David, A man after God’s Blessing
2 Samuel 6:12-23
I.David Wanted God’s blessing.
1.David wanted the presence of God. 6:2
a)The Ark was symbolic of God’s presence.
b)It contained important contents of the faith. A gold pot that had manna in it, Aaron’s rod that had budded, and the tables of the Law. Hebrews 9:4
c)It was also the support of the “mercy seat”, on which the Lord appeared and spoke. Exodus 25:17-2
2.David was afraid of the presence of God. 6:6-10
a)Because Uzzah was struck down for touching the ark. 6-8
b)So David didn’t want to risk any more lives. 9-10
3.David was willing to face the possibility of paying a price for the presence of God. 6:12
a)When he was reminded of the blessings of the presence of God he wanted them too.
b)The blessing is worth the sacrifice.
II.David Sacrificed what he had for God’s blessing.
1.David sacrificed his possessions. 6:13
a)David wanted to make sacrifices to the Lord so that the Lord would go before him.
b)We should be willing to sacrifice for the Lord before we receive His blessings.
2.David sacrificed his position. 6:14a
a)He put on an ephod. An ephod was a garment that the high priest would wear to consult with God.
b)So David was will to go from King to Priest.
c)Sometimes we must put on a different “hat” in order to make a sacrifice to God. David traded his crown for an ephod.
3.David sacrificed his pride. 6:14b & 20-22
a)David danced before the Lord with all his might. 14b
b)He was king, he could have had hundreds of men do that for him, but he made the sacrifice. Sometimes God calls us to make a personal sacrifice.
c)And when we do there is always someone there to tell us how foolish we are. Michal was ready to put out David’s fire. 20
d)But David was willing to do even more for the Lord. 21 & 22
III.David received God’s blessing.
1.God gave him rest. 7:1
2.God established David’s Heritage. 7:9b, & 7:12
3.God established David’s throne forever. 7:16
a)God established an eternal throne through his bloodline.
b)His bloodline which lead to the savior, Jesus Christ.