Summary: It all comes down to two questions - where is your focus? And where is your trust?


One day, a financial planner was preparing to meet with a new client, and as he reviewed this client’s paperwork, he became very concerned. The client came in, and the financial planner said, “Well, I’ve been reviewing your paperwork, and I have to tell you, if I were you, I’d be worried.”

“Why do you say that?” the client said.

“Well, on the one hand, you don’t have any debt, so that’s good. On the other hand, you don’t have any savings. You don’t own any stocks or bonds. You have no equity, because you move around all the time. You don’t really seem to have a regular source of income. According to your social security statement, you won’t be receiving much when you retire. You don’t have an IRA or 401k. You are getting older. Doesn’t any of this concern you?” the financial planner said.

“Actually, no,” the client said. “I feel fine. I’m pretty content,”

The financial planner was very surprised at how calm his client was about his finances. “You hardly have a dime to your name, and yet, you don’t seem to be worried at all.”

Of course, this client was the Apostle Paul, who says in our text for today, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.”

Do you know that secret? The Apostle Paul, by our standards, wasn’t a very well-off man. He was unprepared for retirement – didn’t own a whole lot. And yet, he was content, more relaxed and more at ease about his financial situation than most people in our society today. What was his secret?

Today, and next Sunday, we’re going to talk about contentment. We’re going to do this as we consider the subject of stewardship. Stewardship, remember, is how we use the things that God has given to us. God has given to each one of us a certain amount of time, a certain amount of talents, and a certain amount of treasures. Stewardship really focuses on this question – how are you using the things that God has given to you? It is true that God wants you to use your time and talents to earn a living, to take care of your home and your family, to enjoy some of the things he has placed on this earth. But are you also using a portion of your time and talents to glorify God, and serve your fellow man?

It’s the same thing when it comes to your treasures, your finances. God has given to you a certain amount of money, and it is true that God wants us to use that money to take care of your home, your family. God wants us to use some of your money to enjoy some of the things he has placed around you. But are you also using a portion of your money to glorify God, and serve your fellow man? That’s stewardship.

But before we even talk about that, though, we need to first talk about contentment. You see, contentment is the key to stewardship. If you are content with the things God has given to you, then you will use many of those things to glorify God and serve your fellow man, and that’s good stewardship. If you are discontent, you won’t do that. You’ll use your time and talents and treasures primarily to serve yourself, and that’s bad stewardship. Contentment is the key.

What are you right now? Content, or discontent? Who do you want to be? What is the secret of being content in any and every situation? It all comes down to two things – where is your focus, and where is your trust. If your trust and focus are in the right place, you will be content, and you will be a good steward of the things God has given to you.

Where do most people look today, as they seek to be content in their lives? Most people are looking for contentment in all the wrong places. Their focus is primarily on money. And their trust is primarily in themselves.

You often see that when there’s a big lottery pay out, and the newscasters are standing in front of the gas stations interviewing people who are buying lottery tickets. You can see it in people’s eyes – “If only I could win the lottery, then I would finally be content. Then all my troubles would go away, and finally, I would be happy.” And yet, there are a great many stories of wealthy people who are discontent with life.

Here’s an interesting quote from People Magazine, 1978 – who is this: “I sit in my house in Buffalo and sometimes I get so lonely it’s unbelievable. Life has been so good to me. I’ve got a great wife, good kids, my own health – and I’m lonely and bored… I often wondered why so many rich people commit suicide. Money sure isn’t a cure-all.” Do you know who said that? It was OJ Simpson, when things were going well for him, long before his problems that took place 10 years ago.

As you pursue the American dream, if your focus is on money, and your trust is in yourself – you will never, ever be content. Let’s look at the Apostle Paul. He lived a life of extremes. As he traveled all over the world, almost single-handedly starting the Christian church, he experienced highs and lows. At times he was well-taken care of, well-fed, good clothes to wear, a nice place to stay. But he also experienced some lows. At times he went hungry, he didn’t have good clothes to wear, he didn’t have a nice place to stay. And yet, through it all, look at what Paul says in verse 11: “I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.” His focus was not on money. And his trust was not in himself. Look at verse 12: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed of hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” His secret, was where he placed his focus, and where he placed his trust. Look at verse 13: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Who is the “Him” Paul is talking about here? Obviously, it is Christ. His focus, his trust, were both in Christ. It was Christ who gave him the strength to be content, regardless of the circumstances that Paul found himself in. That was his secret.

What about you? Are you someone who struggles with contentment? Have you been looking for contentment in all the wrong places? As Americans, we like to pretend that we are spiritual – we talk about the importance of the family and helping others. But deep down, the real question is this – where is your focus? Where is your trust? As you pursue the American dream, are you focused on that paycheck? Are you trusting in yourself? Is there any room in your heart for Christ?

This morning, as we think about these things, each one of us has various sins that we can confess to God. Deep down, we all struggle with contentment. We like looking at our paychecks. We like to trust in ourselves. Christ is sort of a side-show while I focus on the important things of life. This morning, I invite you to confess your sins to God. Don’t be afraid to speak to God honestly – those sins to God.

Confess, and then rejoice. Rejoice because Christ has taken your sins away. Rejoice because today, God gives you something more valuable than a paycheck – he gives you the forgiveness of sins. When you die, you’ll have to leave everything behind, and everything you own will be divided among other people and fade away. But there is one thing you will be able to take with you, and that is the forgiveness of sins. When you stand before the throne of God, that is the only thing you have that will matter.

How amazing, that Jesus Christ, the richest man that ever walked the face of the earth, would become so poor, so that you and I could have the forgiveness of sins. Even though he was more powerful than the President, richer than the Rockefellers, he became a poor, homeless, Jewish rabbi. But that’s not all. He sunk even lower, becoming a sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world. How amazing, that Christ would do all this, so that today, you could have the forgiveness of sins.

Focus on Christ, and then,you will find the contentment you’ve been looking for all your life. As Jesus says in our Gospel lesson for this morning, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Let your focus first be on him, and not your paycheck. Let your trust be in him, and not yourself. Trust him when he says that all these other things will be given to you as well. Trust him, when he says that he will take care of you. Trust him, when he says that he will make sure that you’ll never have too much, and you’ll never have too little. And during those times in life when God tests you, and you are tempted to be discontent, then remember Paul’s secret. Let your focus be on Christ, on his love and forgiveness which he has shown to you on the cross. And let your trust be in Christ. You can do all things through him who strengthens you. Amen.