Summary: This sermon deals with the question the angel asked the women, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" People today are no different and are looking for something this Easter season. This sermon addresses the question, Why am I here, and shows why

Title: Why Are You Here?

Text: Luke 24:1-12


Read Text!!!


A young man from a wealthy family was about to graduate from high school. It was the custom in that affluent neighborhood for the parents to give the graduate an automobile. "Bill’ and his father had spent months looking at cars, and the week before graduation, they found the perfect car.

On the eve of his graduation, his father handed him a gift wrapped Bible. Bill was so angry that he threw the Bible down and stormed out of the house.

He and his father never saw each other again. It was the news of his father’s death that brought Bill home again.

As he sat one night going through his father’s possessions that he was to inherit, he come across the Bible his father had given him.

He brushed away the dust and opened it to find a cashier’s check, dated the day of his graduation in the exact amount of the car they had chosen together.

- One could wonder why people do the things they do. When I read this story many thoughts go through my mind.

- Why was he so angry? Why did he stay away so long? Why did he not ask his father about the car they had looked at together?

- Didn’t his love for his father out weigh his need for a car?

- When we look at our text this morning, I ask the same question of the women, Peter and John - Why did you go to the tomb? For it was a question the angel had for the women.

- “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”

- Why did you come back? What is it you are looking for?

- The women were going not expecting to see Jesus alive but dead, they were not seeking the living. They did not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ would come back from the dead.

- The disciple’s didn’t believe it to be true. Peter and John questioned it at first but went to prove the women wrong.


- The same question the women were asked by the angel can be asked this morning.

- What are we doing here? What are we looking for?

- I believe what went through the women’s mind goes through our minds today.

- What went through Peter and John’s mind, go through our minds also.

- So what went through these people’s minds?

Point 1: They Went To Seek For Comfort

- The women were not going to see if Jesus was alive. Vs 7-8

- But rather to see the body and gain comfort from Him. Peace of mind.

- They missed Jesus. They had hope when they walked with Him. Mary was delivered by Jesus.

- It’s the same reason people today go to church. They are looking for hope in a broken world. They are looking for hope in there broken, disfunctional homes.

- People are looking for peace and they are not finding it in the world.

- The churches are always full on Easter and Christmas, Why? Because people need comfort.

- These women needed comfort, but got more then they asked for.

- They got lasting hope, because He has risen. How does Jesus rising from the dead give hope?

A. Because He lives, I will live also

B. Conquered and defeated the enemy. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

C. It proves He is God and I can place my trust in Him.

- God is the answer to every problem and situation I face. Jesus brings hope because He is alive.

- I am reminding of Jesus comfort to us when I read this story:

A little girl came home from a neighbor’s house where her little friend had died. "Why did you go?" questioned her father. "To comfort her mother," said the child. "What could you do to comfort her?" "I climbed into her lap and cried with her."

- God longs to take all who will come to Him and comfort them. Jesus is the source of all comfort to us.

- Maybe you have come to church this morning out of ritual, or because it’s the Easter season, but deep down inside there is a longing to be comforted from you situation, you have come to right place.

Point 2: They Went To Seek For Confirmation

- The women went to be comforted, by seeing the body of Jesus, but went away understanding that Jesus was alive.

- The women spread this news to the disciples, but they did not believe. Peter had to go and see for himself.

- He needed confirmation that Jesus was alive.

- People come to church today not really believing the message of hope, but are coming to seek for conformation that Jesus is the answer to a broken life.

- People go to church as a last resort. We have tried everything and nothing satisfies.

- And so they come seeking proof that God is the answer to life. That He is the one who brings hope to our lives.

- We all have to know if there is more to life then just plain existence.

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, "The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the suicide of Europe. I believed them once. In their name I helped to destroy the faith of millions of worshipers in the temples of a thousand creeds. And now they look at me and witness the great tragedy of an atheist who has lost his faith."

- People are looking for more then just existence. The great news today that the women brought to the disciples was that of purpose.

- There was a purpose to the death of Jesus Christ. It’s not just loss, it’s hope and eternal life for those that will believe.

