January 11th, 2004
Let us pray
Our theme this year is, Glorifying God, and our key verse for the year is Matthew 5
verse 16. Let say it together...."Let your light so shine................." Each week of this
year we will have a verse of the week that we all should memorize, and apply that verse
to our daily life.. For some it might be a verse that you know, and for others it might be a
new verse. Our verses for this week is Proverbs 3: verses 5 and 6. Let’s say it together, "Trust in the Lord.............."
Our topic last Sunday was glorifying God, and we said that the word glory means to give glory, honor or high praise to, exalt. To give glory to, especially through worship.
We said that you are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world, and that you should let your light shine. As you went about your daily task last week, did someone see the light of Christ shining in you, or did they see something else? Did someone find out through the way you were living that you are a Christian, or did they leave wondering who you are?.....elaborate...
Today we will be using as our topic, Needing a break-through. Our scripture can be found in Matthew 20: verses 29 through 34 in your bibles.
Let’s all stand and read together. Please tell someone, God has a blessing for you.
In our Bible Class last Wednesday night, I told the saints to accept the fact that something
good was going to happen to them. I told them to write these words down, something
good is going to happen to me. If you can believe that right now, I would like you to
start trusting God that something good is going to happen to you.........elaborate... I
don’t know how, but I just believe it....
On this 2nd Sunday of the New Year 2004, how many of you here today needs a break-through? That word break-through means the forcing of a way through an
obstruction. You are tired of the way things are going, and so you need a break-through.
You have been working 40 plus hours each week, and it seems you can barely make ends meet, and so today you need a break-through. You are tired of coming to the house of God Sunday after Sunday, and it seems nothing has changed, and so today you need a
break-through. It seems you are having problems after problems with a sister here, a brother over there, a friend next door, and today you need a break-through. It seems sometimes the journey is more than you can handle, and it has crossed your mind to give
up, but today you need a break-through. It seems just the idea of going back home, pushes your blood pressure up, and so today you need a break-through.
If you truly need a break-through today, I believe there are three things God wants you to
do: 1. Cry out to God for help; 2. Don’t let folks stop you from crying out; 3.Accept what God has for you.
In our text we find that as Christ departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.
This mixed multitude was following the Lord for various reasons, for some it was the loaves; for some it was love, while for others they were looking for Christ temporal reigning. In this massive crowd there were two persons not following the Master. In fact,
they were sitting by the way-side. These two men had something in common, they were both blind. I believe they were sitting close to each other having a con-ver-sation. I wonder what they were talking about. Maybe tthey were sharing notes of how they
became blind. Maybe they were talking about the weather. Maybe they were talking about
some current event. I believe as they were talking they received a news flash, they heard
that Jesus had passed by. They had no time to ask who was with Jesus. They had no time
to find out if he was in haste. They had no time to ask what was Jesus wearing or how did
he look.
In a split second, I believe they started to recall who Je-sus is. They must have heard it was Je-sus who turned water into wine. They must have heard it was Je-sus who made the dumb to speak again. They must have heard that leprosy was healed because of this man
Je-sus. They must have heard that Je-sus gave life to the dead, and surely they must have heard that Jesus gave sight to the blind. They realized the condition they were in; they realized that they needed a break-through, they realized that they needed each other and
so they went into partnership to bring their need to Jesus. In verse 30 of our text listen to what they say, Have mercy on us ( not on me, but on us) it was a joint effort. They both needed a break-through and they both cried out to Jesus for help.
If you need a break-through, today you can cry out to Je-sus for help. I want you to put your faith in action right now and believe God for a break-through. It might be a break-through in your finances; it might be a break-through in your marriage; it might be a break-through for your job; it might be a break-through about your neighbor, but whatever it might be, I want you right now to believe God for your break-through. Don’t do this unless you believe it. After the count of three, I want you to say, Je-sus have mercy on me, and believe what you are saying.....1, 2, 3........... Jesus.......
These blind men were not afraid to cry out to Je-sus for mercy. I want someone to know today that there is power in the name of Je-sus. I want someone to know that there is healing in the name of Jesus. I want someone to know...........elaborate.....
