Summary: This sermon is about how that with God all things are possible. He provides a way out of whatever problem you are in.

Title: No Dead End Streets

Text: Exodus 14:13 -16

Matthew 19:26 Mark 9:23

“I discovered that the things that limited my effectiveness didn’t revolve around a change of geography. I had an inadequate perspective. The issues were all inside of me”

-Tom Clegg, Lost In America, Group Publishing

Genesis 18:14

Exodus 14:8 “God brought them out with an high hand” KJV

“Who marched out boldly” NIV

“They left proudly and defiantly” Amp.

Matthew 17:20

l. THEY HAD A SLAVE MENTALITY. Exodus 14:2,3,12

A. They encountered a problem. Exodus 14:2

Exodus 14:12

B. They were entangled. Exodus 14:3

C. This is the enemy’s devise. Exodus 14:5- 7

ll. THEIR’S WERE A SAD MAYHEM. Exodus 14: 1-12

Mayhem: (Legal term) “any situation brought on by violence, confusion, noise, or disorder”. Webster’s Dictionary

A. The decision of Pharaoh to: Follow up. Exodus 14:1- 9

B. The despair of the people to: Give up. Exodus 14:10- 12

Hebrews 10:39

lll. THE SAVIOR’S MIGHT. Exodus 14: 13,18

A. The declaration of Moses: Look up. Exodus 14:13, 14

“When the outlook is bleak, try the up look” - Warren Wiersbe

Psalm 121: 1 Luke 21:28

1. Moses reminds them of God’s power.

a. Remove Fear Exodus 14:13a

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” -Franklin Roosevelt

2 Timothy 1:7

“There are 365 ‘fear nots’ in the Bible, one for everyday of the year”

b. Remain Firm. Exodus 14:13b

Ephesians 6:13, 14a

2. Moses reassures them of God’s promise.

a. Relay on God to Fight for you. Exodus 14:14

2 Chronicles 32:8 Psalm 24:8

b. Run Forward Exodus 14:15

B. The decree of God: Lift up. Exodus 14:15- 18

John 12:32

2 Chronicles 20:21

Psalms 149:6