- Peter was looking for purpose and confirmation that Jesus had indeed rose from the dead.

- It took Peter awhile to be convinced if it was really true.

- But one of the great things about God, that when we are seeking for the truth, He reveals Himself to us.

- Luke 24:36 says, “While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, peace be with you.”

- When we need peace, God Himself shows up and takes care of business.

- When God touches our lives, it will frighten us because of His amazing power at work.

- God truly loves us and wants to show Himself to us to bring the confirmation we need to serve Him. But always remember, God is moved by Faith in Him.

Point 3: They Went To Seek For Community

- When Jesus was arrested the disciples scattered. Now the men are found confused, and not believing the women that Jesus has risen.

- It divided friendship, and broke true fellowship.

- They were discouraged and hurting.

- The disciples thought what the women were saying was nonsense (Vs 11)

- So there was no unity but disappointment.

- When we come to church, we are all looking for that sense of community.

- When strangers come in, they are looking for that sense of community.

- And the only way that sense of community and fellowship is going to be felt by us all, is through acceptance, and love.

- I think to myself, why would the women make up such a story? Why did the disciples not believe the women?

- Discouragement will create heaviness, but love and acceptance creates joy and a sense of community.

- The disciples thought the women were crazy, but they weren’t and they needed to be heard and appreciated.

- Peter went to check it out, because he wanted to believe that it was possible, that maybe things would go back to the way it was.

- There was fellowship and love before. There was a sense of family and acceptance before, and Peter who denied Christ 3 times needed to feel accepted and loved by the master again.

- Because Jesus being alive again will bring new passion, zeal and a sense of community with each other.


- Why did you come to church this morning?

- Was it out of routine or ritual?

- If we all dig down deep into our hearts and ask those questions, I believe all of us came here for:

A. Comfort - From a troubled world

B. Confirmation - That God is my hope and the answer to my situation

C. Community - Looking for acceptance, fellowship and a sense of belonging.

- And it’s God’s will to bless us and reveal Himself to us, just like He did with the disciples and women.

- Christ has risen, and because of that amazing truth, it brings hope and security.

- It proves that Jesus is who He says He is the Son of God that will minister to you and bring you hope this Easter season.

- Let me close with this story about John Maxwell who purchased a jacket:

About a year and a half ago, I bought a new navy blazer at Nordstrom. It was one of those cases you may have gone through where you buy an item of clothing and the more you wear it, the more you realize you don’t like it. My blazer wasn’t the right color, and to make matters worse, it attracted lint like it was going out of style. After wearing it pretty regularly for six months or so, I stuck it in my closet and didn’t wear it for a long time.

Tucked away in the back of my mind all the while was that famous Nordstrom unconditional-return policy. I thought, I’ve had this thing for a year and a half. I’ve worn it lots of times, and there’s just no way they’re going to take it back. About two weeks ago I decided I had nothing to lose. I pulled the blazer out, threw a lot of lint on it to make it look bad, and took it down to Nordstrom’s men’s department. I walked in, and immediately I felt nervous. I felt like I was about to pull a scam of some sort, but I played it straight. I walked right up to the first salesman I saw and gave this little prepared speech. I said, "I am about to put your famous unconditional-return policy to its ultimate test. I have here a blazer. I’ve worn it lots. I’ve had it for a year and a half. I don’t like it. It’s the wrong color, and it attracts lint like it’s going out of style. But I want to return this blazer for another blazer that I like." Then I stood there.

I couldn’t believe it. This guy with a big handlebar mustache just looked at me and shook his head. He said, "For heaven’s sake, what took you so long? Let’s go find you a blazer." Ten minutes later I walked out with another blazer that was marked seventy-five dollars more than I paid for the one that I brought in. It was perfect for me. Didn’t cost me a penny.

- God longs to reveal to people that He is the answer and will bring hope. But we need to come to Him and ask Him.

- We need to reach out to Him this Easter season and believe that He will.

- Just like the story, God says to us, “What took you so long”

Lets Pray!!!