A Steward¡¦s View of Life
Matthew 25:14-30
This morning I want to begin a series of messages for stewardship month focusing on a Christian view of stewardship. What is stewardship and what does it have to do with us? First let me dispel some myths about stewardship:
Stewardship is not just another word for giving ¡V stewardship is a defined lifestyle. It includes everything in life from the most exciting to the most mundane. Giving is only a small part of it.
Stewardship is not a source of income for the church ¡V it is a way of life for those committed to Jesus Christ.
Stewardship is not so much about obligation as it is about obedience.
Stewardship doesn¡¦t start in your life until it starts in your heart.
So what does the Bible say about stewardship? A lot. . The fact is that Jesus talked about stewardship of our resources far more than any other subject recorded in the Gospels. Jesus talked about stewardship in 1 out of every 10 verses recorded in the Gospels. So let¡¦s look together at what Jesus said in one of those cases and see what we can learn about being stewards.
Read Matthew 25:14-30
There are two words that I want you to look at with me this morning as we look at A steward¡¦s view of life. By way of footnote let me tell you that much of what I want to share with you this morning is inspired by a book written by John Ortberg. (If You Want To Walk on Water You¡¦ve Got to Get Out of the Boat ¡V Zondervan)
1) Entrusted ¡V Notice that in the parable that Jesus tells here ¡V the Master is the owner. It says he called his servants to Him and entrusted his possessions to them. These men became stewards not owners of the possessions. This master was obviously rich beyond anything any of us know. Most scholars accept that a talent was a measure of money equivalent to about 15 years wages for the common man. Remember that we are talking about a society that lived pretty much hand to mouth. The sums that Jesus is talking about are extraordinary. The master was not giving this to them to keep or spend on themselves he was entrusting it to their care. These men had the chance of a lifetime ¡V this is an opportunity for them to exercise initiative, use judgment, test their marketing skills, and potentially rise up to higher positions in life. This was their moment ¡V their chance to shine. The master had entrusted them with great responsibility.
Stewards view life as being entrusted by God ¡V God has given you talents to manage in the same way that he did the servants in the parable. This is a matter of ownership ¡V there is no amount of your life that is His and the rest yours. He owns it all and we are mearly stewards. Let me give you an idea of some of the things he has entrusted to your stewardship.
ƒß The Earth ¡V Then God said, ¡§Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.¡¨ Remember God is the owner and creator ¡V yet he has given us dominion ¡V stewardship over the earth. We are responsible for managing resources the way God (the owner) would. We are not given dominion to trash, destroy, and exploit. We are given dominion to manage, protect, and cultivate. The earth and its resources are not given to us to abuse but to manage. Is conservation, recycling, and proper development of the land a new concept? No it is the very directive of God when we were charged with stewardship over the earth and it¡¦s creatures.
ƒß Life ¡V Time, Talent, Treasure ¡V all these you have been given in measure that most of the world could only imagine in their wildest dreams. God has given you the opportunity of a lifetime to invest ¡V not in your own pleasure ¡V but in His kingdom. Remember that stewards are charged to manage their resources in a way that is consistent with the master¡¦s wishes. Your Relationships, children, marriages, friendships ¡V these are all gifts of God that you are charged to be stewards over.
ƒß The Gospel ¡V the good news. We have been entrusted with the stewardship of God¡¦s message. 9¡§Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;¡K We are given the stewardship of this mighty task. The message is His but He has given us the trust of carrying it to the world.
2) Journey ¡V The master here is going on a journey ¡V he isn¡¦t dead. What do you think that implies? He¡¦s coming back. If he¡¦s coming back there will ultimately be a settling of accounts with these stewards. In other words there is an expectation on the part of the owner that when he returns he will find that his stewards have managed his accounts in an appropriate manner. Each of these men understood that there would be an accounting at some point for their use and investment of this money. Notice when the master returns to settle his accounts ¡V the amount of the investment and the amount of the return have nothing to do with the judgment that is rendered. What the master judges is each one of the servants response to the gift that was given. Two invested ¡V two tried ¡V two were blessed. One squandered the opportunity and was cursed in his loss. Look at the account that is settled with this last servant. He is not judged harshly for what he did ¡V he didn¡¦t steal the money ¡V or spend it on himself. He didn¡¦t go and blow it on loose living. He is judged not for doing bad things but for doing nothing. Jesus uses two very important words to describe this man ¡V wicked and lazy. He is wicked and lazy not because of what he did but what he did not do. He did not manage the accounts of his master in a proper way.
Stewards understand that Accounts will be settled ¡V John Ortberg reminds us that ¡§There is one before whom we will all stand. He is loving, holy, gracious, and just but He intends for us to understand that we really will give account to him of our lives.¡¨ ¡§The master is coming back. He¡¦s going to settle up ¡V with all the CEO¡¦s, presidents, prime ministers, network anchors, mother, fathers, plumbers, teachers, and you and me.¡¨ The truth is it doesn¡¦t matter who you are ¡V you will give an account of the stewardship of your life and resources. No one is exempt ¡V no excuses will matter. It will just be you and the master ¡V face to face. What will He say to you?
The truth this morning when all is said and done is this-
ƒß What you have ¡V you have because God gave it to you. The earth is the LORD¡¦S, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. Psalm 24.
ƒß What you do with what you have is important to God - ¡§His master replied, ¡¥Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master¡¦s happiness!¡¦