDEA: How do we as Christians respond to the push to accept the Gay Lifestyle as an equal alternative lifestyle? With wisdom, intelligence, compassion, and clarity, that’s how.
First, let’s lay a Biblical foundation as to how a society becomes so messed up. Then let’s answer some questions Christians need to ask.
I. The Biblical Foundation: How Did Things Become Such a Mess? (Romans 1:24-32)
A. Sexual Perversion is A Consequence of Rejecting God’s Right to Rule (24-25)
1. What did they reject? The priorites of the Covenenant of Noah, which refer to the time when men “knew” God (see Genesis 9 and the understanding of the Covenant in Acts 15—no immorality, blood)
(1) God fearing, pro-family, pro-justice
(2) This passage comes to light when you understand that Covenanat is still in effect; it explains why decent lost people can raise decent families…
it is not necessarily salvation…
2. God made an active decision not to restrain them…(24-25)
(1) moral and sexual perversion (24)
(2) religious perversion (25)
B. Sexual Perversion Unraveled further Into Homosexuality (26-27)
1. lesbianisim (26)
2. gay men (27)
(1) some “gayness” temporary…jails (monasteries?)
(2) other cases more firmly rooted…
3. the physical and psychological fallout (27b)
- Thomas E. Schmidt, Straight and Narrow?: “It appears that at least 75% of homosexuals are
currently carrying one or more pathogens. . ..”
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV): According to the homosexual newspaper The Washington
Blade, “A San Francisco study of gay and bisexual men revealed that HPV infection was almost
universal among HIV-positive men, and that 60% of HIV-negative [homosexual] men carried
HPV.” [December 8, 2000]
- Hepatitis: The Centers for Disease Control reports, “Outbreaks of hepatitus A among men who
have sex with me are a recurring problem in many large cities in the industrialized world.”
[Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report, Sept. 4, 1998]
- Syphilis: The Archives of Internal Medicine found that homosexuals acquired syphilis at a rate
ten times that of heterosexuals. [Issue 151; 1991]
- HIV/AIDS: The Centers for Disease Control reports that, as of Dec. 1999, “men who have sex
with men” and “men who have sex with men and inject drugs” together accounted for 64% of the
cumulative total of male AIDS cases. (source: Sermon Central)
C. With the Acceptance of Homosexuality Comes A Whole Load of Depraved Behavior flowing from Depraved Minds (26-32)
1. It begins with rejecting knowledge of the TRUE God (28)
2. It works itself out in relational, moral, and social depravity
Truth About Families Will Come Out
"The Family: Discovering the Obvious" by Mary Eberstadt. First Things, Feb 2004 (Vol 140). Pages 10-12.
These are some of the reports and facts concerning homosexuals:
Homosexuals are plagued by addictions to drugs and alcohol. Gay Community News reports, "The statistics do point to the gay community, particularly gay men, as being most at risk of becoming alcoholics." Gay Alcoholics Anonymous grou ps proliferate. The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy recently provided an issue on gay and lesbian addictions.
• Homosexuals disproportionately suffer from depression. In a recent article in Archives of Sexual Behavior, it is stated, "The levels of depression and anxiety in our homosexual subjects, whether HIV positive or HIV negative, are substantially higher than those found in representative general population samples."
• Homosexual suicide is much more likely. This has been known for years and persists to this day. A 1978 study found "at least 18% of white homosexual males reported at least one suicide attempt" compared to 3% of white heterosexual males. The founders of New York’s Harvey Milk School for gay teenagers recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "Gay and lesbian youth are three times more likely to attempt suicide than other youth."
• Homosexuals are likely to have suffered sexual abuse as children and adolescents. A 1998 Journal of the American Medical Association reports, "Abused adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to seven times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who have not been abused."
These facts are being ignored by courts that place children in homosexual custody, and by those who say that homosexuality is disconnected from sex scandals that include young boys. Certainly, homosexuals will argue that gays are motivated to their own set of anomalies because of cultural homophobia. However, this is a weak justification in the face of a culture that increasingly accepts gays as normal.
(quoted from Current Trends and Thoughts)
II. Questions Christians Need to Ask
1. Is homosexuality genetic?
No. Most people who have the “gene” are straight, but homosexuals have this gene is much greater proportion than the population, therefore some may find it EASIER to go that way than others…
Tim LaHaye in “The Unhappy Gays” –guys with a Melancholic Temperament are more prone to go that way, but they are NOT predetermined to go that way (more or less on the fence; environment and experiences cause these guys to go one way or the other)
2. Should we hate homosexuals?
No. John 3:16 applies.
3. Does it matter, because, after all, we all sin, and all sins are alike, right?
All sins are not alike. Look at different penalties in OT, list of sins requiring discipline in I Cor. 5 and 6.
4. Why does it seem that the number of homosexuals is growing?
Because when a society encourages it, those guys “on the fence” lean the wrong way.
5. Can homosexuals be saved? Can they be changed?
Yes, but difficult. Refer them to a complete plan, like Exodus International.
(1.) Lesbians vs. gays –most women can go either way, not so with most men
(2.) Do not enter marriage thinking you will help that person
I have known a number of instances where a spouse leaves for a person of the same gender!
6. Should homosexuals be church leaders?
No. I Tim. 3 applies. Roman Catholics err in letting them be priests. Religious orders (monasteries, convents) are bad ideas.
7. What should our attitude be toward gay men and lesbian women they know?
Treat them well; friendliness is not the same as endorsing.
8. How can we help people that are struggling?
Refer them to programs as well as pray and be friendly.
9. How can we make it less likely for our children to go the wrong way?
Lots of time with both parents; encourage boys to be boys (masculine name, masculine toys; throw baseball with son); balanced discipline, encouragement; dads most stand up to moms who wish to feminize sons.