If you use any or all of this message--would you be willing to fire off a quick email to:pastorjerryvargo@juno.com? I would like to have an idea of how often my sermons are actually being preached to strengthen the Body of Christ. Thanks!
Giving God’s Way
By Pastor Jerry C. Vargo
Opening Story
A man called the church and asked if he could speak to the Head Hog at the Trough. The secretary said, "Who?" "I want to speak to the Head Hog at the Trough!" Knowing she had heard right, she said, "Sir, if you mean our pastor, you will have to treat him with more respect--and ask for ’The Reverend’ or ’The Pastor.’ But surely you cannot refer to him as the Head Hog at the Trough!" "Oh, I’m sorry," the man replied. "I just happen to have ten thousand dollars I was thinking about donating to the Building Fund." At which point the secretary said, "Hold the line, sir—I think the Big Pig just walked through the door."
--James S. Hewett
“A Gallop Poll of Church Members reported that 17% say that they tithe-- but only 3% actually do. 40% will give nothing in a year. 91% say they make more money than they ever have in their life. 71% of pastors believe that church members have changed from stewards into consumers.”
I. Introduction.
A. Much of the world today believes that Christianity is a big rip off—and it can be if what we preach is unbalanced or partial to the whims of the preacher.
B. In ministry, I try to preach what I have lived or am currently trying to live—in other words, I preach from experience.
C. I strive to serve you well by bringing a balance of topics that help us all live the walk in a way that honors God.
D. With this in mind, I have felt that God wanted me to teach on a subject that I do not preach on very often.
E. Today, I want to teach on the importance of giving! Not token giving—you know…giving $10 bucks to ease our conscience. No, I want us to look at Giving God’s Way—Tithing!
F. If we give our way—it will most often fall short of what God commands. If we give God’s way—it will result in awesome results.
G. Listen, as Christians we tithe (the giving of 10%) because we understand that God owns it all anyway!
H. The unbeliever (or the carnal Christian) does not give or (tithe) for numerous reasons—too many to cover here…but a few reasons are…
Lack of Knowledge of God’s Word on the subject (sometimes purposely)!
Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…"
Lack of Trust in God’s ability (or willingness) to meet our financial needs!
Philippians 4:19
"My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Twisting God’s Word in such a way that we convince ourselves that tithing is not for today!
Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever."
I. And so—on and on it goes. However, let me tell you something—If you are not a tither—it is you who are missing the blessing. God does not need your money—He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
J. Today, I want to encourage you to keep tithing if you currently do—and start tithing if you do not. I mean—WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO MISS THE FULNESS OF GOD’S BLESSINGS?
K. So, with that as my introduction, let me say to you that this may be an approach to tithing that you have never heard before. It might be the nicest sermon you have ever heard on the subject.
II. Body.
A. I do not know about you, but I am so tired of hearing sermons about tithing and giving that somehow make me feel like jumping off the Empire State building!
B. You know what I mean right? It seems like most messages I have ever heard on tithing—by the end of the message I feel like I am the biggest loser on earth…
I do not give enough.
I have robbed God.
I am excessively materialistic.
My motives are selfish.
I do not care about the work of God.
Lastly…I am probably not even saved!
C. These pastors or evangelists have really done the Body of Christ a great disservice. Why? Let me just mention a couple of reasons…
They have convinced the world that we Christians are all after the world’s money (Can I just say that God or I doesn’t NEED their money).
They have misrepresented the heart of the Father with respect to giving (convincing us that giving is the LAW –and it is NOT).
I believe they have actually turned the Body of Christ off to the subject of giving—actually causing a decrease in giving rather than an increase.
D. Now, with all of this as a background…let me just make a few points about giving today.
1. Tithing Is An Act of Love—Not Law!
A. My life has been marked by the faithfulness of God’s provision. Over and over again—God has provided for me—today marks my 24th anniversary in
Christ—and my testimony is this…HE HAS BEEN FAITHFUL…I’m sure you all could say the same thing.
B. Listen to an awesome quote:
"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving."
--James S. Hewett
"Honor the LORD by giving him your money and the first part of all your crops. Then you will have more grain and grapes than you will ever need."
Tithe if you love Jesus; any idiot can honk!
C. We are living testimonies of God’s goodness.
Psalms 37:25
"I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread."
D. I do not know about you, but I do not spend my days worrying about how I am going to get food tomorrow. I just take it for granted that God will supply.
E. It is out of this basic principle that I govern my life of giving. There are other reasons—scriptural reasons—but I just give because God has been faithful to give to me.
F. It is out of gratitude that I tithe…not because it is the Law…but because I love God and I want to glorify Him with my finances.
G. It is quite simple—I give because I love God…it is that simple.
H. As a matter of fact I believe that we can look at our own checkbooks to determine how committed and in love with God we really are!
Transition: So, we should give because we love God…not because it is the Legalistic thing to do!
2. Tithing Is Not The Law—But A Great Principle!
A. Now, most people (and preachers) that I know approach tithing as LAW. I just simply do not agree with that.
B. One pastor taught tithing as law so seriously that he developed a box…
"…for the weekly collection of the tithes and offerings. He claimed that it was designed to encourage people to become better stewards of their money. He explained that the box had some interesting features. When you drop in a check or paper money in large amounts, the box makes no sound at all. Put a quarter in and it tinkles like a bell. A dime blows a whistle, and a penny fires a shot. When you put in nothing, the box takes your picture."
C. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say that tithing is NOT something that we have to do. It is something that we should WANT to do.
D. Actually, the Bible (I could prove this if time permitted) advocates giving MORE than ten percent. It actually advocates giving more away than you keep.
E. If it is not the LAW—then what is it? It is a GREAT PRINCIPLE! Follow me here:
It was a PRINCIPLE before the LAW—Abraham gave tithes to a priest called Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:1-5.
Note in Hebrews 7:5 that tithing was during the LAW.
Then turn to Mt. 23:23…this was during the law just many years later.
My point is this: If tithing were good before the Law and good during the Law…then why would it cease to be good after the Law? The answer is this: It hasn’t ceased to be good…it is a good principle that should still be practiced today…not out of law…but out of good biblical principle.
I can hear some of your minds turning now! Wow, Pastor…you mean I can quit tithing and God will not be mad with me? Yep! BUT, if you quit, it will not be good for your spiritual life. Tithing is a good principle that helps us give in a disciplined manner.
Jesus said: "What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world but in the end lose his soul?"
III Conclusion.
One man from Thailand tells about a church of 400 members there. Each person tithes not only money from his or her wages…but also rice too! Because of this meager giving, they have done more than any church in the city. They even pay their own preacher and have sent two missionary families to spread the gospel to communities cut off from the outside world. They especially like to give to people who are less fortunate than they are. Because of their giving to the underprivileged, many have given their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Oh, by the way, this church of all tithers is also a church of all lepers--every person has leprosy.
A. Let me close with a very powerful thought from God’s Word Good closing scripture:
Proverbs 30:8-9
"Keep deception and lies far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, lest I be full and deny Thee and say, "Who is the LORD?" Or lest I be in want and steal, and profane the name of my God."
Tithe for 3 Months-if it fails-The church will give you back all your money—no questions asked1
Glory to God!