Summary: Lies, and deception often come from unusual sources. The results of deception often lead us to the lion that is ready to destoy us !

Watch Out For Liars & Lions !

Introduction: Jeroboam was the first King of the divided kingdom of Israel. He was a wicked king who erected two golden figures as worship. One at Dan and the other at Bethel. He also instituted a non-Levitical priesthood. It is at the dedicating of the altar at Bethel that the events in our scripture take place. Tonight I want us to look at the events focusing mainly upon the young prophet who came from Judah to confront Jeroboam.

I. The Lord Directed Him.

Little is known of this young prophet. His name is not even given. Many people are seem to work hard all their life seeking to make a name for themselves, and have it to appear upon some marquee, yet the only thing that really matters is that the Lord know our name, and that we are faithfully in what he gives us to do.

a. He directed him for a purpose.

Like this young unnamed prophet out of Judah all of us have a purpose. He has called all those that are saved, and has gifted us for a purpose.

b. He directed him to a place

He came out of Judah. He was directed by the Lord to Bethel. He being from Judah would cause his very presence in Bethel to be a dangerous thing. This young prophet shows remarkable courage by going to the place designated by the Lord. Some people sing the old song I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go" but they change the words to something like the following:


I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Real service is what I desire,

I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, But don’t ask me to sing in the choir.

I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I like to see things come to pass,

But don’t ask me to teach anywhere, dear Lord, I’d much rather stay in my class.

I’ll give what you want me to give, dear Lord, I yearn for the kingdom to thrive,

I’ll give you some pennies or nickels, dear Lord, But please don’t ask me to tithe.

I’ll read what you want me to read, dear Lord, as long as the Bible isn’t required,

I’d much prefer some novel over it, even though I know it’s inspired.

I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, I’ll serve you with all of my might. But dont’ ask me to go out and witness, for I’m much too busy tonight !

What kind of limits are we putting on the Lord as far as where we’ll go or where we’ll serve ! If we’re really not willing to go anwhere, I’m not sure if he’ll use us anywhere !

c. He directed him to prophesy.

God didn’t send this young man down to Bethel to "win friends and influence people" The task before him was to be a difficult one, and his message would not be a popular one ! The message of the word of God is becoming more and more unpopular in our society. We should not go out of our way to make people angry or to create hostility, but often times the message will not gain us favor with the people ! This young prophet was sent by God to confront King Jeroboam with his sin. He is sent to deliver a timely message to a King who is leading the people of Israel to sin against the Lord.

d. He directed him to proceed.

The young prophet was further advised by the Lord that he was not to tarry in Bethel. He was not to eat any bread nor drink any water, but he was to proceed from that place as soon as the message was delivered. Why was he not to tarry ? The Lord knew the temptations that this young man would be confronted with, and wants him out of town as quickly as possible lest he be corrupted. We have a message that the world desperately needs to hear, and that we are commanded to share. Yet, we must be careful that we not be corrupted by the world in our sharing up it !

II. The Leader Disliked Him. V. 4

The leader King Jeroboam disliked him because of the message he delivered ! It flew in his face, and confronted him with the error of his ways. The King didn’t like the truth !

a. He Tried To Detain Him.

1. The King’s Attempt.

When the King heard the words that were spoken concerning the altar that he had erected, he stretched out his hand against the prophet, and ordered him to be seized !

2. The King’s Arm.

His attempt to detain the Lord’s annointed were met by the power of God. The arm that he stretched out was withered to the point that he could not draw it back to his own body !

3. The King’s Altar.

At the same instance that his arm withered, the altar was wrecked just as the prophet of God had spoken and the ashes were wasted upon the ground. The King was seeing the prophecy of God just moments before spoken fulfilled before his eyes ! What an awesome display of the word of God, and his power !

4. The King’s Appeal. V. 6

Sad was the King’s condition to begin with, but even sadder still is the evidence that his relationship is so far removed from God that he has to appeal to the prophet to pray for him ! How wonderful is the grace of God ! How mightily God uses his servant ! The prophet prays to the Lord for Jeroboam and the strength in his hand is restored !

b. He Tried To Distract Him.