When you cry out for help, expecting to receive your break-through, folks around you will not like it, and they will tell you to be quiet, to hold your peace, so don’t allow folks to stop you from crying out. The multitude don’t know what you are going through, you are the one that is blind, you are the one that is in need of a break-through. As these men were crying out to God; as these men were praying to God; as these men were asking the Lord to have mercy on them, they were rebuked by the crowd, and were told to hold their peace. If you need a break-through, remember the crowd can’t help you, but Je-sus can. In
fact you were not calling to the crowd for help, so why are they interfering with you; you were calling out to Je-sus. These two blind men were calling out in earnest to God, and nothing would stop them from receiving their blessing, because they needed a break-
through. I want to tell somebody today, don’t allow anyone to stop you from getting your break-through........elaborate...
Yes, they will tell you to be quiet, but don’t stop crying out. Yes, they will tell you that the
Lord has passed by, but don’t stop crying out. Some-time folks in the church will tell to
hold your peace, but if you need a break-through, just keep on crying out to God. Sometimes in the church folks will tell you, you don’t have to take all of that, but if you need a break-through, just cry out to God. Some-times folks in the church will tell you, you praise God too much, you are too noisy, but if you need a break-through just praise God
anyway. There are folks around you telling you to be quiet, but they don’t know what you know, and what you know is that you need a break-hrough.........elaborate...........
These blind men when they were told to be quiet by the crowd, did not listen to the crowd, but the bible says they cried out the more. If you cry out long enough, if you are persistent in your crying, the crowd will not stop the :Lord from hearing your cry. Je-sus heard his name being called. Je-sus heard the cry for help from two blind men. Je-sus
heard the call for mercy, and the bible says, and the Lord stood still. I want soemone to know if you cry out to God in sincerity, he will stop and listen to your cry.........elaborate...
There were many out there in the crowd quite likely saying Je-sus, but Je-sus heard a special call for mercy which made Him stop; he heard a special call for help which turned him around. These blind men were picked out of the crowd, and Jesus asked them what will ye that I should do unto you? You have been calling me; I have heard your call for help, now here I am, now let me know what I can do for you?. If you need a break-through, Je-sus is waiting to hear from you. If you need a break-through you have to tell
Je-sus what you need. The song says, I must tell Je-sus all my troubles, He is a kind compassionate friend, If I but ask him he will deliver, Make of my troubles quickly an end. It is true Je-sus knows what you are going through; it is true that you need a
break-through; it is true Je-sus understands all about your troubles, but you must tell him
about it. The songwriter goes on to say, I must tell Je-sus, I must tell Jesus, I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus, I must tell Je-sus! Jesus can help me,Jesus alone. Friends might try to help you, but only Jesus truly understands....
These blind men knew exactly what they needed, they knew the kind of break-through that they wanted; they knew the condition they were in, and so when Jesus asked them what he could do for them, they had their answer. In verse 33, They say unto him, Lord that
our eyes may be opened. These two blind men were in it together, noticed they said, our eyes, not my eyes. Many times we miss our blessings because we don’t want others to share our blessings, we want to have it all for ourselves. If you really need a break-through you have to be willing to share your break-through..............elaborate...
When your break-through comes accept it. Let’s look at verse 34 of our text (read) Jesus had compassion on these two blind men. These men were crying out for mercy. Their friend could not help them, but Jesus could. The crowd had turned against them, and told them to be quiet, but Jesus was there to heal them. The bible says Jesus touched their eyes, and not tomorrow; not next week; not next year, but mmediately they received their sight, and when they received their sight they followed the Master; they
were thankful. I want somebody to know today that Je-sus has not changed. The same Jesus who gave these two blind men their break through is in our mids’t today. You can receieve your break-through today.........elaborate....
I wonder today if you really need a break-through; if you do, then cry out to God for help; don’t allow folks in the crowd to stop you from receiving your break-through, and once you receive your break-through accept it and follow the Lord.
Today is your day for a break-through. If you are not saved, Jesus is here to save you.....elaborate.....
If you are saved, but you need a break-through, whatever the obstruction might be,
whatever the problems might Jesus is here to help you. Now is your time to cry out to God for help, and help is available for you................elaborate.....
Let us stand
Closing song/prayer