1. He offered him rest.

2. He offered him refreshment.

3. He offered him riches.

It is hard to believe that the King’s motives are pure. There is no evidence of repentance on his part ! No remorse over the sin he has led the people of Israel to engage in. Since the King had been unable to stop the prophet by force, he seeks now to win him by friendliness, and fortune. If Satan can’t beat us, he’ll try and buy us ! The young prophet demonstrates amazing restraint ! Though weary from his journey, thirsty and hungry, he refuses the King’s offer ! He will not enter his house, eat of his bread, nor drink of his water, even if the King were to give him half of all that he had ! Remember this was part of the command of God to this young man ! V. 10 tells us that he departed and returned a different way from he came.

III. The Liar Deceived Him. V. 11-19

a. The Source Of The Deception. V 11

Satan would here use a "old prophet" to deceive the young prophet. There is a great lesson to be learned from this event. Temptation, and deception often comes to us from unusual sources. Here is a man who had once heard from the Lord, and had once himself delivered the message of God, but now he is a messenger in the hand of another .

b. The Sin Of The Deceiver. V. 11

How had this old prophet gotten to this point ? I believe that the sin of the old prophet is quite evident though no detail is really given. He was a prophet who lived in Bethel. He lived in the realm of rebellion. He knew personally of the King’s ways. He saw the golden image he had made to worship, and had seen the altar erected, and though he is not there as the King dedicates the altar to observe it....neither is he there to oppose it. This old prophet’s sin is neglience. His sin is the sin of doing nothing ! It is the sin of tolerance ! It is the sin of neutrality ! God had to get a man from Judah to do the job that he could not count on the old prophet in Bethel to do !

c. The Scheme Of The Deceiver. Vs. 12-18

He was not present at the dedication of the altar, but his sons were ! Having heard of the message of the young prophet, and the works that occured, the old prophet searches for the young prophet who had departed !

1. He followed him. V.13

2. He found him. V.14

3. He fooled him. V. 15-18

The sons of the old prophet had seen the way which the young prophet left. The old prophet now follows after him, and finds him sitting under a oak tree. The old prophet invites him to return with him to his home and receive nourishment. The young man repeated the command that he had received from the Lord as before. He cannot return with him because God had commanded him earlier not to drink water, eat bread or seek shelter in the place of Bethany. Having been unable to convince him to come, the old prophet now lies to the young man of God. "I am a prophet also as thou art..." Perhaps this was true at one time, but this aged man is only a shadow of what he once was....for if he had been a prophet as the young man that God could count on to deliver the message, then there would have been no cause to send one out of Judah to Bethel. "An angel spoke unto me by the word of the Lord...." This is an out and out lie ! It should have been obvious to the young prophet. He had been strong in his early temptation by the King. Yet, now in a moment of weakness, being tired, thirsty, and hungry.........and surely he can listen to a older prophet, he returns with him and eats bread and drinks water in his house !

IV. The Lion Destroyed Him.

a. The Fatal Mistake.

With our human emotions, we might look at this and claim "this is not fair". The young man came from Judah, showed remarkable courage in delivering his message to the King, and had refused the King’s offer. Yet, partial obedience is not enough, and in this case it proved fatal to the young man of God. God has a purpose for his call, and his commands, and it is best to completely follow them !

b. The Final Message.

I believe that the old prophet is just as surprised as the young prophet as he hears the word of God come from his mouth. I believe that the message that flows from the mouth of the old prophet is a wake-up call to him, and a message of judgment on the young prophet ! He had deceived the young man of God, and now God prophesies through him the young man’s doom. I see in the events that happened afterwards no gloating on the part of the old prophet.

c. The Funeral Mourning.

Having received word of the young man’s death in the streets by the lion, he once again mounts his donkey and goes to bring the young man back.

He had once brought him home alive, but now because of his deception, and the young prophet’s doing, he brings him back to Bethel dead !

The old prophet bury’s the young prophet in the grave meant to be his own, and he mourns ! He further requests that when he too dies that his bones are to be placed alongside the bones of the young prophet of God. Notice the words of V.32 The old prophet is a believer once again. Having heard the message of God from his own mouth, and seeing the fulfillment of God’s prophecy, he now states that the young man’s prophecies would come to pass ! 2 Kings 23:18 tells us that the request of the old man was accomplished. His body was buried beside those of the young prophet ! It is the sad end of two prophets of God who were only partially obedient to the will of God.

In closing tonight, let me remind you that God expects us to be obedient. It is not enough to only carry through half-way. We should also remember that temptation can come from some uncommon sources, and that to resist temptation once is not enough. We should also always be alert that there is a "roaring lion" who is lurking about seeking who he may devour ! Tonight be on guard for liars, and lions !